Angus Mcfarlane Mcleod GROSSART
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  • Angus Mcfarlane Mcleod GROSSART

    Persona Física

    Segundo NombreMcfarlane Mcleod
    Fecha de Nacimiento
    ¿Es Ejecutivo Corporativo?No


    Cargos Designados
    Designado enFecha de DesignaciónFecha de RenunciaEstado de la EmpresaOcupaciónRolDirecciónPaís de ResidenciaNacionalidad
    CULTURE AND SPORT GLASGOW (TRADING) C.I.C.26 nov 201316 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    38 Albion Street
    G1 1LH Glasgow
    Commonwealth House
    United KingdomBritish
    CULTURE AND SPORT GLASGOW31 oct 201316 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    38 Albion Street
    G1 1LH Glasgow
    Commonwealth House
    United KingdomBritish
    W8 DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED02 sept 202113 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    EH2 3NR Edinburgh
    48 Queen Street
    United KingdomBritish
    FALS 2 LIMITED12 ago 202113 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    Queen Street
    EH2 3NR Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    KIRK LOVEGROVE & COMPANY LIMITED29 oct 201813 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    4th Floor, 161 Brompton Road
    SW3 1QP London
    United KingdomBritish
    CHARLOTTE STREET PARTNERS LIMITED30 ago 201413 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    Rutland Street
    EH1 2AE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL CULTURE SUMMIT FOUNDATION04 abr 201413 may 2022ActivaCompany DirectorDirector
    Earl Grey Street
    EH3 9EE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    FALS PROPERTY LIMITED14 sept 201113 may 2022ActivaCompany DirectorDirector
    Queen Street
    EH2 3NR Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    WRIGHT HEALTH GROUP LIMITED14 mar 200313 may 2022ActivaInvestment BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    LYON & TURNBULL LIMITED03 ago 199913 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    Queen Street
    EH2 3NR Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL01 abr 199813 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    c/o Messrs Mclay, Mcalister & Mcgibbon
    St Vincent Street
    G2 5JF Glasgow
    United KingdomBritish
    NOBLE GROSSART HOLDINGS LIMITED13 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    NOBLE GROSSART LIMITED13 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    NOBLE GROSSART INVESTMENTS LIMITED13 may 2022ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    MAJOR'S PLACE INDUSTRIES LIMITED25 nov 200213 may 2022LiquidaciónCompany DirectorDirector
    24 Russell Road
    EH11 2LS
    United KingdomBritish
    EDINBURGH PARTNERS LIMITED05 jul 200601 may 2018DisueltaDirectorDirector
    Melville Street
    EH3 7JF Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    RONPARTNERS LLP26 oct 201101 feb 2018DisueltaMiembro designado de LLP
    11-15 William Road
    NW1 3ER London
    Acre House
    United Kingdom
    SCOTTISH FUTURES TRUST INVESTMENTS LIMITED02 jul 201031 dic 2016ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    Thistle Street
    EH2 1DF Edinburgh
    1st Floor, 11-15
    United KingdomBritish
    SCOTTISH FUTURES TRUST LIMITED10 sept 200831 dic 2016ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    Thistle Street
    EH2 1DF Edinburgh
    1st Floor, 11-15
    United KingdomBritish
    THE FINE ART SOCIETY LIMITED21 jul 199723 mar 2016ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    48 Queen Street
    EH2 3NR Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    THE KING'S FOUNDATION12 nov 200703 dic 2015ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    CULTURE AND SPORT GLASGOW (TRADING) C.I.C.13 jun 201203 sept 2013ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    High Street
    G4 0QW Glasgow
    United KingdomBritish
    CULTURE AND SPORT GLASGOW09 feb 200703 sept 2013ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    High Street
    G4 0QW Glasgow
    United KingdomBritish
    MURRAY INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED18 feb 199924 jul 2013DisueltaMerchant BankerDirector
    Charlotte Square
    EH2 4DR Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    NMS ENTERPRISES LIMITED17 mar 200631 jul 2012ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    PATRONS OF THE NATIONAL GALLERIES OF SCOTLAND, THE10 jun 199813 ago 2009DisueltaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    PORTLAND MEDIA GROUP UK LIMITED17 oct 200702 jun 2009DisueltaDirectorDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    SCOTTISH & NEWCASTLE LIMITED28 may 199828 abr 2008ActivaDirectorDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    MURRAY SPORTS LIMITED26 feb 199901 feb 2008DisueltaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    THE PREMIER PROPERTY GROUP LIMITED23 nov 199201 feb 2008DisueltaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    PORTLAND MEDIA GROUP LIMITED13 dic 200617 oct 2007DisueltaDirectorDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    THE NORTH AMERICAN INCOME TRUST PLC23 may 2007ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    REACH PLC06 sept 199910 may 2007ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    SCOTTISH DAILY RECORD AND SUNDAY MAIL LIMITED28 ene 199810 may 2007ActivaMerchant BankerDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish
    NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY06 mar 200020 abr 2005ActivaCompany DirectorDirector
    64 Northumberland Street
    EH3 6JE Edinburgh
    United KingdomBritish

    Fuente de datos

    • Companies House del Reino Unido
      El registro oficial de empresas en el Reino Unido, que proporciona acceso público a información sobre empresas, como nombres, direcciones, administradores y registros financieros.
    • Licencia: CC0