• Обзор

    Название компанииN REALISATIONS 2012 LIMITED
    Статус компанииЛиквидирована
    Организационно-правовая формаОбщество с ограниченной ответственностью
    Номер компании 01057322
    Дата создания
    Дата прекращения деятельности

    Есть ли у N REALISATIONS 2012 LIMITED какие-либо обременения?

    A quota pledge agreement
    Создан 29 сент. 2010 г.
    Поставлен 04 окт. 2010 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from any obligor on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Краткое описание
    A first ranking pledge over each and all of the quota, new quotas and related rights see image for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Hsbc Bank PLC as Security Trustee for the Secured Parties (Security Trustee)
    • 04 окт. 2010 г.Регистрация обременения (MG01)
    • 29 авг. 2012 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    A deed of pledge of shares
    Создан 24 сент. 2010 г.
    Поставлен 01 окт. 2010 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from each obligor to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Краткое описание
    The charged assets being- the shares, dividends and the related assets see image for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Hsbc Bank PLC as Security Trustee for the Secured Parties (The Security Trustee)
    • 01 окт. 2010 г.Регистрация обременения (MG01)
    • 29 авг. 2012 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Создан 27 янв. 2006 г.
    Поставлен 07 февр. 2006 г.
    Не погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the security trustee as trustee for the secured parties on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Краткое описание
    He real property the accounts any goodwill and rights in relation to the uncalled capital all monetary claims and related rights floating charge all present an future assets and undertaking. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Hsbc Bank PLC
    • 07 февр. 2006 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 29 авг. 2012 г.Заявление, что часть или все имущество, обремененное залогом, освобождено (MG04)
    Cession and pledge in security
    Создан 27 янв. 2006 г.
    Поставлен 06 февр. 2006 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from any obligor to any secured party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Краткое описание
    All of the shares being all ordinary shares in reditron (proprietary) limited from time to time consisting of 400 ordinary shares of ZAR1 each and representing 100% of the issued ordinary share capital and cedes and all of the ceded rights being all present and future rights of any nature whatsoever to the shares and claims. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Hsbc Bank PLC (The Security Trustee)
    • 06 февр. 2006 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 29 авг. 2012 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Trust debenture
    Создан 27 янв. 2006 г.
    Поставлен 02 февр. 2006 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the obligors to the stockholders on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Краткое описание
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Close Investment Partners Limited (The "Security Trustee")
    • 02 февр. 2006 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 07 апр. 2010 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Assignment of keyman policies between the company and hsbc bank PLC (the "security trustee") (supplemental to a mortgage debenture dated 27 august 1999)
    Создан 30 апр. 2001 г.
    Поставлен 17 мая 2001 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies and liabilities due by the companies (as defined in the debenture) to the senior creditors (as defined in the debenture )
    Краткое описание
    All right title and interest in and to all monies payable under the policies numberd 9 BJH034 on the life of alun john for £1,000,000 and 9 B4446F on the like of william lazarus for £500,000.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Hsbc Bank PLC
    • 17 мая 2001 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 07 апр. 2010 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    A deed of amendment between inter alios the company, the bank (as security trustee), and supplemental to, inter alia, a mortgage debenture dated 27TH august 1999 between the company and others and the security trustee
    Создан 30 апр. 2001 г.
    Поставлен 11 мая 2001 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies and liabilities due by the companies (as defined in the debenture) to the senior creditors (as defined in the debenture )
    Краткое описание
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Hsbc Bank PLC (As Security Trustee)
    • 11 мая 2001 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 07 апр. 2010 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Создан 30 апр. 2001 г.
    Поставлен 04 мая 2001 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies,obligations and liabilities due or to become due from the issuer (upperpoint distribution limited),the uml issuer or chargors (as defined) to the noteholders (as defined) and the uml noteholders (as defined) under or in connection with the investor note documents (as defined) and the debenture
    Краткое описание
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Hsbc Bank PLC,as Security Trustee on Behalf of the Noteholders and the Umlnoteholders
    • 04 мая 2001 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 07 апр. 2010 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Deed of accession
    Создан 04 янв. 2000 г.
    Поставлен 12 янв. 2000 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies obligations and liabilities due or to become due from the company (or any other company which accedes to the deed as a company from time to time (together the "companies")) to the chargee (the "security trustee" acting on behalf of the noteholders (as defined)) under or in connection with the investor note documents (as defined) and the deed (including all expenses)
