• সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
  • সংক্ষিপ্তসার
  • উদ্দেশ্য
  • ঠিকানা
  • পূর্বের নামসমূহ
  • হিসাব
  • ফাইলিংস
  • কর্মকর্তাগণ
  • উল্লেখযোগ্য নিয়ন্ত্রণকারী ব্যক্তি
  • চার্জ
  • তথ্য উৎস
  • সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ

    কোম্পানির নামGRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED
    কোম্পানির স্থিতিবাতিল
    আইনি ফর্মপ্রাইভেট লিমিটেড কোম্পানি
    কোম্পানি নম্বর 03837687
    সৃষ্টির তারিখ
    বন্ধের তারিখ


    সুপার সিকিউর পিএসসি রয়েছেনা
    চার্জ রয়েছেহ্যাঁ
    দেউলিয়া ইতিহাস রয়েছেনা
    নিবন্ধিত অফিস বিরোধপূর্ণনা

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED এর উদ্দেশ্য কী?

    • অন্যান্য ব্যবসা সহায়তা পরিষেবা কার্যক্রম ন.এ.সি. (82990) / প্রশাসনিক এবং সহায়ক পরিষেবা কার্যক্রম

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED কোথায় অবস্থিত?

    নিবন্ধিত অফিসের ঠিকানা
    5th Floor 40 Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    ডেলিভারিযোগ্য নয় এমন নিবন্ধিত অফিসের ঠিকানানা

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED এর পূর্বের নামগুলি কী কী?

    পূর্বের কোম্পানির নামসমূহ
    কোম্পানির নামথেকেপর্যন্ত
    MOSER UNDERWRITING LIMITED০২ সেপ, ১৯৯৯০২ সেপ, ১৯৯৯

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED এর সর্বশেষ হিসাবগুলি কী কী?

    শেষ হিসাব
    শেষ হিসাব তৈরি করা হয়েছে৩১ ডিসে, ২০২৩

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED এর সর্বশেষ ফাইলিংগুলি কী কী?


    স্বেচ্ছায় বাদ দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে চূড়ান্ত গেজেট ভেঙে দেওয়া হয়েছে

    1 পৃষ্ঠাGAZ2(A)

    মোট ছাড় পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০২৩ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    14 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    স্বেচ্ছায় বাদ দেওয়ার জন্য প্রথম গেজেট বিজ্ঞপ্তি

    1 পৃষ্ঠাGAZ1(A)

    কোম্পানিকে রেজিস্টার থেকে বাদ দেওয়ার আবেদন

    1 পৃষ্ঠাDS01

    ১৫ ডিসে, ২০২৩ তারিখে কোনও আপডেট ছাড়াই নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    3 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    ৩১ জুল, ২০২৩ তারিখে পরিচালক হিসাবে Mark John Tottman-এর নিয়োগ

    2 পৃষ্ঠাAP01

    ৩১ জুল, ২০২৩ তারিখে পরিচালক হিসাবে Jeremy Richard Holt Evans এর পদব্যবস্থা বাতিল

    1 পৃষ্ঠাTM01

    মোট ছাড় পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০২২ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    14 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ১৫ ডিসে, ২০২২ তারিখে কোনও আপডেট ছাড়াই নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    3 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    মোট ছাড় পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০২১ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    14 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ১৫ ডিসে, ২০২১ তারিখে কোনও আপডেট ছাড়াই নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    3 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    মোট ছাড় পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০২০ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    12 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ১৫ ডিসে, ২০২০ তারিখে কোনও আপডেট ছাড়াই নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    3 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    মোট ছাড় পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০১৯ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    14 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ১৫ ডিসে, ২০১৯ তারিখে আপডেট সহ নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    4 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    মোট ছাড় পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০১৮ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    14 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ১৫ ডিসে, ২০১৮ তারিখে আপডেট সহ নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    4 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০১৭ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    16 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ০২ মে, ২০১৮ তারিখে Mr Jeremy Richard Holt Evans-এর জন্য পরিচালকের বিবরণ পরিবর্তন হয়েছে

