• Überblick
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Zweck
  • Adresse
  • Frühere Namen
  • Jahresabschlüsse
  • Einreichungen
  • Geschäftsführung
  • Personen mit maßgeblichem Einfluss
  • Belastungen
  • Datenquelle
  • Überblick

    RechtsformGesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
    Unternehmensnummer 01743081
    Datum der Einstellung


    Hat Super Secure PSCsNein
    Hat BelastungenJa
    Hat InsolvenzgeschichteNein
    Registrierte Geschäftsadresse ist umstrittenNein


    • Sonstige Telekommunikationsaktivitäten (61900) / Information und Kommunikation


    Adresse der eingetragenen Geschäftstelle
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Nicht zustellbare Adresse der eingetragenen GeschäftstelleNein

    Wie lauteten die früheren Namen von TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS (COTSWOLDS) LIMITED?

    Frühere Unternehmensnamen

    Wie lauten die letzten Jahresabschlüsse von TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS (COTSWOLDS) LIMITED?

    Letzter Jahresabschluss
    Letzter Jahresabschluss erstellt bis31. Dez. 2017

    Welche sind die letzten Einreichungen für TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS (COTSWOLDS) LIMITED?


    Letzter Bundesanzeiger aufgelöst durch freiwillige Löschung

    1 SeitenGAZ2(A)

    Erste Bekanntmachung im Bundesanzeiger für die freiwillige Löschung

    1 SeitenGAZ1(A)

    Antrag auf Löschung der Gesellschaft aus dem Handelsregister

    3 SeitenDS01

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 31. Dez. 2018 mit Aktualisierungen

    5 SeitenCS01

    Kapitalaufstellung am 14. Sept. 2018

    • Kapital: GBP 375,007.50
    3 SeitenSH19


    1 SeitenSH20


    1 SeitenCAP-SS



    Beschluss zur Herabsetzung des gezeichneten Kapitals


    Jahresabschluss der Tochtergesellschaft mit Prüfungsbefreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2017

    18 SeitenAA


    82 SeitenPARENT_ACC


    1 SeitenAGREEMENT2


    3 SeitenGUARANTEE2

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 31. Dez. 2017 mit Aktualisierungen

    4 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss der Tochtergesellschaft mit Prüfungsbefreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2016

    18 SeitenAA


    80 SeitenPARENT_ACC


    1 SeitenAGREEMENT2


    3 SeitenGUARANTEE2

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 31. Dez. 2016 mit Aktualisierungen

    5 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss der Tochtergesellschaft mit Prüfungsbefreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2015

    18 SeitenAA


    85 SeitenPARENT_ACC


    1 SeitenAGREEMENT2


    5 SeitenGUARANTEE2

    Jahresrückblick erstellt bis 31. Dez. 2015 mit vollständiger Liste der Aktionäre

    5 SeitenAR01
    Verknüpfte Einreichungen
    capital06. Jan. 2016

    Kapitalaufstellung am 06. Jan. 2016

    • Kapital: GBP 375,007.5

    Jahresabschluss der Tochtergesellschaft mit Prüfungsbefreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2014

    16 SeitenAA


    94 SeitenPARENT_ACC

    Wer sind die Geschäftsführer von TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS (COTSWOLDS) LIMITED?

