BLSSP (PHC 26) LIMITED: Encargos

  • Visão geral

    Nome da empresaBLSSP (PHC 26) LIMITED
    Estado da empresaDissolvida
    Forma jurídicaSociedade privada limitada
    Número da empresa 04104035
    JurisdiçãoInglaterra/País de Gales
    Data de criação
    Data de cessação

    BLSSP (PHC 26) LIMITED possui encargos?

    A registered charge
    Criado em 24/05/2017
    Entregue em 25/05/2017
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    Freehold land and buildings on the north east side of windermere drive, worcester registered at the land registry under title number WR96613; and. Leasehold land known as j sainsbury PLC, windermere drive, worcester WR4 9JN registered at the land registry under title number HW154159.
    A garantia flutuante cobre tudo: Sim
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Contém uma garantia flutuante: Sim
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Investec Bank PLC
    • 25/05/2017Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 28/07/2017Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 24/05/2017
    Entregue em 25/05/2017
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Investec Bank PLC
    • 25/05/2017Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 28/07/2017Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Supplemental deed
    Criado em 05/04/2013
    Entregue em 23/04/2013
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the chargors to the borrower secured parties on any account whatsover under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    L/H land on the north side of windermere drive blackpole worcestershire wychavon t/no HW154159 and f/h land at blackpole worcester t/no WR96613 fixed charge all rental income any guarantee of rental income,its rights under any security or deposit agreement or arrangement see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Capita Trust Company Limited ("Borrower Security Trustee")
    • 23/04/2013Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 26/05/2017Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Borrower deed of charge
    Criado em 28/02/2006
    Adquirido em 05/04/2013
    Entregue em 16/04/2013
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All rights title and interest in the existing nominee property assets see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Capita Trust Company Limited ("Borrower Security Trustee")
    • 16/04/2013Registro de uma aquisição (MG06)
    • 26/05/2017Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Borrower deed of charge
    Criado em 28/02/2006
    Entregue em 09/03/2006
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the chargors to the borrower secured parties on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Please refer to form 395 for details of properties charged. Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Capita Trust Company Limited (The Borrower Security Trustee) on Trust for Itself and the Otherborrower Secured Parties
    • 09/03/2006Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 26/05/2017Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A supplemental borrower deed of charge supplemental to the borrower deed of charge dated 20 june 2001
    Criado em 15/08/2003
    Entregue em 28/08/2003
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All present and future obligations and liabilities of the borrower to the borrower secured parties. All present and future obligations and liabilities of the charging companies to the borrower under clause 2.2 of the borrower deed of charge under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    By way of first fixed charge all of its interest in the charged additional mortgaged property. All its rights under the agreement and declaration of trust and deed of instruction and indemnity. All fixtures owned by it at the charged additional mortgaged property and its interest in any fixtures in its possession. Its interest in all benefits in respect of the insurances to the extent that they relate to the charged additional mortgaged property.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Capita Irg Trustees Limited in Its Capacity as Secured Note Trustee
    • 28/08/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 04/04/2007Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (403a)
    Deed of charge between amongst others blssp (funding) PLC (the "borrower"), the original charging companies and capita irg trustees limited (the "secured note registrar")
    Criado em 20/06/2001
    Entregue em 06/07/2001
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All present and future obligations and liabilities of the borrower to the borrower secured parties under: (1) the secured note trust deed; (2) any property advisory agreement; (3) the property management agreement; (4) the borrower bank agreement; (5) the borrower cash management agreement; (6) the secured note registrar agreement; and (7) clause 5(e) of the note subscription agreement. All present and future obligations and liabilities of the charging companies to the borrower under clause 2.2 of the borrower deed of charge (all terms as defined)
    Breve descrição
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. With the benefit of all rights licences guarantees rent deposits contracts deeds undertakings and warranties relating. To the property any shares or membership rights in any management company for the property any goodwill of any business from time to time carried on at the property any rental and other money payable under any lease licence or other interest created in respect of the property and all other payments whatever in respect of the property.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Capita Irg Trustees Limited in Its Capacity as the Trustee Pursuant to Thesecured Note Trust Deed (The "Secured Note Trustee") on Trust for Itself and the Other Borrowersecured Parties
    • 06/07/2001Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 04/04/2007Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (403a)

    Fonte de Dados

    • Companies House do Reino Unido
      O registro oficial de empresas no Reino Unido, fornecendo acesso público a informações sobre empresas, como nomes, endereços, diretores e registros financeiros.
    • Licença: CC0