    2 পৃষ্ঠাCH01

    ১৫ ডিসে, ২০১৭ তারিখে আপডেট সহ নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    4 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০১৬ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    15 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ২৪ জুল, ২০১৭ তারিখে আপডেট সহ নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    4 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    ০২ সেপ, ২০১৬ তারিখে আপডেট সহ নিশ্চয়তা বিবৃতি

    5 পৃষ্ঠাCS01

    পূর্ণ হিসাব ৩১ ডিসে, ২০১৫ পর্যন্ত তৈরি

    15 পৃষ্ঠাAA

    ০৪ ডিসে, ২০১৫ তারিখে Nomina Plc-এর জন্য পরিচালকের বিবরণ পরিবর্তন হয়েছে

    1 পৃষ্ঠাCH02

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED এর কর্মকর্তাগণ কারা?

    নামনিয়োগ করা হয়েছেপদত্যাগের তারিখভূমিকাঠিকানাকোম্পানি পরিচয়বাসস্থানের দেশজাতীয়তাজন্ম তারিখপেশানম্বর
    Great Hampden
    HP16 9RD Great Missenden
    Hampden House
    কর্পোরেট সচিব
    Great Hampden
    HP16 9RD Great Missenden
    Hampden House
    পরিচয়পত্রের ধরনইউকে লিমিটেড কোম্পানি
    নিবন্ধন নম্বর01988859
    TOTTMAN, Mark John
    40 Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor
    40 Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor
    United KingdomBritishUnderwriting Agent72513380002
    40 Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor
    কর্পোরেট পরিচালক
    40 Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor
    পরিচয়পত্রের ধরনইউকে লিমিটেড কোম্পানি
    নিবন্ধন নম্বর03382553
    VOTH, Eric Albert
    411 Woodbury Court South
    66606 Topeka
    411 Woodbury Court South
    66606 Topeka
    130 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 5DJ London
    Fountain House
    কর্পোরেট সচিব
    130 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 5DJ London
    Fountain House
    পরিচয়পত্রের ধরনইইএ
    নিবন্ধন নম্বর1479228
    BIRD, Trevor Robert
    Woodstock Road
    CR5 3HS Coulsdon
    Woodstock Road
    CR5 3HS Coulsdon
    EVANS, Jeremy Richard Holt
    40 Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor
    40 Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor
    EnglandBritishCompany Director161542790002
    VOTH, Gregory Alan, Dr
    S Kenwood Avenue
    60637 Chicago
    S Kenwood Avenue
    60637 Chicago
    United States, IllinoisAmericanProfessor90390000002
    VOTH, Harold Moser
    745 Westchester Road
    66606 Topeka
    745 Westchester Road
    66606 Topeka
    VOTH, Nicholas Alexander
    3004 South Fairfax Street
    Colorado 80222
    United States
    3004 South Fairfax Street
    Colorado 80222
    United States
    WHITE, Graham John
    Marsham Court
    Marsham Street
    SW1P 4JY London
    Flat 35
    Marsham Court
    Marsham Street
    SW1P 4JY London
    Flat 35
    EnglandBritishUnderwriting Agent116735630004

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED এর উল্লেখযোগ্য নিয়ন্ত্রণকারী ব্যক্তিরা কারা?

    উল্লেখযোগ্য নিয়ন্ত্রণকারী ব্যক্তি
    নামজানানো হয়েছেঠিকানাবন্ধ হয়েছে
    Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor, 40
    ০৬ এপ্রি, ২০১৬
    Gracechurch Street
    EC3V 0BT London
    5th Floor, 40
    আইনি ফর্মPrivate Limited Company
    নিবন্ধিত দেশEngland And Wales
    আইনি কর্তৃপক্ষCompanies Act
    নিবন্ধিত স্থানCompanies House
    নিবন্ধন নম্বর03603617
    নিয়ন্ত্রণের প্রকৃতি
    • ব্যক্তিটি সরাসরি বা পরোক্ষভাবে কোম্পানির ৭৫% এর বেশি শেয়ারের মালিকানাধীন।
    • ব্যক্তি কোম্পানির ভোটাধিকারের 75% এর বেশি সরাসরি বা পরোক্ষভাবে ধারণ করেন।
    • ব্যক্তি কোম্পানির বোর্ড অফ ডিরেক্টর্সের সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ সদস্য নিয়োগ বা অপসারণ করার অধিকার সরাসরি বা পরোক্ষভাবে ধারণ করেন।

    GRACECHURCH UTG NO. 260 LIMITED এর কোনো চার্জ আছে কি?

