THE GIBSON GROUP (SCOTLAND) LIMITED: Person with Significant Control

  • Overview

    Company StatusActive
    Legal FormPrivate limited company
    Company Number SC141199
    Date of Creation

    Who are the persons with significant control of THE GIBSON GROUP (SCOTLAND) LIMITED?

    Persons with significant controls
    NameNotified OnAddressCeased
    Kings Landing Limited
    Office 504, Shagri La Hotel
    Sheikh Zayed Road
    C/O Davidson & Co Legal Consultants
    United Arab Emirates
    Sep 18, 2020
    Office 504, Shagri La Hotel
    Sheikh Zayed Road
    C/O Davidson & Co Legal Consultants
    United Arab Emirates
    Legal FormLimited Liability
    Country RegisteredUnited Arab Emirates
    Legal AuthorityOffsore Comapnies Regulations Of Jebel Ali Free Zone Of 2003
    Place RegisteredJebel Ali Free Zone Authority
    Registration Number182117
    Natures of Control
    • The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 75% of the shares in the company.
    • The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 75% of the voting rights in the company.
    • The person holds the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint or remove a majority of the board of directors of the company.
    Kingmoor Park South Ind Est, Queens Drive
    CA6 4SB Carlisle
    Site A
    Apr 06, 2016
    Kingmoor Park South Ind Est, Queens Drive
    CA6 4SB Carlisle
    Site A
    Legal FormPrivate Company Limited By Shares
    Country RegisteredUnited Kingdom
    Legal AuthorityEnglish Law
    Place RegisteredCompanies House
    Registration Number04542352
    Natures of Control
    • The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the activities of a firm that, under the law by which it is governed is not a legal person; and the members of that firm (in their capacity as such) hold, directly or indirectly, more than 75% of the shares in the company.
    • The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the activities of a firm that, under the law by which it is governed is not a legal person; and the members of that firm (in their capacity as such) hold, directly or indirectly, more than 75% of the voting rights in the company.

    Data Source

    • UK Companies House
      The official register of companies in the UK, providing public access to company information such as names, addresses, directors, and financial filings.
    • license: CC0