• Überblick
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Zweck
  • Adresse
  • Jahresabschlüsse
  • Einreichungen
  • Geschäftsführung
  • Personen mit maßgeblichem Einfluss
  • Belastungen
  • Datenquelle
  • Überblick

    UnternehmensnameSIMCLA LIMITED
    RechtsformGesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
    Unternehmensnummer 03620344
    Datum der Einstellung


    Hat Super Secure PSCsNein
    Hat BelastungenJa
    Hat InsolvenzgeschichteNein
    Registrierte Geschäftsadresse ist umstrittenNein

    Was ist der Zweck von SIMCLA LIMITED?

    • Nicht-Lebensversicherung (65120) / Finanz- und Versicherungsdienstleistungen

    Wo befindet sich SIMCLA LIMITED?

    Adresse der eingetragenen Geschäftstelle
    3 Castlegate
    NG31 6SF Grantham
    Nicht zustellbare Adresse der eingetragenen GeschäftstelleNein

    Wie lauten die letzten Jahresabschlüsse von SIMCLA LIMITED?

    Letzter Jahresabschluss
    Letzter Jahresabschluss erstellt bis31. Dez. 2022

    Welche sind die letzten Einreichungen für SIMCLA LIMITED?


    Letzter Bundesanzeiger aufgelöst durch freiwillige Löschung

    1 SeitenGAZ2(A)

    Erste Bekanntmachung im Bundesanzeiger für die freiwillige Löschung

    1 SeitenGAZ1(A)

    Antrag auf Löschung der Gesellschaft aus dem Handelsregister

    1 SeitenDS01

    Jahresabschluss mit vollständiger Befreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2022

    6 SeitenAA

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 29. Jan. 2023 ohne Aktualisierungen

    3 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss mit vollständiger Befreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2021

    6 SeitenAA

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 29. Jan. 2022 ohne Aktualisierungen

    3 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss mit vollständiger Befreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2020

    6 SeitenAA

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 29. Jan. 2021 ohne Aktualisierungen

    3 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss mit vollständiger Befreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2019

    6 SeitenAA

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 29. Jan. 2020 ohne Aktualisierungen

    3 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss mit vollständiger Befreiung erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2018

    6 SeitenAA

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 29. Jan. 2019 ohne Aktualisierungen

    3 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss für ein kleines Unternehmen erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2017

    6 SeitenAA

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 29. Jan. 2018 ohne Aktualisierungen

    3 SeitenCS01

    Jahresabschluss für ein kleines Unternehmen erstellt bis zum 31. Dez. 2016

    5 SeitenAA

    Cessation of Icp Holdings Ltd as a person with significant control on 21. März 2017

    1 SeitenPSC07

    Bestätigungserklärung erstellt am 18. Aug. 2017 mit Aktualisierungen

    5 SeitenCS01

    Notification of Fidentia Holdings Limited as a person with significant control on 21. März 2017

    2 SeitenPSC02

    Änderung der Details des Direktors für Mr Michael John Argyle am 10. Juli 2017

    2 SeitenCH01

    Geänderte Geschäftsanschrift vom A21 Jacks Place 6 Corbet Place London E1 6NN zum 3 Castlegate Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 6SF am 30. März 2017

    1 SeitenAD01

    Ernennung von Mr Michael John Argyle als Direktor am 21. März 2017

    2 SeitenAP01

    Beendigung der Bestellung von Andrew Staley Fox als Sekretär am 21. März 2017

    1 SeitenTM02

    Ernennung von Fidentia Trustees Limited als Direktor am 21. März 2017

    2 SeitenAP02

    Beendigung der Bestellung von Nicholas Hickman Ponsonsby Bacon als Geschäftsführer am 21. März 2017

    1 SeitenTM01

    Wer sind die Geschäftsführer von SIMCLA LIMITED?

