• Visión general
  • Resumen
  • Propósito
  • Dirección
  • Nombres anteriores
  • Cuentas
  • Declaración anual
  • Presentaciones
  • Directivos
  • Gravámenes
  • Insolvencia
  • Fuente de datos
  • Visión general

    Estado de la empresaDisuelta
    Forma jurídicaSociedad de responsabilidad limitada
    Número de empresa 05274313
    Fecha de constitución
    Fecha de cese


    Tiene PSCs súper segurosNo
    Tiene gravámenes
    Tiene historial de insolvencia
    La sede social está en disputaNo

    ¿Cuál es el propósito de GIANT PROPERTY CONSORTIUM LIMITED?

    • Otro alquiler y explotación de bienes inmobiliarios propios o arrendados (68209) / Actividades inmobiliarias


    Dirección de la sede social
    8 Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    Dirección de la sede social no entregableNo

    ¿Cuáles fueron los nombres anteriores de GIANT PROPERTY CONSORTIUM LIMITED?

    Nombres anteriores de la empresa
    Nombre de la empresaDesdeHasta
    BLAXMILL (THIRTY-TWO) LIMITED22 nov 200422 nov 2004
    COINTAPE LIMITED01 nov 200401 nov 2004

    ¿Cuáles son las últimas cuentas de GIANT PROPERTY CONSORTIUM LIMITED?

    Últimas cuentas
    Últimas cuentas cerradas hasta03 ago 2011

    ¿Cuál es el estado de la última declaración anual para GIANT PROPERTY CONSORTIUM LIMITED?

    Declaración anual
    Última declaración anual

    ¿Cuáles son las últimas presentaciones para GIANT PROPERTY CONSORTIUM LIMITED?


    Gaceta final disuelta tras la liquidación

    1 páginasGAZ2

    Devolución de la reunión final en una liquidación voluntaria de miembros

    5 páginas4.71

    Domicilio social registrado cambiado de * Cavendish House 18 Cavendish Square London W1G 0PJ* el 21 oct 2013

    2 páginasAD01

    Declaración de solvencia

    3 páginas4.70

    Nombramiento de un liquidador voluntario

    1 páginas600


    1 páginasRESOLUTIONS

    Acuerdo especial para la liquidación


    Se ha suspendido la acción de cancelación obligatoria

    1 páginasDISS16(SOAS)

    Primer aviso en el boletín oficial para la cancelación obligatoria

    1 páginasGAZ1

    Déclaration annuelle établie au 31 oct 2012 avec liste complète des actionnaires

    12 páginasAR01
    Presentaciones asociadas
    capital31 oct 2012

    Estado de capital el 31 oct 2012

    • Capital: GBP 10,001

    Cambio de datos del director Mr Nicholas Mark Leslau el 17 sept 2012

    2 páginasCH01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 03 ago 2011

    17 páginasAA

    Déclaration annuelle établie au 31 oct 2011 avec liste complète des actionnaires

    12 páginasAR01

    Cese del nombramiento de Jon Johannesson como director

    1 páginasTM01

    Nombramiento de Declan Salter como director

    3 páginasAP01

    Cese del nombramiento de Gunnar Sigurdsson como director

    1 páginasTM01

    Exercice comptable précédent raccourci du 30 nov 2011 au 03 ago 2011

    3 páginasAA01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 30 nov 2010

    18 páginasAA

    Déclaration annuelle établie au 31 oct 2010 avec liste complète des actionnaires

    14 páginasAR01

    Cuentas completas preparadas hasta el 30 nov 2009

    19 páginasAA

    Déclaration annuelle établie au 31 oct 2009 avec liste complète des actionnaires

    13 páginasAR01

    Cambio de datos del director Jon Asgeir Johannesson el 01 oct 2009

    2 páginasCH01

    Cambio de datos del director Mr Bruce Smith Anderson el 31 oct 2009

    2 páginasCH01

    Cambio de datos del secretario Miss Sandra Louise Gumm el 01 oct 2009

    1 páginasCH03

    Cambio de datos del director Mr Nicholas Mark Leslau el 01 oct 2009

    2 páginasCH01

    Cambio de datos del director Miss Sandra Louise Gumm el 01 oct 2009

    3 páginasCH01

    ¿Quiénes son los directivos de GIANT PROPERTY CONSORTIUM LIMITED?

