• Vue d'ensemble

    Statut de la sociétéDissoute
    Forme juridiqueSociété à responsabilité limitée
    Numéro de société 00516469
    JuridictionAngleterre/Pays de Galles
    Date de création
    Date de cessation d'activité

    WHEWAY HAMPSHIRE LIMITED a-t-elle des charges ?

    Cross guarantee and debenture
    Créé le 04 avr. 2003
    Livré le 09 avr. 2003
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company and/or all or any of the other companies named therein to the security beneficiaries on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Barclays Bank PLC (In Its Capacity as Security Trustee for the Security Beneficiaries)
    • 09 avr. 2003Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 04 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Composite guarantee and debenture
    Créé le 22 déc. 1992
    Livré le 07 janv. 1993
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company and/or all or any of the other companies named therein to the beneficiaries (as defined) under the financing agreement dated 22ND december 1992 and/or the security documents (as defined) or any of them
    Brèves mentions
    See doc ref M76 for full details. Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Midland Bank Plcas "Security Trustee" for the Beneficiaries (Asdefined)
    • 07 janv. 1993Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 19 nov. 1993Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 29 juin 1988
    Livré le 13 juil. 1988
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    Fixed & floating charge over undertaking and all property and assets present and future including book & other debts uncalled capital.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Midland Bank PLC
    • 13 juil. 1988Enregistrement d'une charge
    Guarantee & debenture.
    Créé le 11 févr. 1987
    Livré le 19 févr. 1987
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company and/or all or any of the other companies named therein to barclay inust international limited as trustee for the lenders as defined under the terms of the facility letter of even dated and the guarantee & debenture
    Brèves mentions
    Floating charge over all the undertaking property, assets and rights whatsoever present and/or future of the company.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Cin Industrial Investment Limited.
    • Barclay Trust International Limitedas Trustee for Schroder UK Venture Fund And
    • 19 févr. 1987Enregistrement d'une charge
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 11 févr. 1987
    Livré le 18 févr. 1987
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    Harwood road littlehampton aram west sussex t/n wsx 74999 and/or proceeds of sale thereof. Floating charge over all moveable plant machinery implements utensils furniture and equipment.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • National Westminster Bank PLC
    • 18 févr. 1987Enregistrement d'une charge
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 11 févr. 1987
    Livré le 18 févr. 1987
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    Crowe arch lane ringwood new forest hampshire t/n hp 73054. and/or proceeds of sale.. Floating charge over all moveable plant machinery implements utensils furniture and equipment.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • National Westminster Bank PLC
    • 18 févr. 1987Enregistrement d'une charge
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 11 févr. 1987
    Livré le 18 févr. 1987
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    F/H property known as all that land lying on the east side of crowe arch lane ringwood hampshire and/or proceeds of salethereof. Floating charge over all moveable plant machinery implements utensils furniture and equipment.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • National Westminster Bank PLC
    • 18 févr. 1987Enregistrement d'une charge
    Mortgage debenture
    Créé le 11 févr. 1987
    Livré le 18 févr. 1987
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    A specific equitable charge over all freehold and leasehold properties and/or the proceeds of sale thereof fixed and floating charges over undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts and the benefits of any licences.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • National Westminster Bank PLC
    • 18 févr. 1987Enregistrement d'une charge

    Source de données

    • Companies House du Royaume-Uni
      Le registre officiel des sociétés au Royaume-Uni, offrant un accès public aux informations sur les sociétés telles que les noms, les adresses, les administrateurs et les documents financiers.
    • Licence: CC0