• Panoramica

    Stato della societàSciolta
    Forma giuridicaSocietà a responsabilità limitata
    Numero di società 01483729
    Data di costituzione
    Data di cessazione


    Charge over accounts
    Creato il 15 gen 2007
    Consegnato il 30 gen 2007
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company and any other obligor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brevi particolari
    All of its right title benefit and interest in and to the charged accounts and the balances from time to time standing to the credit of the charged accounts and the debts represented thereby. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The Security Trustee)
    • 30 gen 2007Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 05 set 2007Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Floating charge
    Creato il 15 gen 2007
    Consegnato il 30 gen 2007
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the secured parties (or any of them) on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brevi particolari
    The charged property being all field interests of the company present and future. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The Security Trustee)
    • 30 gen 2007Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 05 set 2007Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Creato il 21 lug 2006
    Consegnato il 28 lug 2006
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company or any obligor to any secured creditor on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brevi particolari
    All the company's rights to and title and interest from time to time in the relevant project accounts, all account proceeds, by way of first floating charge all the company's rights to and title and interest from time to time in the whole of its property, assets, rights and revenues. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Abn Amro Bank N.V. (The Security Trustee)
    • 28 lug 2006Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 07 set 2006Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Third supplemental deed of amendment to a note purchase agreement dated 23 december 2003 and
    Creato il 27 gen 2006
    Consegnato il 09 feb 2006
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from any group company to the senior finance parties (or any of them) under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brevi particolari
    If any borrower or the issuer makes any payment in cash or in kind on account of, or for the purchase or other acquisition of all or any part of the junior liabilities or the subordianted liabilies or the junior lender or any subordianted lender recieves all or any amount in cash, the junior lender will hold any amount so received on trust for the collateral agent,. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Deutsche Bank Ag (The Collateral Agent)
    • 09 feb 2006Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 28 lug 2006Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    First supplemental deed of amendment to a guarantee and debenture dated 23 december 2003 and
    Creato il 27 gen 2006
    Consegnato il 09 feb 2006
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company or CH4 energy limited to the secured parties (or any of them) under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brevi particolari
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Deutsche Bank Ag (The Collateral Agent)
    • 09 feb 2006Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 28 lug 2006Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    An accession deed to intercreditor deed dated 23 december 2003
    Creato il 19 mag 2004
    Consegnato il 03 giu 2004
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from any group company to the senior finance parties (or any of them) under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brevi particolari
    The rights and remedies of the junior lender and the subordinated lenders in respect of the junior liabilities and the subordinated liabilities, respectively, and the junior security are subordinated to the rights and remedies of the senior finance parties in respect of the senior liabilities and the senior security. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Deutsche Bank Ag
    • 03 giu 2004Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 28 lug 2006Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Security accession deed
    Creato il 19 mag 2004
    Consegnato il 03 giu 2004
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the parent or any charging company to the secured parties under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brevi particolari
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Deutsche Bank Ag
    • 03 giu 2004Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 28 lug 2006Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Creato il 20 mag 1993
    Consegnato il 07 giu 1993
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under or in respect of the loan agreement the other security documents (or any of them) and this charge
    Brevi particolari
    The markham field percentage interest,the assets,the receivables,the original rights.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Christiania Bank Og Kreditkasse
    • 07 giu 1993Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 16 apr 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Scottish assignation
    Creato il 22 apr 1993
    Consegnato il 10 mag 1993
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under or by virtue of the loan agreement dated 31/07/92 or any security document (as defined)
    Brevi particolari
    All right title and interest under or by virtue of the licence to or in the facilities relating to the claymore field (please refer to form 395 M91 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Christiana Bank Og Kreditkasse
    • 10 mag 1993Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 16 apr 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Fixed charge
    Creato il 12 feb 1993
    Consegnato il 26 feb 1993
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the loan agreement dated 31/7/92 or any security document (as defined therein)
    Brevi particolari
    (A) all rights claims assets benefits and interests of the company (I) under or by virtue of the licences (ii) to or in the facilities relating to the fields (iii) under or by virtue of the mua, block 49/5A joa claymore joa (the "joas") (iv) under or by virtue of the claymore transportation agreements (v) under or by virtue of the other project documents (vi) to or in the insurances and any amount received by the company under the insurances (vii) all monies standing to the credit of the compensation accounts and the proceeds accounts (viii) under or by virtue of all guarantees indemnities and securities etc. in connection with any of the documents listed above, either of the fields or the project and (ix) under or by virtue of any and all other agreements permits leases and consents etc. (for full details see ch microfiche).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Christiania Bank Og Kreditkasse
    • 26 feb 1993Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 16 apr 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Floating charge
    Creato il 31 lug 1992
    Consegnato il 04 ago 1992
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the loan agreement dated 310792 (as defined)
    Brevi particolari
    All property present and future by way of first floating charge but excluding the assets outlined on form 395.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Christiania Bank Og Kreditkasse
    • 04 ago 1992Registrazione di un'ipoteca (395)
    • 16 apr 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Account agreement
    Creato il 26 gen 1989
    Consegnato il 15 feb 1989
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    Certain obligations and liabilities in relation to the costs of carrying out operations in connection with the abandonment of the emerald field in favour of emerald field contracting limited.
    Brevi particolari
    The two accounts designated "emerald field participants abandonment account and related assets (see form M395 ref M366 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Emerald Field Contracting Limited
    • 15 feb 1989Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 24 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Account agreement
    Creato il 26 gen 1989
    Consegnato il 15 feb 1989
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    The participants' (efpa) liabilities owed by the company to the section 10 creditor to the project lenders
