• Vue d'ensemble
  • Résumé
  • Objet social
  • Adresse
  • Dénominations sociales précédentes
  • Comptes
  • Dépôts
  • Dirigeants
  • Charges
  • Insolvabilité
  • Source de données
  • Vue d'ensemble

    Statut de la sociétéDissoute
    Forme juridiqueSociété à responsabilité limitée
    Numéro de société 01875958
    JuridictionAngleterre/Pays de Galles
    Date de création
    Date de cessation d'activité


    A des PSCs super sécurisésNon
    A des chargesOui
    A un historique d'insolvabilitéOui
    Le siège social est contestéNon

    Quel est l'objet de LONG TERM HIRE DORMANT LIMITED ?

    • (7134) /


    Adresse du siège social
    Arlington Business Park Theale
    RG7 4SD Reading
    Adresse du siège social non livrableNon

    Quels étaient les noms précédents de LONG TERM HIRE DORMANT LIMITED ?

    Dénominations sociales précédentes
    Nom de la sociétéDeJusqu'au
    GORREL TRADING COMPANY LIMITED26 mars 198526 mars 1985
    JAYPOWER LIMITED09 janv. 198509 janv. 1985

    Quels sont les derniers comptes de LONG TERM HIRE DORMANT LIMITED ?

    Derniers comptes
    Derniers comptes arrêtés au31 déc. 2009

    Quels sont les derniers dépôts pour LONG TERM HIRE DORMANT LIMITED ?


    Gazette finale dissoute à la suite d'une liquidation

    1 pagesGAZ2

    Rapport d'avancement de l'administrateur jusqu'à 02 nov. 2012

    17 pages2.24B

    Avis de transition de l'administration à la dissolution le 08 nov. 2012

    17 pages2.35B

    Rapport d'avancement de l'administrateur jusqu'à 16 mai 2012

    17 pages2.24B

    Avis d'approbation réputée des propositions

    1 pagesF2.18

    Déclaration de la proposition de l'administrateur

    26 pages2.17B

    Déclaration des affaires avec le formulaire 2.14B

    6 pages2.16B

    Changement d'adresse du siège social de Hydrex House Serbert Way Portishead Bristol BS20 7GD United Kingdom le 24 nov. 2011

    2 pagesAD01

    Nomination d'un administrateur

    1 pages2.12B

    Période comptable précédente prolongée du 31 déc. 2010 au 30 juin 2011

    1 pagesAA01


    3 pagesRESOLUTIONS
    Dépôts associés
    change-of-name12 août 2011

    Changement de nom" par résolution


    Résolution de changement de nom


    Déclaration annuelle jusqu'au 11 oct. 2010 avec liste complète des actionnaires

    4 pagesAR01
    Dépôts associés
    capital24 nov. 2010

    État du capital au 24 nov. 2010

    • Capital: GBP 30,000

    Modification des coordonnées de l'administrateur Mr Carl Mark D'ammassa le 11 oct. 2010

    2 pagesCH01

    Nomination de Mr Alan James Jordan en tant qu'administrateur

    2 pagesAP01

    Comptes annuels établis au 31 déc. 2009

    17 pagesAA

    Cessation de la nomination de Andrew Wood en tant que directeur

    1 pagesTM01

    Cessation de la nomination de Andrew Wood en tant que secrétaire

    1 pagesTM02


    35 pagesMG01


    3 pagesMG02

    Nomination de Mr Carl Mark D'ammassa en tant qu'administrateur

    2 pagesAP01

    Cessation de la nomination de Andrew Simcox en tant que directeur

    1 pagesTM01

    Comptes annuels établis au 31 déc. 2008

    17 pagesAA

    Déclaration annuelle jusqu'au 11 oct. 2009 avec liste complète des actionnaires

    6 pagesAR01

    Les registres ont été transférés au lieu d'inspection enregistré

    1 pagesAD03

    Modification des coordonnées de l'administrateur Mr Andrew James Simcox le 11 oct. 2009

    2 pagesCH01

    Qui sont les dirigeants de LONG TERM HIRE DORMANT LIMITED ?