    NameErnennung amRücktrittsdatumRolleAdresseUnternehmensidentifikationStaatsangehörigkeitNationalitätGeburtsdatumBerufNummer
    ARGYLE, Michael John
    NG31 6SF Grantham
    3 Castlegate
    NG31 6SF Grantham
    3 Castlegate
    United KingdomBritishChartered Accountant142038790002
    NG31 6SF Grantham
    3 Castlegate
    NG31 6SF Grantham
    3 Castlegate
    Art des AusweisesBritische Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
    BAILEY, Andrew John
    Kilmory North Hill
    Little Baddow
    CM3 4TA Chelmsford
    Kilmory North Hill
    Little Baddow
    CM3 4TA Chelmsford
    BritishCompany Director53809460001
    FOX, Andrew Staley
    Dukes Road
    RH16 2JH Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    United Kingdom
    Dukes Road
    RH16 2JH Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    United Kingdom
    HODGSON, Graham
    Barstable Road
    SS17 0NX Stanford-Le-Hope
    United Kingdom
    Barstable Road
    SS17 0NX Stanford-Le-Hope
    United Kingdom
    130 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 5DJ London
    Fountain House
    130 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 5DJ London
    Fountain House
    Art des AusweisesEuropäischer Wirtschaftsraum
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4JL London
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4JL London
    120 East Road
    N1 6AA London
    Bevollmächtigter Sekretär
    120 East Road
    N1 6AA London
    ADAIR, Robert Fredrik Martin
    DL10 4SB Richmond
    High Leases Farm
    North Yorkshire
    United Kingdom
    DL10 4SB Richmond
    High Leases Farm
    North Yorkshire
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomBritishDirector141849580002
    BACON, Nicholas Hickman Ponsonsby, Sir
    NR14 6NS Norwich
    Raveningham Hall
    NR14 6NS Norwich
    Raveningham Hall
    HARBORD-HAMOND, Charles Anthony Assheton
    Alderbrook Road
    SW12 8AD London
    United Kingdom
    Alderbrook Road
    SW12 8AD London
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomBritishLloyds U W Agent56874210004
    HILLS, Christopher Martin
    6 Corbet Place
    E1 6NN London
    Unit C25 Jacks Place
    United Kingdom
    6 Corbet Place
    E1 6NN London
    Unit C25 Jacks Place
    United Kingdom
    EnglandBritishManagement Consultant186280960001
    MARLAND OF ODSTOCK, Jonathan Peter, Lord
    Wilton Place
    SW1X 8RH London
    United Kingdom
    Wilton Place
    SW1X 8RH London
    United Kingdom
    22 Honeywell Road
    SW11 6EG London
    22 Honeywell Road
    SW11 6EG London
    EnglandBritishCompany Director29792930002
    MOSLEY, Claire Amalia
    Flat 4 59 Onslow Gardens
    SW7 3QF London
    Flat 4 59 Onslow Gardens
    SW7 3QF London
    United KingdomBritishFashion Designer60644580001
    MOSLEY, George Christopher
    23 The Little Boltons
    SW10 9LJ London
    23 The Little Boltons
    SW10 9LJ London
    MOSLEY, Maria
    Flat 4 59 Onslow Gardens
    SW7 3QF London
    Flat 4 59 Onslow Gardens
    SW7 3QF London
    MOSLEY, Simon James
    Flat 4
    59 Onslow Gardens
    SW7 3QF London
    Flat 4
    59 Onslow Gardens
    SW7 3QF London
    BritishRetired Solicitor28331260001
    ODEY, Robin Crispin William
    Swan Walk
    SW3 4JJ London
    United Kingdom
    Swan Walk
    SW3 4JJ London
    United Kingdom
    EnglandBritishInvestment Manager39990440001
    SANDILANDS, Paul Francis
    Falcutt House
    NN13 5QZ Brackley
    Falcutt House
    NN13 5QZ Brackley
    EnglandBritishCompany Director10238320001
    SHENTON, Timothy
    6 Corbet Place
    E1 6NN London
    Unit C25 Jacks Place
    United Kingdom
    6 Corbet Place
    E1 6NN London
    Unit C25 Jacks Place
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomBritishChartered Accountant173433900001
    120 East Road
    N1 6AA London
    Bevollmächtigter Geschäftsführer
    120 East Road
    N1 6AA London
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4JL London
    Senator House
    85 Queen Victoria Street
    EC4V 4JL London

    Wer sind die Personen mit maßgeblichem Einfluss bei SIMCLA LIMITED?

    Personen mit maßgeblichem Einfluss
    NameBenachrichtigt amAdresseAufgehört
    Fidentia Holdings Limited
    NG31 6SF Grantham
    3 Castlegate
    21. März 2017
    NG31 6SF Grantham
    3 Castlegate
    RechtsformCompany Limited By Shares
    RegistrierungslandEngland And Wales
    RechtsgrundlageCompanies Act 2006
    RegistrierungsortEngland & Wales
    Arten der Kontrolle
    • Die Person hält, direkt oder indirekt, mehr als 75% der Anteile an der Gesellschaft.
    • Die Person hält, direkt oder indirekt, mehr als 75% der Stimmrechte im Unternehmen.
    Icp Holdings Ltd
    Jacks Place
    6 Corbet Place
    E1 6NN London
    Unit C25
    United Kingdom
    01. Aug. 2016
    Jacks Place
    6 Corbet Place
    E1 6NN London
    Unit C25
    United Kingdom
    RechtsformLimited Company
    Arten der Kontrolle
    • Die Person hält, direkt oder indirekt, mehr als 75% der Anteile an der Gesellschaft.
    • Die Person hat das Recht, direkt oder indirekt, die Mehrheit des Vorstands der Gesellschaft zu ernennen oder zu entlassen.
    • Die Person hat das Recht, wesentlichen Einfluss oder Kontrolle über das Unternehmen auszuüben oder übt diese tatsächlich aus.

