• Visión general
  • Resumen
  • Propósito
  • Dirección
  • Nombres anteriores
  • Cuentas
  • Presentaciones
  • Directivos
  • Personas con control significativo
  • Declaraciones de personas con control significativo
  • Gravámenes
  • Insolvencia
  • Fuente de datos
  • Visión general

    Nombre de la empresaTIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED
    Estado de la empresaDisuelta
    Forma jurídicaSociedad de responsabilidad limitada
    Número de empresa 03630803
    Fecha de constitución
    Fecha de cese


    Tiene PSCs súper segurosNo
    Tiene gravámenes
    Tiene historial de insolvencia
    La sede social está en disputaNo

    ¿Cuál es el propósito de TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?

    • Otro alquiler y explotación de bienes inmobiliarios propios o arrendados (68209) / Actividades inmobiliarias

    ¿Dónde se encuentra TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?

    Dirección de la sede social
    Carrington House
    126-130 Regent Street
    W1B 5SE London
    Dirección de la sede social no entregableNo

    ¿Cuáles fueron los nombres anteriores de TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?

    Nombres anteriores de la empresa
    Nombre de la empresaDesdeHasta
    PRECIS (1670) LIMITED14 sept 199814 sept 1998

    ¿Cuáles son las últimas cuentas de TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?

    Últimas cuentas
    Últimas cuentas cerradas hasta31 mar 2019

    ¿Cuáles son las últimas presentaciones para TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?


    Renuncia de bienes vacantes

    1 páginasBONA

    Renuncia de bienes vacantes

    1 páginasBONA

    Renuncia de bienes vacantes

    1 páginasBONA

    Renuncia de bienes vacantes

    1 páginasBONA

    Boletín oficial final disuelto por cancelación voluntaria


    Primer aviso en el boletín oficial para la cancelación voluntaria

    1 páginasGAZ1(A)

    Solicitud de exclusión de la empresa del registro

    1 páginasDS01

    Declaración de confirmación presentada el 14 sept 2020 con actualizaciones

    4 páginasCS01

    Cambio de datos del director Michael Joseph O'flynn el 25 ene 2017

    2 páginasCH01

    Cambio de datos del director John Oliver Nesbitt el 25 ene 2017

    2 páginasCH01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 31 mar 2019

    16 páginasAA

    Declaración de confirmación presentada el 14 sept 2019 sin actualizaciones

    3 páginasCS01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 31 mar 2018

    15 páginasAA

    Declaración de confirmación presentada el 14 sept 2018 sin actualizaciones

    3 páginasCS01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 31 mar 2017

    15 páginasAA

    Notification de Tiger No 1 General Partner Limited en tant que personne disposant d'un contrôle significatif le 01 sept 2017

    1 páginasPSC02

    Retrait d'une déclaration relative à une personne disposant d'un contrôle significatif le 13 nov 2017

    2 páginasPSC09

    Retrait d'une déclaration relative à une personne disposant d'un contrôle significatif le 10 nov 2017

    2 páginasPSC09

    Declaración de confirmación presentada el 14 sept 2017 con actualizaciones

    4 páginasCS01

    Domicilio social registrado cambiado de 9 Clifford Street London W1S 2FT a Carrington House 126-130 Regent Street London W1B 5SE el 15 feb 2017

    1 páginasAD01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 31 mar 2016

    18 páginasAA

    Declaración de confirmación presentada el 14 sept 2016 con actualizaciones

    5 páginasCS01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 31 mar 2015

    14 páginasAA

    Cancelación total de la carga 21

    4 páginasMR04

    Cancelación total de la carga 23

    4 páginasMR04

    ¿Quiénes son los directivos de TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?