    NameErnennung amRücktrittsdatumRolleAdresseUnternehmensidentifikationStaatsangehörigkeitNationalitätGeburtsdatumBerufNummer
    JAMES, Gillian Elizabeth
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    DUNN, Robert Dominic
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    EnglandBritishChief Financial Officer179134020002
    HIFZI, Mine Ozkan
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    BROADEST, Guy David
    Tile House
    Woodland Drive
    KT24 5AN East Horsley
    Tile House
    Woodland Drive
    KT24 5AN East Horsley
    BURNS, Clive
    The Cottage
    Lamer Hill Gate Lower Gustard Wood
    AL4 8RX Wheathampstead
    The Cottage
    Lamer Hill Gate Lower Gustard Wood
    AL4 8RX Wheathampstead
    HULL, Victoria Mary, Sol
    Flat 2
    53 Palace Gardens Terrace Kensington
    W8 4SB London
    Flat 2
    53 Palace Gardens Terrace Kensington
    W8 4SB London
    LAVER, John Michael
    Brook House Homestead Road
    TN8 6JD Edenbridge
    Brook House Homestead Road
    TN8 6JD Edenbridge
    160 Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London
    160 Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London
    BRETT, Stephen Marc
    2092 Hardscrabble Drive
    2092 Hardscrabble Drive
    BRYAN, Danny Frank
    The Marble Suite
    The Mansion Ottershaw Park
    KT16 0QG Ottershaw
    The Marble Suite
    The Mansion Ottershaw Park
    KT16 0QG Ottershaw
    BRYSON, Gary Spath
    5132 South Hanover Street
    80111 Englewood
    5132 South Hanover Street
    80111 Englewood
    BURDICK, Charles James
    9 Ormonde Place
    SW1W 8HX London
    9 Ormonde Place
    SW1W 8HX London
    British-AmericanManaging Director52311710004
    CARLETON, Lawrence James
    The Marble Suite
    The Mansion
    KT16 0QG Ottershaw Park
    Ottershaw Surrey
    The Marble Suite
    The Mansion
    KT16 0QG Ottershaw Park
    Ottershaw Surrey
    AmericanCable Television Executive36182000001
    COOK, Stephen Sands
    24a Redcliffe Square
    SW10 9JY London
    24a Redcliffe Square
    SW10 9JY London
    DAVIDSON, Stephen James
    Hughenden Close
    Denner Hill
    HP16 0JJ Great Missenden
    Hughenden Close
    Denner Hill
    HP16 0JJ Great Missenden
    United KingdomBritishDirector92784240001
    DOVEY, James Edward
    Onslow Road Burwood Park
    Walton On Thames
    Onslow Road Burwood Park
    Walton On Thames
    AmericanCable Television Executive76857950001
    GALE, Robert Charles
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor166267770001
    HEATH, Alexander George Tristram
    52 Bute Gardens
    W6 7DX London
    52 Bute Gardens
    W6 7DX London
    BritishManaging Director88334160001
    HULL, Victoria Mary, Sol
    Flat 2
    53 Palace Gardens Terrace Kensington
    W8 4SB London
    Flat 2
    53 Palace Gardens Terrace Kensington
    W8 4SB London
    HUNSTON, Paul David
    Church House Main Street
    WR11 7UE Evesham
    Church House Main Street
    WR11 7UE Evesham
    ILLSLEY, Anthony Kim
    4 St Peters Road
    TW1 1QX Twickenham
    4 St Peters Road
    TW1 1QX Twickenham
    United KingdomBritishChief Executive43836970001
    MACKENZIE, Robert Mario
    Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London
    United Kingdom
    Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor47785600002
    MICHELS, Alan
    Catalina Abbotswood Drive
    St Georges Hill
    KT13 0LT Weybridge
    Catalina Abbotswood Drive
    St Georges Hill
    KT13 0LT Weybridge
    BritishManaging Director43658810001
    OSBORNE, Timothy William
    Pucks Hill
    GL4 8HP Gloucester
    Pucks Hill
    GL4 8HP Gloucester
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor112086830002
    REXROTH, Lynn Charles
    St Anton Woodlands Drive
    KT24 5AN East Horsley
    St Anton Woodlands Drive
    KT24 5AN East Horsley
    SMITH, Neil Reynolds
    Green Lane Churt
    GU10 2PA Farnham
    Green Lane Churt
    GU10 2PA Farnham
    BritishFinance Director79956240002
    STARR, John Watts
    305 South Aspen Unit 4
    FOREIGN Aspen
    Colorado 51611
    305 South Aspen Unit 4
    FOREIGN Aspen
    Colorado 51611
    AmericanManaging Director11885710001
    STENHAM, Anthony William Paul
    4 The Grove
    N6 6JU London
    4 The Grove
    N6 6JU London
    TILLBROOK, Joanne Christine
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor164134250001
    TILLBROOK, Joanne Christine
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor164134250001
    VAN VALKENBURG, David Raynor
    Flat 6
    35/37 Grosvenor Square
    W1X 9AE London
    Flat 6
    35/37 Grosvenor Square
    W1X 9AE London
    AmericanCompany Director53941940001
    WITHERS, Caroline Bernadette Elizabeth
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor140137570002
    160 Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London
    160 Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London
    160 Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London
    160 Great Portland Street
    W1W 5QA London