    Amendment and restatement lloyd's american instrument 1995 (general business for corporate members) ("the 1995 american instrument (corporate members") dated 31 july 1995 & amended on 28 december 2001, 1 april 2001, 1 august 2001, 13 february 2002, 27 september 2007 &
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ২৪ মার্চ, ২০০৯
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ০৭ এপ্রি, ২০০৯
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All the present and future assets of the member comprised in the member's dollar trust fund constituted under and pursuant to the 1995 american instrument (corporate member) full particulars of which assets are set out in clause 3 of and schedule 2 to the 1995 american instrument (corporate members). See image for full details.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • Lloyd's, and Certain Other Persons or Bodies (As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ০৭ এপ্রি, ২০০৯একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Lloyd's american trust deed (the " trust deed")
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ২৪ মার্চ, ২০০৯
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ০৭ এপ্রি, ২০০৯
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All premiums and other moneys payable during the trust term to or for the account of the company in connection with the 1992 and prior american business and all other assets from time to time transferred to the american trustee to be held by it as part of the american trust fund, all investments and moneys and all income arising from (i)-(iii) see image for full details.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The American Trustee, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies (As Defined on the Form M395)
    • ০৭ এপ্রি, ২০০৯একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge in the terms of the lloyd's asia (offshore policies) instrument 2002(general business of all underwriting members) (the offshore policies instrument)
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১৩ ফেব, ২০০২
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ০৫ মার্চ, ২০০২
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All present and future assets of the member comprised in the members offshore policies trust fund constituted under and pursuant to the offshore policies instrument, all premiums, reinsurance recoveries, rights of salvage and subrogation and other monies whatsoever in connection with the members offshore policies business and all interest of the member therein. All offshore policies rights of recoveries, all further assets, all interest, dividends and other income and all assets now or for the time being representing the foregoing.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Society (Lloyds) and the Managing Agents Offshore Policies Trustees of Any Managing Agent(as Further Described on Form M395)
    • ০৫ মার্চ, ২০০২একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge in the terms of the lloyd's asia (singapore policies) instrument 2002(general business of all underwriting members) (the singapore policies instrument)
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১৩ ফেব, ২০০২
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ০৫ মার্চ, ২০০২
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All present and future assets of the member comprised in the members singapore policies trust fund constituted under and pursuant to the singapore policies instrument, all premiums, reinsurance recoveries, rights of salvage and subrogation and other monies whatsoever in connection with the members singapore policies business and all interest of the member therein. All singapore policies rights of recoveries, all further assets, all interest, dividends and other income and all assets now or for the time being representing the foregoing.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Society (Lloyds) and the Managing Agents Offshore Policies Trustees of Any Managing Agent(as Further Described on Form M395)
    • ০৫ মার্চ, ২০০২একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Deed of charge
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ০৭ নভে, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৪ নভে, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All sums and liabilities to be paid and discharged by the company the subject of clause 2.1 of the charge under or pursuant to the finance documents (namely the letter of credit facility agreement of even date with the deed of charge) including any liability in respect of any further advances made by lloyds tsb bank PLC under the finance documents
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    By way of first fixed charge all rights title and interest in and to a) the benefit of the specified syndicate reinsurances not otherwise expressed to be charged by the deed of charge or by any other document under which the security is given by any person for the payment and discharge of the obligations of the company and b) the benefit of any letter of credit guarantee deposit or security issued made or given in respect of the performance of a reinsurers obligations thereunder.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • ১৪ নভে, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    A charge dated 25 may 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's canadian margin fund trust deed ("the trust deed")
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ২৫ মে, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৩ জুন, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of all claims of a holder of, or third party claimant under, any "policy in canada" to which the trust deed applies and which has been underwritten by the company or any other member or former member of lloyd's and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All interest of the company in present and future assets comprised in the margin fund constituted under the trust deed including the following (a) the contributions paid to the margin fund by or on behalf of the company pursuant to the lloyd's canadian business requirements of the council of lloyd'S.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • Royal Trust Corporation of Canada (The Trustee)
    • ১৩ জুন, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge (in the terms of the lloyd's canadian trust deed "the trust deed" dated 26 september 1995. the instrument amends and restates the instrument dated 9 november 1977, as further amended by deeds dated 8 march 1978, 11 june 1989 and 28 december 2000)