    Краткое описание
    .. fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Midland Bank PLC
    • 12 янв. 2000 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 07 апр. 2010 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Deed of accession
    Создан 08 окт. 1999 г.
    Поставлен 15 окт. 1999 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    In favour of the chargee all monies, obligations and liabilities from time to time due, owing or incurred by the parent company, the company (or any other company which accedes to the deed as a company from time to time (together the "companies")) (as defined in an intercreditor deed dated on or about the date of the deed and as acceded to by the company pursuant to an obligor intercreditor accession deed dated 8TH october 1999) including under or in connection with the senior finance documents, the deed (including all expenses), whether incurred as principal or surety, and whether originally due to any senior creditor or from time to time assigned or transferred to it
    Краткое описание
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Midland Bank PLC (The "Security Trustee")
    • 15 окт. 1999 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 07 апр. 2010 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Fixed and floating charge
    Создан 04 дек. 1991 г.
    Поставлен 06 дек. 1991 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    Fixed and floating charge over goodwill bookdebts and patents. Undertaking and all property and assets present and future including uncalled capital.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Midland Bank PLC
    • 06 дек. 1991 г.Регистрация обременения (395)
    • 07 апр. 2010 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (MG02)
    Создан 22 мая 1990 г.
    Поставлен 24 мая 1990 г.
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Midland Bank PLC
    • 24 мая 1990 г.Регистрация залога
    Legal charge
    Создан 14 июл. 1988 г.
    Поставлен 20 июл. 1988 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    Premises at boulton road reading t/n & bk 100482.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Midland Bank PLC
    • 20 июл. 1988 г.Регистрация залога
    Legal charge
    Создан 14 июл. 1988 г.
    Поставлен 20 июл. 1988 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    Property k/a building number 2 boulton road reading t/no bk 42800.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Midland Bank PLC
    • 20 июл. 1988 г.Регистрация залога
    Создан 01 нояб. 1986 г.
    Поставлен 04 нояб. 1986 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under an invoice discounting agreement dated 1ST november, 1986
    Краткое описание
    Fixed charge on all book debts and other debts.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Kellock Limited
    • 04 нояб. 1986 г.Регистрация залога
    • 08 авг. 1997 г.Заявление о полном или частичном погашении залога (403a)
    Создан 15 авг. 1986 г.
    Поставлен 27 авг. 1986 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    Fixed and floating charge udndertaking and all property and assets present and future including bookdebts uncalled capital.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Midland Bank PLC
    • 27 авг. 1986 г.Регистрация залога
    Legal charge
    Создан 30 июн. 1986 г.
    Поставлен 08 июл. 1986 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    14/16 boulton road reading berkshire together with all buildings trade & other fixtures, fixed plant and machinery. Floating charge all plant machinery & other equipment and all tools, furniture vehicles and other goods.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Citibank N.A.
    • 08 июл. 1986 г.Регистрация залога
    Composite guarantee & debenture
    Создан 25 февр. 1986 г.
    Поставлен 03 мар. 1986 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company and/or all or any of the other companies named therein to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    For full details see doc M19 f/hold land shortly k/as 37 boulton road, reading berkshire, title no bk 42800 l/hold land shortly k/as 14/16 boulton road. Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Citibank N.A.
    • 03 мар. 1986 г.Регистрация залога
    Legal charge
    Создан 18 июн. 1985 г.
    Поставлен 22 июн. 1985 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    F/H property formerly k/a plot 37 reading industrial estate (now building number 2) boulton road reading T.N. bk 42800.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Societe Generale
    • 22 июн. 1985 г.Регистрация залога
    Создан 19 мар. 1984 г.
    Поставлен 20 мар. 1984 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee
    Краткое описание
    All such instalment credit agreements as are now or hereafter deposited by the company with the chargee. All monies payable thereunder. The goods comprised in the agreements the benefit of all guarantees in respect thereof. The benefit of all insurance in respect thereof.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Mercantile Credit Company Limited
    • 20 мар. 1984 г.Регистрация залога
    Создан 30 нояб. 1982 г.
    Поставлен 08 дек. 1982 г.
    Полностью погашен
    Обеспеченная сумма
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Краткое описание
    Fixed, floating charge over all the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital all buildings, fixtures, fixed plant and machinery.
    Уполномоченные лица
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 08 дек. 1982 г.Регистрация залога

    Источник данных

    • Companies House Великобритании
      Официальный реестр компаний в Великобритании, предоставляющий общественный доступ к информации о компаниях, такой как названия, адреса, директора и финансовая отчетность.
    • Лицензия: CC0