    NombreNombrado elRenunció elRolDirecciónIdentificación de la empresaPaís de residenciaNacionalidadFecha de nacimientoOcupaciónNúmero
    NESBITT, John Oliver
    126-130 Regent Street
    W1B 5SE London
    Carrington House
    126-130 Regent Street
    W1B 5SE London
    Carrington House
    United KingdomBritishNone203614990001
    O'FLYNN, Michael Joseph
    126-130 Regent Street
    W1B 5SE London
    Carrington House
    126-130 Regent Street
    W1B 5SE London
    Carrington House
    BARRY, Thomas Anthony
    Gurraun North
    IRISH Donoughmore
    County Cork
    Gurraun North
    IRISH Donoughmore
    County Cork
    MAHENDRA, Myron Murugendra
    13 Priory Road
    W4 5JB London
    13 Priory Road
    W4 5JB London
    O'NEILL, Brian
    7 Woodbrook
    Rochestown Road
    IRISH Cork
    7 Woodbrook
    Rochestown Road
    IRISH Cork
    PHOENIX, Christopher John
    Mount Pleasant Farm Station Road
    Sturton Le Steeple
    DN22 9HS Retford
    Mount Pleasant Farm Station Road
    Sturton Le Steeple
    DN22 9HS Retford
    Level 1 Exchange House
    Primrose Street
    EC2A 2HS London
    Secretario corporativo
    Level 1 Exchange House
    Primrose Street
    EC2A 2HS London
    Church Street
    NW8 8EP London
    Secretario designado corporativo
    Church Street
    NW8 8EP London
    BARRY, Thomas Anthony
    Gurraun North
    IRISH Donoughmore
    County Cork
    Gurraun North
    IRISH Donoughmore
    County Cork
    BHATIA, Kamal
    5 Highfields Grove
    Fitzroy Park
    N6 6HN London
    5 Highfields Grove
    Fitzroy Park
    N6 6HN London
    EnglandIndianProperty Consultant82610530001
    DAVIES, Simon David Austin
    Berkeley Square
    W1J 5AL London
    Berkeley Square
    W1J 5AL London
    United KingdomBritishManaging Director197508390001
    JOHNSON, Andrew William
    Fulford Farm
    OX17 2HL Banbury
    Fulford Farm
    OX17 2HL Banbury
    EnglandBritishCompany Director68089410003
    KELLEHER, Michael
    Bridgehill, Anglish
    IRISH Coachford
    Bridgehill, Anglish
    IRISH Coachford
    LEE, Peter John Gorringe
    South Park Farm
    Lower South Park
    RH9 8LF South Godstone
    South Park Farm
    Lower South Park
    RH9 8LF South Godstone
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor83600080001
    LEWIS, Simon Nicholas Hewitt
    Bickley Court
    36 Chiselhurst Road
    BR1 2NW Bickley
    Bickley Court
    36 Chiselhurst Road
    BR1 2NW Bickley
    United KingdomBritishChartered Surveyor60744980001
    LOCK, James Robert
    Berkeley Square
    W1J 5AL London
    Berkeley Square
    W1J 5AL London
    EnglandBritishManaging Director195412690001
    MCKIE, Gordon Robert
    Berkeley Square
    W1J 5AL London
    Berkeley Square
    W1J 5AL London
    EnglandBritishManaging Director155757550001
    MELHUISH, Richard Marcus
    The Roundel
    Buncton Lane, Bolney
    RH17 5RE Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    The Roundel
    Buncton Lane, Bolney
    RH17 5RE Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    BritishChartered Surveyor83530000001
    NESBITT, John Oliver
    Stoke Court
    SY8 3BX Ludlow
    Stoke Court
    SY8 3BX Ludlow
    O NEIL, Brian
    7 Woodbrook
    IRISH Rochester Town
    7 Woodbrook
    IRISH Rochester Town
    IrishCompany Director116920110001
    O'FLYNN, Michael Joseph
    Rockfield House
    Rockfield House
    United KingdomIrishDirector19022840006
    PENFOLD, Diane June
    43 Eagle Court
    Hermon Hill
    E11 1PD London
    43 Eagle Court
    Hermon Hill
    E11 1PD London
    United KingdomBritishCompany Secretary59962430002
    PHOENIX, Christopher John
    Mount Pleasant Farm Station Road
    Sturton Le Steeple
    DN22 9HS Retford
    Mount Pleasant Farm Station Road
    Sturton Le Steeple
    DN22 9HS Retford
    WILLIAMS, John
    13 Doran Drive
    RH1 6AX Redhill
    13 Doran Drive
    RH1 6AX Redhill
    BritishChartered Surveyor36333640001
    WILSON, Clare Alice
    75 Ifield Road
    SW10 9AU London
    75 Ifield Road
    SW10 9AU London