    Wer sind die Personen mit maßgeblichem Einfluss bei TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS (COTSWOLDS) LIMITED?

    Personen mit maßgeblichem Einfluss
    NameBenachrichtigt amAdresseAufgehört
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    United Kingdom
    06. Apr. 2016
    Bartley Wood Business Park
    RG27 9UP Hook
    Media House
    United Kingdom
    RechtsformLimited By Shares
    RegistrierungslandEngland And Wales
    RechtsgrundlageUnited Kingdom (England And Wales)
    RegistrierungsortCompanies House
    Arten der Kontrolle
    • Die Person hält, direkt oder indirekt, mehr als 75% der Anteile an der Gesellschaft.
    • Die Person hält, direkt oder indirekt, mehr als 75% der Stimmrechte im Unternehmen.
    • Die Person hat das Recht, direkt oder indirekt, die Mehrheit des Vorstands der Gesellschaft zu ernennen oder zu entlassen.


    Composite debenture
    Erstellt am 29. Juni 2010
    Geliefert am 08. Juli 2010
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due to the chargee, all monies due or to become due from the obligors (or any one or more of them) to the senior finance parties (or any one or more of them) and all monies due or to become due from all or any of the obligors to the hedge counterparties (or any one or more of them) under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Deutsche Bank Ag, London Branch
    • 08. Juli 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    • 08. Jan. 2013Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Composite debenture
    Erstellt am 29. Juni 2010
    Geliefert am 08. Juli 2010
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due to the chargee, all monies due or to become due from the obligors (or any one or more of them) to the senior finance parties (or any one or more of them) and all monies due or to become due from all or any of the obligors to the hedge counterparties (or any one or more of them) under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Deutsche Bank Ag, London Branch
    • 08. Juli 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    • 08. Jan. 2013Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Confirmation deed
    Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2010
    Geliefert am 29. Apr. 2010
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the obligors (or any one or more of them) to the senior finance parties (or any one or more of them) on any account whatosover under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    The chargor acknowledges and agrees to the new sfa and the transactions contemplated thereby and confirm all payment and performance obligations contingent or otherwise and undertakings arising under or in connection with its respective agreements, guarantees, pledges and grants of encumbrances under and subject to the terms of the group intercreditor agreement and each security document to which it is party. See image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Deutsche Bank Ag, London Branch
    • 29. Apr. 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    • 12. Okt. 2012Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    A composite debenture
    Erstellt am 19. Jan. 2010
    Geliefert am 22. Jan. 2010
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due to the chargee from the obligors (or any one or more of them) to the senior finance parties (or any one or more of them) and from all or any of the obligors to the hedge counterparties (or any one or more of them) on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Deutsche Bank Ag London Branch (The Security Trustee)
    • 22. Jan. 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    • 12. Okt. 2012Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Composite debenture
    Erstellt am 19. Jan. 2010
    Geliefert am 22. Jan. 2010
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due to the chargee from the obligors (or any one or more of them) to the senior finance parties (or any one or more of them) and from all or any of the obligors to the hedge counterparties (or any one or more of them) on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Deutsche Bank Ag London Branch (The Security Trustee)
    • 22. Jan. 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    • 28. Mai 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Composite debenture
    Erstellt am 03. März 2006
    Geliefert am 10. März 2006
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due to the chargee, from the obligors (or any one or more of them) to the finance parties (or any one or more of them) on any account whatsoever, from all or any of the obligors to the restructuring swap counterparties and/or the existing hedge counter parties and to the new hedge counterparties under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Deutsche Bank Ag, London Branch (As Security Trustee for the Beneficiaries)
    • 10. März 2006Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 20. Mai 2010Erklärung, dass ein Teil oder das gesamte belastete Eigentum freigegeben wurde (MG04)
    • 24. Mai 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Composite debenture
    Erstellt am 21. Dez. 2004
    Geliefert am 23. Dez. 2004
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company and/or all or any of the other companies named therein to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Barclays Bank PLC (As Security Trustee for the Beneficiaries)
