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  • Sarah Jane ROLLS

    Pessoa Física

    Primeiro NomeSarah
    Segundo NomeJane
    Último NomeROLLS
    Data de Nascimento
    É Executivo CorporativoNão


    Oficiais Nomeados
    Nomeado paraData de NomeaçãoData de RenúnciaSituação da EmpresaOcupaçãoFunçãoEndereçoPaís de ResidênciaNacionalidade
    SNOWDROP SYSTEMS LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE HOLDINGS LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE WHITLEY LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE OVERSEAS LIMITED.29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE ONLINE HOLDINGS LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA Tyne And Wear
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    INTERACT UK HOLDINGS LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE IRISH INVESTMENTS ONE LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE FAR EAST INVESTMENTS LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE GLOBAL SERVICES LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA Tyne And Wear
    North Park
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE IRISH INVESTMENTS TWO LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE PEOPLE LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA Tyne And Wear
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE (UK) LTD29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE USD HEDGECO 229/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    United KingdomBritish
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE EURO HEDGECO 229/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE USD HEDGECO 129/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE TREASURY COMPANY LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE EURO HEDGECO 129/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED29/06/201830/09/2020AtivaAccountantDiretor
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    PROTX LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA Tyne & Wear
    United KingdomBritish
    KCS GLOBAL HOLDINGS LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    TAS SOFTWARE LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE SOFTWARE LTD16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE HIBERNIA INVESTMENTS NO. 2 LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    PROTX GROUP LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA Tyne & Wear
    United KingdomBritish
    ACCPAC UK LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE14 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE HIBERNIA INVESTMENTS NO. 1 LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    MULTISOFT FINANCIAL SYSTEMS LIMITED16/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE MANAGEMENT LIMITED11/03/202030/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    NE13 9AA Tyne & Wear
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    SAGE INTACCT UK LIMITED30/08/201930/09/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    North Park
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomBritish
    BLACKBIRD INVESTMENTS ONE LIMITED29/06/201831/03/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    5 Lloyds Avenue
    EC3N 3AE London
    3rd Floor
    United KingdomBritish
    BLACKBIRD INVESTMENTS TWO LIMITED29/06/201831/03/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    5 Lloyds Avenue
    EC3N 3AE London
    3rd Floor
    United KingdomBritish
    ELAVON DIGITAL (GB) LIMITED29/06/201811/03/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish
    ELAVON DIGITAL EUROPE LIMITED29/06/201811/03/2020DissolvidaAccountantDiretor
    NE13 9AA Newcastle Upon Tyne
    North Park
    United KingdomBritish

    Fonte de Dados

    • Companies House do Reino Unido
      O registro oficial de empresas no Reino Unido, fornecendo acesso público a informações sobre empresas, como nomes, endereços, diretores e registros financeiros.
    • Licença: CC0