    ¿Quiénes son las personas con control significativo de TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?

    Personas con control significativo
    NombreNotificado elDirecciónCesado
    Tiger No 1 General Partner Limited
    Regent Street
    W1B 5SE London
    Carrington House
    01 sept 2017
    Regent Street
    W1B 5SE London
    Carrington House
    Forma jurídicaLimited Company
    Autoridad legalEngland
    Naturaleza del control
    • La persona posee, directa o indirectamente, más del 75% de las acciones de la compañía.

    ¿Cuáles son las últimas declaraciones sobre personas con control significativo para TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED?

    Declaraciones de personas con control significativo
    Notificado elCesado elDeclaración
    14 sept 201601 sept 2017La empresa sabe o tiene motivos razonables para creer que no existe ninguna persona registrable o entidad jurídica relevante registrable en relación con la empresa.

    ¿Tiene TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED alguna carga?

    A registered charge
    Creado el 28 oct 2015
    Entregado el 10 nov 2015
    Breve descripción
    All freehold property registered at the land registry under title numbers K395609, K683544 and K782428 and all that leasehold property being registered at the land registy under title number K790687 together with such right, title and interest as the company has in the land shown coloured green on the title plan to title number K395609.
    Contiene una promesa negativa:
    Contiene una garantía fija:
    Personas con derecho
    • Carbon Paddock Wood Limited
    • 10 nov 2015Registro de una carga (MR01)
    Creado el 28 feb 2013
    Entregado el 16 mar 2013
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from any chargor to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Property k/a paddock wood distribution centre paddock wood t/nos. K395609 K790687 K782428 K683544 fixed and floating charge all f/h and l/h property all present and future fixtures and plant and machinery, investments, goodwill and uncalled capital, any intellectual property and assets see image for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • National Asset Loan Management Limited
    • 16 mar 2013Registro de un cargo (MG01)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 28 feb 2013
    Entregado el 16 mar 2013
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from any chargor to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Property k/a paddock wood distribution centre paddock wood t/nos. K395609 K790687 K782428 K683544 fixed and floating charge all f/h and l/h property all present and future fixtures and plant and machinery, investments, goodwill and uncalled capital, any intellectual property and assets see image for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • National Asset Loan Management Limited
    • 16 mar 2013Registro de un cargo (MG01)
    • 112 ago 2014Nombramiento de un receptor o gerente (RM01)
    • 112 sept 2014Aviso de cese de funciones como receptor o gerente (RM02)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
      • Número de expediente 1
    Legal charge
    Creado el 09 mar 2005
    Entregado el 26 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the obligors to the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    The l/h property knonw as unit a paddock wood distribution centre tonbridge kent t/n K668275,. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC as Trustee for Itself and the Beneficiaries (The Agent)
    • 26 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 09 jul 2004
    Entregado el 26 jul 2004
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the obligors or any chargor to the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    F/H property forming part of paddock wood distribution centre off transfesa road paddock wood kent t/no K395609, f/h property forming part of paddock wood distribution centre off transfesa road paddock wood kent t/no K782428, f/h property forming part of paddock wood distribution centre off transfesa road paddock wood kent t/no K683544. For details of further properties charged please refer to form 395. fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC (The Agent)
    • 26 jul 2004Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 09 jul 2004
    Entregado el 26 jul 2004
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the obligors or the company formerly known as chancerygate (aa no.2) general partner limited to the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    F/H property being land and buildings on the north west side of lower boxley road maidstone kent t/no K655210, f/h property known as the arndale centre otley road headingley leeds t/no WYK462076, l/h property known as the arndale centre otley road headingley leeds t/no WYK704378. For details of further properties charged please refer to form 395. fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC (The Agent)
    • 26 jul 2004Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 21 ene 2005Declaración de que parte o la totalidad de la propiedad de una carga flotante ha sido liberada (403b)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 09 jul 2004