    • 23. Dez. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 30. März 2006Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)
    New composite guarantee and debenture
    Erstellt am 14. Juli 2004
    Geliefert am 28. Juli 2004
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    A first equitable charge over the stocks, shares and any other interests of tccv in front row television LTD, any tcn entity or any joint venture. A first floating charge over all other present and future assets of the company. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC in Its Capacity as New Security Trustee for the New Beneficiaries
    • 28. Juli 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 04. Aug. 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    New composite guarantee and debenture
    Erstellt am 14. Juli 2004
    Geliefert am 28. Juli 2004
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    A first equitable charge over the stocks, shares and any other interests of the company in front row television LTD, any tcn entity or any joint venture. A first floating charge over all other present and future assets of the company. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC in Its Capacity as New Security Trustee for the New Beneficiaries
    • 28. Juli 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 04. Aug. 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    New composite guarantee and debenture
    Erstellt am 14. Juli 2004
    Geliefert am 22. Juli 2004
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    A first equitable charge over the stocks, shares and any other interests of tcn in front row television LTD, any tcn entity or any joint venture. A first floating charge over all other present and future assets of the company. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC in Its Capacity as New Security Trustee for the New Beneficiaries
    • 22. Juli 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 04. Aug. 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    New composite guarantee and debenture
    Erstellt am 14. Juli 2004
    Geliefert am 22. Juli 2004
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    A first equitable charge over the stocks, shares and any other interests of tcn in front row television LTD, any tcn entity or any joint venture. A first floating charge over all other present and future assets of the company. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC in Its Capacity as New Security Trustee for the New Beneficiaries
    • 22. Juli 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 04. Aug. 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Guarantee and debenture made between (1) telewest communications networks limited, (2) the original charging subsidiaries, (3) the original charging partnerships and (4) telewest finance corporation (the "us borrower") 5). cibc world markets PLC in its capacity as security trustee issued by the company.
    Erstellt am 16. März 2001
    Geliefert am 23. März 2001
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    A).all amounts payable to cibc world markets PLC as security trustee to the extent only of the amount payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed and all amounts payable to any other person who may be appointed as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed to the extent only of the amounts payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed; (b) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to all or any of the finance parties under the senior documents; (c) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to the hedge counterparties under the hedging arrangements; (d) all indebtedness of the lessees to the lessors (or any of them) under the lease documents; and (e) all financial obligations due to crosby under the crosby documents
    Kurze Angaben
    I). all the company's present and future rights, title, benefit and interest in and under the loan stock (as defined) from time to time ii). All rights title benefit and interest in and to amounts payable to the company arising under the bbc jv management services agreement, and the UK gold jv management services agreement iii). All rights title benefit and interest in and to amounts payable to the company under the bbc jv agreement, the UK gold jv agreement and any other subscription and shareholder agreement entered into in relation to a joint venture, including (but not limited to) all amounts payable under clauses 19 and 20 of the bbc jv agreement and clauses 19 and 20 of the UK gold jv agreement and iv). All the company's present and future rights title benefit and interest in and under the intercompany loan agreement together with first floating charge all the company's undertaking property and assets not charged by way of fixed charge.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC (In Its Capacity as Security Trustee)
    • 23. März 2001Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 19. Aug. 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Guarantee and debenture made between (1) telewest communications networks limited, (2) the original charging subsidiaries, (3) the original charging partnerships and (4) telewest finance corporation (the "us "borrower") 5). cibc world markets PLC in its capacity as security trustee issued by the company.
    Erstellt am 16. März 2001
    Geliefert am 23. März 2001
