• Overview
  • Names
  • Individual
  • Data Source
  • Overview of ALLAH DAD MATIN

    Sanction RegimeThe Afghanistan (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
    Designation SourceUN
    Other Information

    One foot lost in landmine explosion. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Nurzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:

    Imposed SanctionsAsset freeze, Travel Ban
    Last UpdatedDec 18, 2021
    OFSI Group ID6953

    What alternative names has ALLAH DAD MATIN used?

    NameTitleName TypeNon-Latin NameAlias Strength
    ALLAH DAD MATINMullahPrimary Nameالله داد متین Arabic)
    ALLAHDADAlias Good quality a.k.a
    SHAHIDWRORAlias Good quality a.k.a
    AKHUNDAlias Low quality a.k.a

    What are the personal details of ALLAH DAD MATIN?

    GenderDate of BirthTown of BirthCountry of BirthNationalityPassportPosition
    1953Kadani village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanHead of Ariana Afghan Airlines under the Taliban regime
    1953Kadani village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanMinister of Urban Development under the Taliban regime
    1953Kadani village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanPresident of Central Bank (Da Afghanistan Bank) under the Taliban regime
    1960Kadani village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanHead of Ariana Afghan Airlines under the Taliban regime
    1960Kadani village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanMinister of Urban Development under the Taliban regime
    1960Kadani village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanPresident of Central Bank (Da Afghanistan Bank) under the Taliban regime

    Data Source

    • The UK Sanctions List
      A list maintained by the UK Government that identifies individuals and entities subject to financial sanctions. The list includes information on the reasons for the sanctions and the restrictions that apply.
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