    Entregado el 26 jul 2004
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the obligors or the company formerly known as chancerygate (aa no.2) general partner limited to the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    F/H property known as dakota house poyle road colnbrook t/no BK332716, f/h property known as wellesley house wellsley street leicester t/no LT263596, f/h property known as objects house 28-30 chapel street marlow buckinghamshire t/no BM128827 and f/h property known as objects house 28-30 chapel street marlow buckinghamshire t/no BM128828. Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC (The Agent)
    • 26 jul 2004Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 13 jun 2003
    Entregado el 14 jun 2003
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower and each other obligor to the agent and/or th beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All that freehold land and buildings known as paddock wood distribution centre off transfesa road paddock wood kent t/n's K395609, K683544 & K782428 and all that leasehold land being land at paddock wood distribution centre known as development plots D1, D2 and D3 t/n K790687. Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC (The Agent)
    • 14 jun 2003Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Deed of assignation in security of contracts
    Creado el 03 jul 2002
    Entregado el 18 jul 2002
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower and each other obligor to the agent and/or the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    The whole right, title, interest and benefit in and to the rights.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC (The Agent)
    • 18 jul 2002Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 03 jul 2002
    Entregado el 18 jul 2002
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower each other obligor and the company formerly known as carisbrooke suon general partner limited to the agent and/or the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC (The Agent)
    • 18 jul 2002Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 07 dic 2004Declaración de que parte o la totalidad de la propiedad de una carga flotante ha sido liberada (403b)
    • 05 feb 2016Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 03 jul 2002
    Entregado el 18 jul 2002
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower and each other obligor to the agent and/or the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    The f/h land and buildings k/a paddock wood distribution centre, off transfesa road, paddock wood, kent t/n K395609, K683544 and K782428, l/h land at paddock wood distribution centre k/a development plots D1, D2 and D3 t/n K790687; and f/h property k/a land at lower boxley road, maidstone, kent t/n K655210, together with all existing and future fittings, plant, equipment, machinery, tools, vehicles, furniture and other tangible moveable property, any investment, its existing and future goodwill and uncalled capital;. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC
    • 18 jul 2002Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 16 dic 2015Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Third party legal mortgage
    Creado el 03 jul 2002
    Entregado el 09 jul 2002
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All moneys, obligations and liabilities due or to become due by the chargors to the chargee and the beneficiaries under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    (I) f/hold property known as 75 taff street,pontypridd; WA276169; (ii) f/hold property known as 75A and 76 taff st,pontypridd; WA287000; (iii) f/hold property known as 99-101 peascod st,windsor; t/nos BK91793 and BK340151 plus other properties listed; all plant,machinery,vehicles,computers,office and other equipment thereon and all rights and claims and any policies of insurance; floating charge over all undertaking; see form 395 for details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Crp General Partner Limited,the Security Trustee
    • 09 jul 2002Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Debenture between amongst others the company as general partner of the carisbrooke suon limited partnership and bayerische hypo- und vereinsbank aktiengesellschaft (the agent)
    Creado el 25 mar 2002
    Entregado el 12 abr 2002
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All present and future obligations and liabilities of each obligor to each finance party (all terms as defined) under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Fixed and floating charge over all property and assets present and future including goodwill book debts uncalled capital plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo- Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft (The Agent)
    • 12 abr 2002Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Debenture between amongst others the company and bayerische hypo- und vereinsbank aktiengesellschaft (the agent)
    Creado el 25 mar 2002
    Entregado el 12 abr 2002