    NombreNombrado elRenunció elRolDirecciónIdentificación de la empresaPaís de residenciaNacionalidadFecha de nacimientoOcupaciónNúmero
    GUMM, Sandra Louise
    Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    AustralianChartered Accountant57113450003
    ANDERSON, Bruce Smith
    2 Bramdean View
    EH10 6JX Edinburgh
    2 Bramdean View
    EH10 6JX Edinburgh
    GUMM, Sandra Louise
    Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    EnglandAustralianChartered Accountant57113450003
    LESLAU, Nicholas Mark
    Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    United KingdomBritishChartered Surveyor6815470021
    MCMAHON, James Cairns
    Kerrix Road
    KA1 5QP Symington
    Kerrix Road
    KA1 5QP Symington
    ScotlandScottishCompany Director159708270001
    SALTER, Declan John
    Burtons Lane
    HP8 4BA Chalfont St Giles
    Burtons Lane
    HP8 4BA Chalfont St Giles
    MARTIN, Rosemary Elisabeth Scudamore
    Little Batts
    RH2 0JT Reigate
    Little Batts
    RH2 0JT Reigate
    Church Street
    NW8 8EP London
    Secretario designado corporativo
    Church Street
    NW8 8EP London
    JOHANNESSON, Jon Asgeir
    65 Laufasvegur
    Reykjavik 101
    65 Laufasvegur
    Reykjavik 101
    IcelandIcelandicCompany Director102561750001
    JONES, Helen Audrey
    Cooperage Court
    6 Gainsford Street
    SE1 2NG London
    Cooperage Court
    6 Gainsford Street
    SE1 2NG London
    BritishDirector Of Tax Group93729880001
    KERR, Donald
    28 Burnbank
    EH20 9NE Straiton
    28 Burnbank
    EH20 9NE Straiton
    MACKINTOSH, Iain Stewart
    9 Greenbank Terrace
    EH10 6ER Edinburgh
    9 Greenbank Terrace
    EH10 6ER Edinburgh
    SIGURDSSON, Gunnar
    4 Greenlink Walk
    Kew Riverside
    TW9 4AF Richmond Upon Thames
    4 Greenlink Walk
    Kew Riverside
    TW9 4AF Richmond Upon Thames
    EnglandIcelandicCompany Director114179720001
    SMITH, David Mark
    6 Hampstead Lane
    N6 4SB London
    6 Hampstead Lane
    N6 4SB London
    United KingdomBritishAccountant90143050001
    Mitchell Lane
    BS1 6BU Bristol
    Director designado corporativo
    Mitchell Lane
    BS1 6BU Bristol