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ২৫ মে, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৩ জুন, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All losses, claims, expenses, returns of premiums, re-insurance premiums and other outgoings payable at the date of the trust deed or at any time thereafter to become payable in connection with the canadian business of the company, including (1) the payment of any amount into an escrow fund or account to be held in respect of a particular claim of a policyholder or any other person and (2) all expenses whatsoever from time to time incurred by the company in connection with or arising out of the canadian business of the company including any salary, commission, other remuneration and reimbursement of outlays payable by the company to the agent or to any other person in connection with the conduct or winding up of the canadian business, the repayment of any outstanding indebtedness incurred by the company to meet valid expenses of the canadian business of such company, the company's due proportion of remuneration and reimbursement of expenses of the canadian trustee, the company's due proportion of any shortfall in the lloyd's canadian business fund (including any costs or expenses in respect thereto) and including also any taxes incurred in or by reason of the canadian business
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All property which may be (or should be) assigned or transferred to or received by the canadian trustee under the trust deed and any accumulations and increments from any such property. All premiums monies and other assets whatsoever belonging or payable at the date of the trust deed or thereafter at any time belonging or becoming payable to the company in connection with the canadian business and received on behalf of the company by the agent or any other person. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustees, Lloyd's and Certain Other Persons or Bodies (As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৩ জুন, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Deed of charge
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১২ এপ্রি, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ২৭ এপ্রি, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All sums and liabilities to be paid and discharged by the company the subject of clause 2.1 of the charge, under or pursuant to the finance documents (namely the facility agreement and the letter of credit facility agreement of even date with the deed of charge) including any liability in respect of any further advances made by lloyds tsb bank PLC under the finance documents
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    By way of first fixed charge, all right title and interest of the company in and to a) the benefit of the specified syndicate reinsurances (as defined) and b) the benefit of any letter of credit, guarantee, deposit or security issued made or given in respect of the performance of a reinsurers obligations thereunder. (For full details refer to form 395). see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • ২৭ এপ্রি, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Deed of charge
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১২ এপ্রি, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ২৭ এপ্রি, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    All sums and liabilities to be paid and discharged by the company the subject of clause 2.1 of the charge, under or pursuant to the finance documents (namely the facility agreement of even date with the deed of charge) including any liability in respect of any further advances made by lloyds tsb bank PLC under the finance documents
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    By way of first fixed charge, all right title and interest of the company in and to a) the benefit of the specified syndicate reinsurances (as deined) and b) the benefit of any letter of credit, guarantee, deposit or security issued made or given in respect of the performance of a reinsurers obligations thereunder. (For full details refer to form 395). see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • ২৭ এপ্রি, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    A charge dated 15TH january 1999 in the terms of the lloyd's south african trust deed (the "trust deed") itself constituted by an instrument
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১৫ ফেব, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ২২ ফেব, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of all claims of or submitted by (a) the holder of any south african short-term insurance policy to which the trust deed applies (a "south african policy") and which has been underwritten by the company, or (b) the agent of any syndicate (of which the company is a member) that has underwritten a south african policy or of any reinsuring syndicate (of which the company is a member) where all the obligations under a south african policy have been reinsured under a reinsurance to close, all sums liable to be contributed by the company in accordance with the trust deed, and all sums liable to be paid to the agent of any syndicate on behalf of the premiums trust fund of the company in accordance with the trust deed, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All the present and future assets comprised in the parts of the fund relating to the corporate member constituted under and pursuant to the trust deed full particulars of which are set out in the trust deed including the following: (a) the contributions paid by or on behalf of the corporate member (b) any amount owing to the corporate member and paid to the trust by a lloyd's correspondent and (c) all monies investments income gains and other assets.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ২২ ফেব, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Deed of charge made between the members and the dollar trustees (each as defined therein) as chargors, hiscox syndicates limited and barclays bank PLC (the bank) as chargee
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ৩১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ২০ ফেব, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    A letter of credit facility granted by the chargee to the members as members of the syndicate 33 2001 dollar obligor group together with certain other parties in the aggregate amount of £100,000,000 or its equivalent from time to time in dollars
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    By way of first fixed charge, all right title and interest of the member in and to such monies payable or to become payable to the member or to any person on behalf of the member in dollars under the specified syndicate reinsurances in consequence of any loss, all right title and interest of the dollar trustees in and to such monies (if any) received by the member or any person on behalf of the member, all right title and interest of the dollar trustees in and to the deposits together with interest from time to time accruing thereon, by way of first floating charge all right title and interest of the member in and to such monies payable to the member under the specified syndicate reinsurances in consequence of any loss, all right title and interest of the dollar trustees in and to such monies (if any) received by the member being the proceeds of monies, and all assets charged under the deed. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • ২০ ফেব, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's kentucky trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument dated 23RD february 1996 (as amended and supplemented from time to time) and as supplemented by a deed of accession