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All present and future obligations and liabilities of each obligor to each finance party (all terms as defined) under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Fixed and floating charge over all property and assets present and future including goodwill book debts uncalled capital plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo- Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft (The Agent)
    • 12 abr 2002Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture
    Creado el 01 nov 2001
    Entregado el 08 nov 2001
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All present and future obligations and liabilities due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to the chargee as agent and trustee for the finance parties (as defined in the credit agreement) (the "agent") under each finance document and on any account whatsoever
    Breve descripción
    L/H property k/a unit 1-6 the piazza, 3-8 devonhurst place heathfield terrace chiswick london W4. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft, London Branch
    • 08 nov 2001Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture between amongst others the company (as general partner of the carisbrooke suon limited partnership (LP5926)) and the agent (as defined)
    Creado el 01 nov 2001
    Entregado el 08 nov 2001
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All present and future obligations and liabilities due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to the chargee as agent and trustee for the finance parties (as defined in the credit agreement) (the "agent") under each finance document and on any account whatsoever
    Breve descripción
    L/H property k/a unit 1-6 the piazza, 3-8 devonhurst place heathfield terrace chiswick london W4. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft, London Branch
    • 08 nov 2001Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Creado el 29 jun 2001
    Entregado el 17 jul 2001
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All or any of the present or future, actual or contingent liabilities of the borrower or general partner owed or expressed to be owed to the agent and/or the beneficiaries under the finance documents, and all or any of the present or future, actual or contingent liabilities of the chargor to the agent arising under the debenture (all terms as defined)
    Breve descripción
    Charged to the agent by way of legal mortgage its interest in the property described in schedule 1 to the charge, charged to the agent by way of fixed charge its interest in: (1) all existing and future fittings, plant, equipment, machinery, tools, vehicles, furniture and other tangible movable property situate on or at the property (2) all rental income... See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC
    • 17 jul 2001Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 30 nov 2015Satisfacción de una carga (MR04)
    Creado el 31 oct 2000
    Entregado el 04 nov 2000
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due from c r p limited partnership acting by its general partner c r p general limited on any account whatsoever
    Breve descripción
    F/H l/h property k/a paddock wood distribution centre off transfesa road paddock wood kent all such right title and interest if any in the land shown coloured green on the plan annexed to 231299 transfer padwood I limited (1) the mortgagor (2) precis (1672) limited (3) t/n K395609 K683544 K782428. Together with all buildings and fixtures (including trade fixtures) fixed plant and machinery by way of fixed charge all present and future book and other debts floating charge over all moveable plant machinery implements utensils furniture and equipment by way of assignment the goodwill of the business (if any) the full benefit of all licences and all guarantees.
    Personas con derecho
    • Lloyds Tsb Bank PLC
    • 04 nov 2000Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 29 jun 2002Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture
    Creado el 31 ene 2000
    Entregado el 03 feb 2000
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies and liabilities due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to each finance party under each finance document except for any obligation which, if it were so included, would result in the debenture contravening section 151 of the companies act 1985
    Breve descripción
    The l/h property k/a greek street miulti storey car park leeds.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesllschaft, London Branchas Agent for the Finance Parties (The "Agent")
    • 03 feb 2000Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture
    Creado el 31 ene 2000
    Entregado el 03 feb 2000
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies and liabilities due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to each finance party under each finance document except for any obligation which, if it were so included, would result in the debenture contravening section 151 of the companies act 1985
    Breve descripción