    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on 10TH may 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 13 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Carsegate road north inverness together with the parts privileges and pertinents thereof the whole right title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The"Security Agent")
    • 13 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on 10TH may 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 13 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    The braes braes road saltcoats together with the parts privileges and pertinents thereof the whole right title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The"Security Agent")
    • 13 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on 10TH may 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 13 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Whitburn road bathgate together with the parts privileges and pertinents thereof the whole right title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The"Security Agent")
    • 13 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on 10TH may 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 13 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Halbeath road dunfermline together with the parts privileges and pertinents thereof the whole right title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The"Security Agent")
    • 13 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 15/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 15/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 15/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 15/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 15/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof; the whole right, title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts,privileges and pertinents thereof, the whole right,title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured; and the heritable fixtures and fittings therein and theron. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The "Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    A standard security which was presented for registration in scotland on the 14/04/05 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 03 may 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due of each chargor to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All and whole the property together with the parts,privileges and pertinents thereof,the whole right title and interest of the company in and to the subjects secured and the heritable fixtures and fittings therin and thereon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The"Security Agent")
    • 03 may 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    NI legal mortgage which was presented for registration in northern ireland on the 4TH march 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 16 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any finance party
    Breve descripción
    Assigns the hereditaments and premises comprising in the property meaning all the lands firstly demised by a lease dated 1 april 1935 and secondly all those lands demised in a lease dated 1 december 1970 now k/a 262-264 newtownards road and 6-10 dee street belfast including all buildings erections fixtures fittings and fixed plant and machinery on that property and assigns all rights in respect of any contract or policy of insurance. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The Security Agent)
    • 16 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 15 sept 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    NI legal mortgage which was presented for registration in northern ireland on the 4TH march 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 16 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Assigns the hereditaments and premises comprising in the property meaning firstly part of the land demised by a lease dated 1 january 1952 and secondly the land demised by the lease dated 2 february 1981 now k/a 475/477 antrim road belfast including all buildings erections fixtures fittings and fixed plant and machinery on that property and assigns all rights in respect of any contract or policy of insurance. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The Security Agent)
    • 16 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 15 sept 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    NI legal mortgage which was presented for registration in northern ireland on the 4TH march 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 16 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Assigns the hereditaments and premises comprising in the property meaning all the lands firstly in a fee farm grant dated 21 may 1864 and secondly demised by a lease dated 31 december 1936 now k/a 13 the diamond coleraine county londonderry including all buildings erections fixtures fittings and fixed plant and machinery on that property and assigns all rights in respect of any contract or policy of insurance. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The Security Agent)
    • 16 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 15 sept 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    NI legal mortgage which was presented for registration in northern ireland on the 4TH march 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 16 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Assigns the hereditaments and premises comprising in the property meaning the land demised by a lease dated 6 august 1936 and secondly that part of land comprised in a conveyance dated 4 september 1964 now k/a 1-7 finaghy road south ballyfinaghy belfast including all buildings erections fixtures fittings and fixed plant and machinery on that property and assigns all rights in respect of any contract or policy of insurance. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The Security Agent)
    • 16 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 15 sept 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    NI legal mortgage which was presented for registration in northern ireland on 4 march 2005 and
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 16 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Assigns the hereditaments and premises comprising in the property meaning all the land contained in a fee farm granted dated 23 june 1980 and now k/a 162-172 shankill road belfast including all buildings erections fixtures fittings and fixed plant and machinery on that property and assigns all rights in respect of any contract or policy of insurance. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Security Agent for the Finance Parties (The Security Agent)
    • 16 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 15 sept 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Security agreement executed outside the united kingdom over property situated there
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 10 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any finance party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland as Agent and Tustee for the Finance Parties
    • 10 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 15 sept 2005Declaración de que parte o la totalidad de la propiedad de una carga flotante ha sido liberada (403b)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)
    Security agreement
    Creado el 28 feb 2005
    Entregado el 04 mar 2005
    Satisfecho en su totalidad
    Cantidad garantizada
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descripción
    All estates or interests in any f/h or l/h property owned by it and all rights under any licence or other agreement or document. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personas con derecho
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
    • 04 mar 2005Registro de un cargo (395)
    • 23 abr 2005Declaración de que parte o la totalidad de la propiedad de una carga flotante ha sido liberada (403b)
    • 15 sept 2005Declaración de que parte o la totalidad de la propiedad de una carga flotante ha sido liberada (403b)
    • 08 nov 2005Declaración de satisfacción de una carga en su totalidad o en parte (403a)

    ¿Tiene GIANT PROPERTY CONSORTIUM LIMITED algún caso de insolvencia?

    Número de expedienteFechasTipoProfesionalesOtro
    18 oct 2014Fecha de disolución
    04 oct 2013Inicio de la liquidación
    Liquidación voluntaria de socios
    NombreRolDirecciónNombrado elCesado el
    Allan Watson Graham
    Kpmg Restructuring
    8 Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    Kpmg Restructuring
    8 Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    John David Thomas Milsom
    8 Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London
    8 Salisbury Square
    EC4Y 8BB London

    Fuente de datos

    • Companies House del Reino Unido
      El registro oficial de empresas en el Reino Unido, que proporciona acceso público a información sobre empresas, como nombres, direcciones, administradores y registros financieros.
    • Licencia: CC0