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST january 1996 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0683 (The "syndicate") and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to the insurance laws of the commonwealth of kentucky providing insurance with respect to property or risks situated in said commonwealth (a "kentucky policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, national city bank, kentucky, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the commissioner of insurance of the commonwealth of kentucky or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All premiums and other moneys payable during the trust term to or for the account of the company in connection with the american business, all other assets from time to time transferred to the american trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa) to be held by it as part of the property held in trust under the trust deed, and all income arising from the above premiums, moneys and assets, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The American Trustee, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's kentucky trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument dated 23RD february 1996 (as amended and supplemented from time to time) and as supplemented by a deed of accession
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST january 1996 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0318 (The "syndicate") and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to the insurance laws of the commonwealth of kentucky providing insurance with respect to property or risks situated in said commonwealth (a "kentucky policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, national city bank, kentucky, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the commissioner of insurance of the commonwealth of kentucky or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All premiums and other moneys payable during the trust term to or for the account of the company in connection with the american business, all other assets from time to time transferred to the american trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa) to be held by it as part of the property held in trust under the trust deed, and all income arising from the above premiums, moneys and assets, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The American Trustee, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's kentucky trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument dated 23RD february 1996 (as amended and supplemented from time to time) and as supplemented by a deed of accession
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST january 1996 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0582 (The "syndicate") and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to the insurance laws of the commonwealth of kentucky providing insurance with respect to property or risks situated in said commonwealth (a "kentucky policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, national city bank, kentucky, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the commissioner of insurance of the commonwealth of kentucky or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    All premiums and other moneys payable during the trust term to or for the account of the company in connection with the american business, all other assets from time to time transferred to the american trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa) to be held by it as part of the property held in trust under the trust deed, and all income arising from the above premiums, moneys and assets, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The American Trustee, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's kentucky trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST january 1996 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2010 (The "syndicate") and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to the insurance laws of the commonwealth of kentucky providing insurance with respect to property or risks situated in said commonwealth (a "kentucky policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, national city bank, kentucky, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the commissioner of insurance of the commonwealth of kentucky or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The principal at any time but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon (both capitalised terms having the meaning given thereto in kentucky revised statutes section 396.191, et seq., And the property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee (or held by the trustee in the name of a nominee) at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the relevant syndicate, and cash drawn down on any letter of credit at any time and held as an asset of the fund held under the provisions of the trust deed, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's kentucky trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST january 1996 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0002 (The "syndicate") and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to the insurance laws of the commonwealth of kentucky providing insurance with respect to property or risks situated in said commonwealth (a "kentucky policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, national city bank, kentucky, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the commissioner of insurance of the commonwealth of kentucky or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The principal at any time but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon (both capitalised terms having the meaning given thereto in kentucky revised statutes section 396.191, et seq., And the property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee (or held by the trustee in the name of a nominee) at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the relevant syndicate, and cash drawn down on any letter of credit at any time and held as an asset of the fund held under the provisions of the trust deed, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's kentucky trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST january 1996 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2791 (The "syndicate") and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to the insurance laws of the commonwealth of kentucky providing insurance with respect to property or risks situated in said commonwealth (a "kentucky policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, national city bank, kentucky, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the commissioner of insurance of the commonwealth of kentucky or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The principal at any time but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon (both capitalised terms having the meaning given thereto in kentucky revised statutes section 396.191, et seq., And the property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee (or held by the trustee in the name of a nominee) at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the relevant syndicate, and cash drawn down on any letter of credit at any time and held as an asset of the fund held under the provisions of the trust deed, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument dated 7TH september 1995 (as amended and as supplemented from time to time) and as supplemented by a deed of accession