    Brevi particolari
    Peko's earnings account and its related assets. (See form M395 reg m 364 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 15 feb 1989Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 24 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Creato il 26 gen 1989
    Consegnato il 15 feb 1989
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All moneys due or to become due from the company to the banks (as defined) and the law debenture trust corporation P.L.C (the trustee) under the terms of the charge.
    Brevi particolari
    Under charge (a): all rights & benefits of peko under an agreement ("the neole by agreement") dated 30/9/87 (b) its trust assets after deduction of the first amount (please see continuation sheets on form 395 for full details.).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Banks (As Defined) and the Law Debenture Trust Corporation P.L.C.(the Trustee)
    • 15 feb 1989Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 29 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Scottish assignation in security
    Creato il 26 gen 1989
    Consegnato il 15 feb 1989
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All moneys due or to become due from the company to barclays bank PLC (as section 10 creditors agent as defined) under the terms of the emerald field participants agreements and this debenture
    Brevi particolari
    Peko's whole right, title, interest & benefit in and to:- (I) the relevant agreements; (ii) the participants claims and (iii) (same to the extent falling within (I) or (ii) above any and all other contracts (including without limitation, leasingagreements) permits, licences, franchises, consents, easements, dervitudes, wayleaves and other rights now or hereafter existing. (See form 395 continuation sheet for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 15 feb 1989Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 10 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Creato il 26 gen 1989
    Consegnato il 15 feb 1989
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All moneys due or to become due from the company to barclays bank PLC (as section 10 creditor's agent - as defined) under the terms of the emerald field participants' agreements and this debenture
    Brevi particolari
    Fixed charges:- the charged assets (with the exception of peko's petroleum and peko's petroleum insurance proceeds). Floating charges:- the charged assets (including without limitation, peko's petroleum). Assignment by way of security:- peko's insurance proceeds (see continuation sheets of form 395 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 15 feb 1989Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 24 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Supplemental scottish assignation intimated as stated in a certificate of intimation dated 11/11/86
    Creato il 02 lug 1986
    Consegnato il 27 nov 1986
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company and/or north sea & general oil investments PLC to the chargee under any of the financing documents
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right title and interest of the company in and to the comprehensive utilisation agreement (see form 395 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 27 nov 1986Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 24 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Scottish assignation intimated as stated in the certificate of intimation dated 8.10.86
    Creato il 02 lug 1986
    Consegnato il 17 ott 1986
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of an agreements dated 26 july 1984 and all or any other amounts owing or to become owing by the company or north sea & general oil investment pc
    Brevi particolari
    The whole rights, title and interest of the company in and to the restated claymore joa. (See m 395 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 17 ott 1986Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 24 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Supplemental scottish assignation intimation as stated in the certificate of intimation dated 8.10.86
    Creato il 02 lug 1986
    Consegnato il 17 ott 1986
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of an agreement dated 26.7.84 and all or any other accounts owing or to become owing by the company or north sea & general oil investments PLC to the bank under any of the financing documents.
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right title and interest of the company in and to the comprehensive unitsation agreement (see M395 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 17 ott 1986Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 26 ago 1992Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Scottish assignation
    Creato il 02 lug 1986
    Consegnato il 07 lug 1986
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All moneys due or to become due from the company or north sea & general oil investments PLC to the chargee under the terms of the agreements and any of the financing documents.
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right, title and interest of the company is and to the restated claymore joa (see doc M62).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 07 lug 1986Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    Supplemental scottish assignation
    Creato il 02 lug 1986
    Consegnato il 07 lug 1986
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All moneys due or to become due from the company or north sea & general oil investments PLC to the chargee under the terms of the agreement and any of the financing documents.
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right, title and interest of the company is and to the comprehensive unitisation agreement. (See doc M61).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 07 lug 1986Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    Assignation dated 3/10/84 intimated as stated in the certificate of intimation data 17/10/86
    Creato il 03 ott 1984
    Consegnato il 24 ott 1986
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from north sea & general oil investments PLC under an agreement dated 26/7/84 and all monies due or to become due from the company and/or north sea & general oil investments PLC to the chargee under any of the financing documents as defined in the agreements.
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right title and interest of the company in and to the licences (see form 395 for details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 24 ott 1986Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 24 feb 1996Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Scottish assignation intimated as stated in the certificate d/d 15/11/84
    Creato il 03 ott 1984
    Consegnato il 04 dic 1984
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of an agreement dated 26/7/84 and all or any other amounts owing or to become owing by the company or north sea & general oil investments PLC to the bank under any of the fiancing documents.
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the licences, the licence assignments and the principal operating agreements. (See doc M60 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 04 dic 1984Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 26 ago 1992Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)
    Creato il 03 ott 1984
    Consegnato il 23 ott 1984
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of an agreement dated 26/7/84.
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right title & interest of the company in and to licences the licence agreements and the principal operating agrements. (See doc M58 for full details).
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 23 ott 1984Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    Creato il 03 ott 1984
    Consegnato il 23 ott 1984
    Soddisfatta integralmente
    Importo garantito
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of an agreement dated 26.7.84
    Brevi particolari
    The whole right,title and interest of the company in and to licences and licence assignments and principal operating agreements. See doc 58.
    Persone aventi diritto
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 23 ott 1984Registrazione di un'ipoteca
    • 26 ago 1992Dichiarazione di soddisfazione di un onere in tutto o in parte (403a)

    Fonte dati

    • Companies House del Regno Unito
      Il registro ufficiale delle imprese nel Regno Unito, che fornisce l'accesso pubblico alle informazioni sulle imprese, come nomi, indirizzi, amministratori e depositi finanziari.
    • Licenza: CC0