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  • Hiroyuki KOGA - Page 2

    Natural Person

    First NameHiroyuki
    Last NameKOGA
    Date of Birth
    Is Corporate OfficerNo


    Appointed Officers
    Appointed ToAppointed OnResigned OnCompany StatusOccupationRoleAddressCountry of ResidenceNationality
    DERWENT COGENERATION LIMITEDFeb 28, 2011Jul 04, 2014DissolvedDirectorDirector
    85, Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    Senator House
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomJapanese
    LYB GENERATION HOLDINGSFeb 28, 2011Jul 04, 2014DissolvedDirectorDirector
    Canada Square
    Level 20
    E14 5LQ London
    United KingdomJapanese
    LYB VICTORIA GENERATION LIMITEDFeb 28, 2011Jul 04, 2014DissolvedDirectorDirector
    Canada Square
    Level 20
    E14 5LQ London
    United KingdomJapanese
    PRINCEMARK LIMITEDFeb 28, 2011Jul 04, 2014DissolvedDirectorDirector
    Canada Square
    Level 20
    E14 5LQ London
    United KingdomJapanese
    MAJESTIC ENERGYFeb 28, 2011Jul 04, 2014DissolvedDirectorDirector
    Canada Square
    Level 20
    E14 5LQ London
    United KingdomJapanese
    IPM (UK) POWERFeb 28, 2011Jun 27, 2014Converted / ClosedDirectorDirector
    Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    Senator House 85
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomJapanese
    DEESIDE POWER (UK) LIMITEDFeb 11, 2014May 07, 2014ActiveDirectorDirector
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    Senator House
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomJapanese
    IPM (OSPREY) LIMITEDFeb 28, 2011Feb 28, 2014Converted / ClosedDirectorDirector
    Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    Senator House 85
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomJapanese
    IMPALA SAKER CO 9 LIMITEDMay 23, 2011Aug 24, 2012Converted / ClosedDirectorDirector
    Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    Senator House 85
    United KingdomJapanese
    IPM ENERGY RETAIL LIMITEDMay 23, 2011Sep 30, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    City Walk
    LS11 9DX Leeds
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomJapanese
    INTERNATIONAL POWER RETAIL SUPPLY COMPANY (UK) LIMITEDMay 23, 2011Sep 30, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    FIRST HYDRO HOLDINGS COMPANYJul 20, 2011Sep 06, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    INTERNATIONAL POWER FUEL COMPANY LIMITEDJul 20, 2011Sep 06, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    FIRST HYDRO FINANCE PLCJul 20, 2011Sep 06, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    FIRST HYDRO COMPANYFeb 28, 2011Sep 06, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    SALTEND OPERATIONS COMPANY LIMITEDJul 21, 2011Aug 08, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    Senator House
    United KingdomJapanese
    RUGELEY POWER GENERATION LIMITEDJun 21, 2011Aug 08, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    IPM (BORELLI) LIMITEDJun 21, 2011Aug 08, 2011DissolvedDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    NORMANFRAME (UK CO 6) LIMITEDFeb 28, 2011Feb 28, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    United KingdomJapanese
    NORMANBRIGHT (UK CO 5) LIMITEDFeb 28, 2011Feb 28, 2011ActiveDirectorDirector
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4DP London
    Senator House
    United KingdomJapanese

    Data Source

    • UK Companies House
      The official register of companies in the UK, providing public access to company information such as names, addresses, directors, and financial filings.
    • license: CC0