    Hat SIMCLA LIMITED Belastungen?

    Membership agreement between the society incorporated by lloyd's act 1871 by the name of lloyd's (the society) and the company (the agreement)
    Erstellt am 08. Nov. 2012
    Geliefert am 13. Nov. 2012
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    Subject to any charge over, and assignment by the company of, the future profits of its underwriting business at lloyd's contained in any trust deed or other instrument to which the company is, or becomes, a party pursuant to the requirements of the council relating to the provision of funds at lloyd's:- (a) the company's right, title, interest and expectancy in and to the trust funds held at any time under any premiums trust deed to which it is a party, (b) the amounts received, at any time after a failure by a connected company to discharge a lloyd's obligation, by the company out of the premiums trust fund.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Society, the Beneficiaries and Certain Other Persons or Bodies (As Further Defined on Form MG01)
    • 13. Nov. 2012Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    Deed of charge
    Erstellt am 02. Feb. 2011
    Geliefert am 07. Feb. 2011
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    First fixed charge all right title and interest in and to the moneys standing to the credit of any sterling special account first floating charge all right title and interest in and to the reinsurance recoveries which are at any time due under the syndicate's reinsurance programme see image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • 07. Feb. 2011Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    Deed of charge
    Erstellt am 02. Feb. 2011
    Geliefert am 07. Feb. 2011
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    First fixed charge all right title and interest in and to the moneys standing to the credit of any dollar special account first floating charge all right title and interest in and to the reinsurance recoveries which are at any time due under the syndicate's reinsurance programme see image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • 07. Feb. 2011Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    Deposit trust deed (gen) (10)
    Erstellt am 01. Juni 2010
    Geliefert am 08. Juni 2010
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    All moneys or other property at any time paid or transferred to or under the direct or indirect control of the trustees (being the society and the other trustees for the time being of the trusts created by the trust deed) and all further property added or accruing by way of further settlement, capital accretion, accumulation of income or otherwise and the property from time to time representing the same. All the future profits of the underwriting business of the company at lloyd’s subject to any prior charge contained in the premiums trust deed. See image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Lloyd's, the Trustees, the Beneficiaries and the Other Persons or Bodies (As Further Defined on Form MG01)
    • 08. Juni 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    Deed of charge
    Erstellt am 02. Feb. 2010
    Geliefert am 08. Feb. 2010
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    By way of first fixed charge all right title and interest of the dollar trustees in and to the moneys at any time standing to the credit of any dollar special account. By way of floating charge all right title and interest of the dollar trustees in and to the reinsurance recoveries which are at any time due under the syndicate’s reinsurance programme in respect of gross claims paid behalf of the company. See image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • 08. Feb. 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    Deed of charge
    Erstellt am 02. Feb. 2010
    Geliefert am 08. Feb. 2010
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    By way of first fixed charge all right title and interest of the sterling trustees in and to the moneys at any time standing to the credit of any sterling special account. By way of floating charge all right title and interest of the sterling trustees in and to the reinsurance recoveries which are at any time due under the syndicate’s reinsurance programme in respect of gross claims paid behalf of the company. See image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • 08. Feb. 2010Registrierung einer Belastung (MG01)
    Lloyd's american trust deed (the " trust deed")
    Erstellt am 24. März 2009
    Geliefert am 07. Apr. 2009
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    All premiums and other moneys payable during the trust term to or for the account of the company in connection with the 1992 and prior american business and all other assets from time to time transferred to the american trustee to be held by it as part of the american trust fund, all investments and moneys and all income arising from (i)-(iii) see image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The American Trustee, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies (As Defined on the Form M395)
    • 07. Apr. 2009Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Amendment and restatement lloyd's american instrument 1995 (general business for corporate members) ("the 1995 american instrument (corporate members") dated 31 july 1995 & amended on 28 december 2001, 1 april 2001, 1 august 2001, 13 february 2002, 27 september 2007 &
    Erstellt am 24. März 2009
    Geliefert am 07. Apr. 2009
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    All the present and future assets of the member comprised in the member's dollar trust fund constituted under and pursuant to the 1995 american instrument (corporate member) full particulars of which assets are set out in clause 3 of and schedule 2 to the 1995 american instrument (corporate members). See image for full details.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Lloyd's, and Certain Other Persons or Bodies (As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 07. Apr. 2009Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Deposit trust deed (the trust deed)
    Erstellt am 13. Okt. 2005
    Geliefert am 20. Okt. 2005