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    A).all amounts payable to cibc world markets PLC as security trustee to the extent only of the amount payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed and all amounts payable to any other person who may be appointed as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed to the extent only of the amounts payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed; (b) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to all or any of the finance parties under the senior documents; (c) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to the hedge counterparties under the hedging arrangements; (d) all indebtedness of the lessees to the lessors (or any of them) under the lease documents; and (e) all financial obligations due to crosby under the crosby documents
    Kurze Angaben
    I). all the company's present and future rights, title, benefit and interest in and under the loan stock (as defined) from time to time ii). All rights title benefit and interest in and to amounts payable to the company arising under the bbc jv management services agreement, and the UK gold jv management services agreement iii). All rights title benefit and interest in and to amounts payable to the company under the bbc jv agreement, the UK gold jv agreement and any other subscription and shareholder agreement entered into in relation to a joint venture, including (but not limited to) all amounts payable under clauses 19 and 20 of the bbc jv agreement and clauses 19 and 20 of the UK gold jv agreement and iv). All the company's present and future rights title benefit and interest in and under the intercompany loan agreement together with first floating charge all the company's undertaking property and assets not charged by way of fixed charge .. see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC (In Its Capacity as Security Trustee)
    • 23. März 2001Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 19. Aug. 2010Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (MG02)
    Guarantee and debenture made between (1) telewest communications networks limited, (2) the original charging subsidiaries, (3) the original charging partnerships and (4) cibc world markets PLC in its capacity as security trustee issued by the company
    Erstellt am 20. Mai 1999
    Geliefert am 03. Juni 1999
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    (A) all amounts payable to cibc world markets PLC as security trustee to the extent only of the amount payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed and all amounts payable to any other person who may be appointed as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed to the extent only of the amounts payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed; (b) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to all or any of the finance parties under the senior documents; (c) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to the hedge counterparties under the hedging arrangements; (d) all indebtedness of the lessees to the lessors (or any of them) under the lease documents; and (e) all financial obligations due to crosby under the crosby documents
    Kurze Angaben
    By way of first fixed charge (I) without prejudice to clause 3.1(b) of the debenture all tccv's right, title and interest in and to all claims to which tccv is at the date of the debenture or may thereafter become entitled under and in relation to each of the lease documents to which it is a party.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC (In Its Capacity as Security Trustee)
    • 03. Juni 1999Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 22. Dez. 2004Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)
    Guarantee and debenture made between (1) telewest communications networks limited, (2) the original charging subsidiaries, (3) the original charging partnerships and (4) cibc world markets PLC in its capacity as security trustee issued by the company
    Erstellt am 20. Mai 1999
    Geliefert am 03. Juni 1999
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    (A) all amounts payable to cibc world markets PLC as security trustee to the extent only of the amount payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed and all amounts payable to any other person who may be appointed as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed to the extent only of the amounts payable to the security trustee (for its own account) pursuant to the agreement or any of the security trustee security documents in relation to the period up to and including its retirement as security trustee pursuant to the provisions of the intercreditor deed; (b) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to all or any of the finance parties under the senior documents; (c) all indebtedness covenanted to be paid or discharged by all or any of the chargors to the hedge counterparties under the hedging arrangements; (d) all indebtedness of the lessees to the lessors (or any of them) under the lease documents; and (e) all financial obligations due to crosby under the crosby documents
    Kurze Angaben
    By way of first fixed charge (I) without prejudice to clause 3.1(b) of the debenture all the company's right, title and interest in and to all claims to which the company is at the date of the debenture or may thereafter become entitled under and in relation to each of the lease documents to which it is a party.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc World Markets PLC (In Its Capacity as Security Trustee)
