• Overview
  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Data Source
  • Overview of AL MOULATHAMOUN

    Sanction RegimeIsil (Da'esh) and Al-Qaeda (United Nations Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
    Designation SourceUN
    Other Information

    Founded in 2012 as a splinter group of the Organization of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (QDe.014). On 20 Aug. 2013, Al Moulathamoun merged with the Mouvement pour l’Unification et le Jihad en Afrique de l’Ouest (MUJAO) (QDe.134) and established Al Mourabitoun (QDe.141). Associated with the Organization of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (QDe.014) and led by Mokhtar Belmokhtar (QDi.136). Active in the Sahel/Sahara region. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:

    Imposed SanctionsArms embargo, Asset freeze
    Last UpdatedJan 12, 2022
    OFSI Group ID12984

    What alternative names has AL MOULATHAMOUN used?

    NameTitleName TypeNon-Latin NameAlias Strength
    AL MOULATHAMOUNPrimary nameالملثمون
    Les EnturbannesAliasLes Enturbannés
    The VeiledAlias

    Where is AL MOULATHAMOUN located?

    AddressPostal CodeCountryEmail AddressPhone NumberWebsite

    Data Source

    • The UK Sanctions List
      A list maintained by the UK Government that identifies individuals and entities subject to financial sanctions. The list includes information on the reasons for the sanctions and the restrictions that apply.
    • license: CC0