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    All moneys or other property at any time paid or transferred to or under the direct or indrect control of the trustees (being the society and the other trustees for the time being of the trusts created by the trust deed) and all accumulations of income and the investments and other property fo rhte time being representing the same. All the future profits of the underwriting business of the company at lloyds subject to any prior charge contained in the premiums trust deed. The moneys or other property approved by the council of lloyds and paid or transferred by the company to or under the direct or indirect control of the society and as are entered in the records maintained by the society to be held by the society as trustee upon and with and subject to the trusts powers and provisions set out in the trust deed (and all accumulations of income and the investments and other property for the time being representing the same).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • Lloyds
    • 20. Okt. 2005Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Deposit trust deed as supplemented by a deed of advancement of even date between the society and simon james mosley (the trust deed)
    Erstellt am 31. Jan. 2005
    Geliefert am 05. Feb. 2005
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    All moneys or other property at any time paid or transferred to or under the direct or indirect control of the trustees (being the society and the other trustees for the time being of the trusts created by the trust deed) and all accumulations of income and the investments and other property for the time being representing the same, all the future profits of the underwriting business of the company at lloyd's subject to any prior charge contained in the premium trust deed, the moneys or other property approved by the council of lloyd's and paid or transferred by the company to or under the direct or indirect control of the society and as are entered in the records maintained by the society to be held by the society as trustee upon and with and subject to the trusts powers and provisions set out in the trust deed (and all accumulations of income and investments and other property for the time being representing the same).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Society Incorporated by Lloyd's Act 1871 by the Name of Lloyd's, the Trustees, the Beneficiaries and the Other Persons or Bodies (As Further Defined on Form M395
    • 05. Feb. 2005Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2791 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0318 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0033 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0510 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0557 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0570 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0609 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0623 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0727 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0780 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.0958 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2010 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2121 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Charge dated 1ST january 2004 in the terms of the lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed (the "trust deed") but effective from 1ST january 2004
    Erstellt am 01. Jan. 2004
    Geliefert am 20. Jan. 2004
    Gesicherter Betrag
    The payment of matured claims (including claims for loss and claims for the return of unearned premium) under contracts or policies of insurance incepting on or after 1ST august 1995 underwritten by the company as a member of syndicate no.2020 (The "syndicate") (including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) and allocable to the relevant year of account or in respect of which the company is liable as a member of the syndicate for the relevant year of account for an earlier year of account pursuant to any contract of reinsurance to close and issued to a policy holder pursuant to surplus lines or excess lines laws of any state, district, territory, commonwealth or possession of the united states (an "american policy"), all expenditures and fees of the trustee (as defined in the trust deed and being, as at the date thereof, citibank N.A. of 111 wall street, new york, usa), repayment of cash or securities advanced by the trustee to the trust held under the provisions of the trust deed, and certain transfers by the trustee to an overseas fund (as defined in the trust deed) or to the superintendent of insurance of the state of new york or other designated receiver, and for securing the other amounts and obligations referred to in the trust deed
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at anytime and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trust created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate ("the trust fund" or "trust") ( see form 395 for further details).
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee, Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policy Holders and Certain Other Persons or Bodies(As Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 20. Jan. 2004Registrierung einer Belastung (395)
    Lloyd's united states situs excess or surplus lines trust deed ("the trust deed") dated 2 june 2003 (in respect of syndicate no.2010 (Including all incidental syndicates of such syndicate) (but effective from 2 june 2003 and the first day of the relevant calendar year with respect to each trust which relates to any other year of account of the syndicate)
    Erstellt am 02. Juni 2003
    Geliefert am 10. Juni 2003
    Gesicherter Betrag
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Kurze Angaben
    The property constituting the trust principal but excluding the investment income from time to time earned thereon. The property in the actual and sole possession of the trustee at any time and held under the provisions of the trust deed allocable to the particular trsut created by the company with respect to the particular year of account of the syndicate. Cash in us currency or specifically designated readily marketable securities and/or letters of credit substituted by the agent at any time for any cash or assets then forming part of the trust fund.
    Berechtigte Personen
    • The Trustee (Being, as at the Date Hereof, Citibank N.A.), Lloyd's, the Agent, All Policyholders and Third-Party Claimants and Certain Other Persons or Bodies (as Further Defined on Form M395)
    • 10. Juni 2003Registrierung einer Belastung (395)


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