    • 03. Juni 1999Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 22. Dez. 2004Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)
    Guarantee & debenture between 1) telewest communications networks limited 1) the original charging subsidiaries 2) the original charging partnerships 3) and the toronto-dominion bank in its capacity as security trustee 4)
    Erstellt am 26. Sept. 1998
    Geliefert am 08. Okt. 1998
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies, obligations and liabilities whether actual or contingent which are covenanted or guaranteed to be paid by each chargor (inclusive of the company as general partner in cotswolds cable limited partnership as partner in telewest communications (cotswolds) venture) to the chargees under or pursuant to the agreement dated 27TH march 1998 and/or the security trust deed and/or all or any of the other security documents (as defined)
    Kurze Angaben
    .. fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Toronto Dominion Bank (In Its Capacity as Security Trustee,Agent and First Beneficiary Under the Terms of the Debenture), the Arrangers and the Banks (or Any of Them).
    • 08. Okt. 1998Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 01. Juni 1999Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)
    Guarantee and debenture dated 26TH september 1998 made between (1)telewest communications networks limited,(1) the original charging subsidiaries (2) the original charging partnerships (3) and the toronto-dominion bank in its capacity as security trustee (4)
    Erstellt am 26. Sept. 1998
    Geliefert am 08. Okt. 1998
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies, obligations and liabilities whether actual or contingent which are covenanted or guaranteed to be paid by each chargor (as defined therein) to the chargees under or pursuant to the agreement dated 27TH march 1998 and/or the security trust deed and/or all or any of the other security documents (as defined)
    Kurze Angaben
    .. fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Toronto Dominion Bank (In Its Capacity as Security Trustee,Agent and First Beneficiary Under the Terms of the Debenture), the Arrangers and the Banks (or Any of Them).
    • 08. Okt. 1998Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 01. Juni 1999Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)
    Guarantee and debenture
    Erstellt am 24. Juli 1996
    Geliefert am 07. Aug. 1996
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies, obligations and liabilities whether actual or contingent which are covenanted or guaranteed to be paid by each chargor (as defined therein) to cibc wood gundy PLC (in its capacity as security trustee) for the account of (a) the agent, the security trustee, the arrangers and the banks (or any of them) under or pursuant to the agreement dated 22ND may 1996 and/or this deed and/or the security trust deed and/or any of the other security documents; (b) the interest rate beneficiaries (or any of them) in respect of the interest rate protection arrangements; and (c) the bond providers (or any of them) in respect of any indemnity from each chargor issued in connection with the bond provision arrangements (all as defined in the deed) (collectively the beneficiaries) whether by acceleration or otherwise
    Kurze Angaben
    .. fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc Wood Gundy PLC (As Security Trustee)
    • 07. Aug. 1996Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 01. Juni 1999Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)
    Guarantee and debenture
    Erstellt am 24. Juli 1996
    Geliefert am 07. Aug. 1996
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies, obligations and liabilities whether actual or contingent which are covenanted or guaranteed to be paid by each chargor (as defined therein) to cibc wood gundy PLC (in its capacity as security trustee) for the account of (a) the agent, the security trustee, the arrangers and the banks (or any of them) under or pursuant to the agreement dated 22ND may 1996 and/or this deed and/or the security trust deed and/or any of the other security documents; (b) the interest rate beneficiaries (or any of them) in respect of the interest rate protection arrangements; and (c) the bond providers (or any of them) in respect of any indemnity from each chargor issued in connection with the bond provision arrangements (all as defined in the deed) (collectively the beneficiaries) whether by acceleration or otherwise
    Kurze Angaben
    .. fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Cibc Wood Gundy PLC (As Security Trustee)
    • 07. Aug. 1996Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 01. Juni 1999Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)
    Legal charge
    Erstellt am 22. Feb. 1994
    Geliefert am 26. Feb. 1994
    Vollständig erfüllt
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Kurze Angaben
    Units 3 and 4 midpoint business park cheltenham road east staverton gloucestershire.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 26. Feb. 1994Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    • 25. Okt. 1995Erklärung zur vollständigen oder teilweisen Erfüllung einer Belastung (403a)


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