    The l/h property k/a greek street miulti storey car park leeds.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesllschaft, London Branchas Agent for the Finance Parties (The "Agent")
    • 03 feb 2000Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture
    Creado el 23 dic 1999
    Entregado el 07 ene 2000
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies and liabilities due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to each finance party under each finance document except for any obligation which, if it were so included, would result in the debenture contravening section 151 of the companies act 1985
    Breve descripción
    The freehold property known as paddock wood distribution centre paddock wood kent title number K395609,K683544 and K782428. Leasehold development plots D1, D2 and D3ND D3 at paddock wood distribution centre, paddock wood, kent.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesllschaft, London Branchas Agent for the Finance Parties (The "Agent")
    • 07 ene 2000Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture
    Creado el 23 dic 1999
    Entregado el 07 ene 2000
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies and liabilities due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to each finance party under each finance document except for any obligation which, if it were so included, would result in the debenture contravening section 151 of the companies act 1985
    Breve descripción
    The freehold property known as paddock wood distribution centre paddock wood kent title number K395609,K683544 and K782428. Leasehold development plots D1, D2 and D3 at paddock wood distribution centre, paddock wood, kent.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesllschaft, London Branchas Agent for the Finance Parties (The "Agent")
    • 07 ene 2000Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture dated 29TH september 1999 to the original debenture dated 13TH october 1998 between the borrower the general partner (as defined) and the agent (as defined) (the "amending debenture")
    Creado el 29 sept 1999
    Entregado el 15 oct 1999
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to each finance party as (defined) under each finance document (as defined)
    Breve descripción
    The freehold property known as dakota (previously pegasus) house, poyle road, colnbrook, middlesex t/no: BK332716 - the freehold property known as 9 and 10 south parade, leeds, west yorkshire t/no: WYK625019 - the leasehold property known as 9/10 south parade, leeds, west yorkshire t/no: YWE68005 - for details of other properties charged please see form 395. see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo- Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft, London Branch (The "Agent")
    • 15 oct 1999Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Supplemental debenture
    Creado el 22 ene 1999
    Entregado el 03 feb 1999
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies and liabilities due or to become due from each obligor (as defined) to each finance party under each finance document except for any obligation which, if it were so included, would result in the debenture contravening section 151 of the companies act 1985
    Breve descripción
    F/H property k/a land and buildings on the north west side of lower boxley road maidstone t/no;-655210 and all assets relating thereto. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft(As Agent and Trustee for the Finance Parties)
    • 03 feb 1999Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Creado el 13 oct 1998
    Entregado el 30 oct 1998
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each obligor (as defiend) to the chargee under each finance document (as defined)
    Breve descripción
    By way of a first legal mortgage f/h station plaza station road ilkley t/n-WYK567987. F/h intercharge house capital interechange way brentford t/n-AGL28039. F/h st mary's place, st. Mary's road market harborough t/n-LT263893 (for further property charged see form 395).. see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft (The "Agent")
    • 30 oct 1998Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 06 jul 2004Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)

    ¿Tiene TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED algún caso de insolvencia?

    Número de expedienteFechasTipoProfesionalesOtro
    1Administrador judicial/gestor nombrado
    NombreRolDirecciónNombrado elCesado el
    Stephen John Akers
    30 Finsbury Square
    EC2P 9YU London
    Administrador judicial/gestor
    30 Finsbury Square
    EC2P 9YU London
    Marcus Wide
    171 Main Street The Barracks
    2nd Floor Road Town
    British Virgin Islands
    Administrador judicial/gestor
    171 Main Street The Barracks
    2nd Floor Road Town
    British Virgin Islands
    Mark Richard Byers
    30 Finsbury Square
    EC2P 2YU London
    Administrador judicial/gestor
    30 Finsbury Square
    EC2P 2YU London

    Fuente de datos

    • Companies House del Reino Unido
      El registro oficial de empresas en el Reino Unido, que proporciona acceso público a información sobre empresas, como nombres, direcciones, administradores y registros financieros.
    • Licencia: CC0