• Overview
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  • Overview of MALIK NOORZAI

    Sanction RegimeThe Afghanistan (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
    Designation SourceUN
    Other Information

    Taliban financier. Owns businesses in Japan and frequently travels to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Japan. As of 2009, facilitated Taliban activities, including through recruitment and the provision of logistical support. Believed to be in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Noorzai tribe. Brother of Faizullah Khan Noorzai (TAi.153). Father’s name is Haji Akhtar Muhammad. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:

    Imposed SanctionsAsset freeze, Travel Ban
    Last UpdatedDec 18, 2021
    OFSI Group ID12155

    What alternative names has MALIK NOORZAI used?

    NameTitleName TypeNon-Latin NameAlias Strength
    MALIK NOORZAIHajiPrimary Nameمالک نورزى
    Allah MuhammadAlias Good quality a.k.a
    Malek NoorzaiHajiAlias Good quality a.k.a
    Malak NoorzaiHajjiAlias Good quality a.k.a
    Malik NoorzaiHajjiAliasحاجى مالك نورزى Good quality a.k.a
    AminullahHajiAlias Low quality a.k.a
    MalukHajiAlias Low quality a.k.a

    Where is MALIK NOORZAI located?

    AddressPostal CodeCountryEmail AddressPhone NumberWebsite
    Boghra Road
    Miralzei Village
    Baluchistan Province
    Kalay Rangin
    Spin Boldak District
    Kandahar province

    What are the personal details of MALIK NOORZAI?

    GenderDate of BirthTown of BirthCountry of BirthNationalityPassportPosition
    Jan 01, 1963Chaman border townPakistanAfghanistan Pakistani. Officially cancelled as of 2013. 54201-247561-5 FA0157612 Pakistani. Issued: 23/01/2009. Expired: 22/07/2014. Issued under name Allah Muhammad. Officially cancelled as of 2013.
    Jan 01, 1963Pishin, Baluchistan ProvincePakistanAfghanistan Pakistani. Officially cancelled as of 2013. 54201-247561-5 FA0157612 Pakistani. Issued: 23/01/2009. Expired: 22/07/2014. Issued under name Allah Muhammad. Officially cancelled as of 2013.
    1957Chaman border townPakistanAfghanistan Pakistani. Officially cancelled as of 2013. 54201-247561-5 FA0157612 Pakistani. Issued: 23/01/2009. Expired: 22/07/2014. Issued under name Allah Muhammad. Officially cancelled as of 2013.
    1957Pishin, Baluchistan ProvincePakistanAfghanistan Pakistani. Officially cancelled as of 2013. 54201-247561-5 FA0157612 Pakistani. Issued: 23/01/2009. Expired: 22/07/2014. Issued under name Allah Muhammad. Officially cancelled as of 2013.
    1960Chaman border townPakistanAfghanistan Pakistani. Officially cancelled as of 2013. 54201-247561-5 FA0157612 Pakistani. Issued: 23/01/2009. Expired: 22/07/2014. Issued under name Allah Muhammad. Officially cancelled as of 2013.
    1960Pishin, Baluchistan ProvincePakistanAfghanistan Pakistani. Officially cancelled as of 2013. 54201-247561-5 FA0157612 Pakistani. Issued: 23/01/2009. Expired: 22/07/2014. Issued under name Allah Muhammad. Officially cancelled as of 2013.

    Data Source

    • The UK Sanctions List
      A list maintained by the UK Government that identifies individuals and entities subject to financial sanctions. The list includes information on the reasons for the sanctions and the restrictions that apply.
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