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment for matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0582 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possesion of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particulars year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") (see form 395 for further details).
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument dated 7TH september 1995 (as amended and as supplemented from time to time) and as supplemented by a deed of accession
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment for matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0318 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possesion of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particulars year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") (see form 395 for further details).
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument dated 7TH september 1995 (as amended and as supplemented from time to time) and as supplemented by a deed of accession
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment for matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0683 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policyholder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possesion of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particulars year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") (see form 395 for further details).
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2791 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs credit for reinsurance trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of reinsurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0683 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a ceding insurer domiciled in a state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american reinsurance policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The principal at any time but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon (both capitalised terms having the meaning given thereto in section 11-2.1(b) of the new york estates, powers and trusts law), and the property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee (or held by the trustee in the name of a nominee) at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the relevant syndicate, and cash drawn down on any letter of credit at any time and held as an asset of the fund held under the provisions of the trust deed, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs credit for reinsurance trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of reinsurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0318 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a ceding insurer domiciled in a state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american reinsurance policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The principal at any time but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon (both capitalised terms having the meaning given thereto in section 11-2.1(b) of the new york estates, powers and trusts law), and the property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee (or held by the trustee in the name of a nominee) at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the relevant syndicate, and cash drawn down on any letter of credit at any time and held as an asset of the fund held under the provisions of the trust deed, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs credit for reinsurance trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of reinsurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0582 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a ceding insurer domiciled in a state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american reinsurance policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The principal at any time but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon (both capitalised terms having the meaning given thereto in section 11-2.1(b) of the new york estates, powers and trusts law), and the property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee (or held by the trustee in the name of a nominee) at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the relevant syndicate, and cash drawn down on any letter of credit at any time and held as an asset of the fund held under the provisions of the trust deed, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)
    Charge dated 11TH january 2001 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs credit for reinsurance trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2001 itself constituted by an instrument dated 11TH january 2001 (as amended and supplemented from time to time) and as supplemented by a deed of accession
    তৈরি করা হয়েছে ১১ জানু, ২০০১
    ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছে ১৯ জানু, ২০০১
    সুরক্ষিত পরিমাণ
    The payment of losses (including claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of reinsurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2010 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a ceding insurer domiciled in a state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american reinsurance policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, U.S.A.), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ
    The principal at any time but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon (both capitalised terms having the meaning given thereto in section 11-2.1(b) of the new york estates, powers and trusts law), and the property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee (or held by the trustee in the name of a nominee) at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the relevant syndicate, and other property referred to in the trust deed.
    অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তিরা
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • ১৯ জানু, ২০০১একটি চার্জের নিবন্ধন (395)

    তথ্য উৎস

    • ইউকে কম্পানিজ হাউস
      যুক্তরাজ্যের সরকারী কোম্পানি রেজিস্ট্রি, যা কোম্পানির তথ্য যেমন নাম, ঠিকানা, পরিচালক এবং আর্থিক ফাইলিং এর মতো তথ্যের জন্য জনসাধারণের অ্যাক্সেস সরবরাহ করে।
    • লাইসেন্স: CC0