    NomNommé leDate de démissionRôleAdresseIdentification de la sociétéPays de résidenceNationalitéDate de naissanceProfessionNuméro
    D'AMMASSA, Carl Mark
    Arlington Business Park
    RG7 4SD Reading
    Arlington Business Park
    RG7 4SD Reading
    United KingdomBritishChief Operating Officer147037660007
    JORDAN, Alan James
    Arlington Business Park
    RG7 4SD Reading
    Arlington Business Park
    RG7 4SD Reading
    EnglandIrishGroup Finance Director150320720001
    GORREL, Christina Karen
    Forest Court Bisterne Close
    BH24 4AZ Ringwood
    Forest Court Bisterne Close
    BH24 4AZ Ringwood
    BritishCompany Secretary41639640002
    GORREL, Eva Britt Louise
    Coombe Cottage Coombe Lane
    SO41 6BP Lymington
    Coombe Cottage Coombe Lane
    SO41 6BP Lymington
    WOOD, Andrew Simon
    Stoke Bishop
    BS9 1AY Bristol
    United Kingdom
    Stoke Bishop
    BS9 1AY Bristol
    United Kingdom
    BritishFinance Director33951380003
    GORREL, Christina Karen
    Forest Court Bisterne Close
    BH24 4AZ Ringwood
    Forest Court Bisterne Close
    BH24 4AZ Ringwood
    BritishCompany Secretary41639640002
    GORREL, Stig Erik Nicholas
    Forest Court Bisterne Close
    BH24 4AZ Ringwood
    Forest Court Bisterne Close
    BH24 4AZ Ringwood
    GORREL, Stig Torbjorn
    Coombe Cottage Coombe Lane
    SO41 6BP Lymington
    Coombe Cottage Coombe Lane
    SO41 6BP Lymington
    SIMCOX, Andrew James
    Ashley Drive South
    Ashley Heath
    BH24 2JP Ringwood
    United Kingdom
    Ashley Drive South
    Ashley Heath
    BH24 2JP Ringwood
    United Kingdom
    EnglandBritishManaging Director41023640002
    WOOD, Andrew Simon
    Stoke Bishop
    BS9 1AY Bristol
    United Kingdom
    Stoke Bishop
    BS9 1AY Bristol
    United Kingdom
    EnglandBritishFinance Director33951380003

    LONG TERM HIRE DORMANT LIMITED a-t-elle des charges ?

    Créé le 24 juin 2010
    Livré le 08 juil. 2010
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from each present or future member of the group to the chargee and/or the other secured parties (or any of them) on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, book debts, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Barclays Bank PLC (As Agent for the Secured Parties)
    • 08 juil. 2010Enregistrement d'une charge (MG01)
    Accession deed
    Créé le 04 oct. 2006
    Livré le 25 oct. 2006
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from each present or future member of the group to the security agent and/or the other secured parties or any of them on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 25 oct. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Asset sub-hire agreement
    Créé le 13 avr. 2004
    Livré le 15 avr. 2004
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    All rights, title and interest in sub-hire agreements. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Bank of Ireland Business Finance Limited
    • 15 avr. 2004Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 15 juil. 2009Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Security assignment
    Créé le 01 déc. 2003
    Livré le 17 déc. 2003
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    All of the hirer's right title benefit and interest in respect of the hire agreement, and the full benefit of any guarantees, indemnities debentures mortgages charges and other securities of any nature and the hirers interest as lessor of the equipment under the hire agreement.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank Asset Finance Limited
    • 17 déc. 2003Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 15 juil. 2009Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Master agreement and charge
    Créé le 06 janv. 2003
    Livré le 09 janv. 2003
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    Any agreement made whether before on or after the date of the charge between the customer and any person to whom the customer lets or agrees to let the goods on hire. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Assetfinance Limited, Assetfinance City Investments Limited, Assetfinance December (A) Limitedand Several Others Together "the Finance Company"
    • 09 janv. 2003Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 15 juil. 2009Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    A certificate of assignment pursuant to a master assignment dated 28TH june 1999
    Créé le 21 mars 2002
    Livré le 02 avr. 2002
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    All monies due owing or incured to the company under the assigned agreements and the benefit of all guarantees, indemnities, negotiable instruments and securities taken by the company in connection with the assigned agreements.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 02 avr. 2002Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 17 août 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment pursuant to a master assignment dated 28TH june 1999
    Créé le 21 mars 2002
    Livré le 02 avr. 2002
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    All monies due owing or incured to the company under the assigned agreements and the enefit of all guarantees, indemnities, negotiable instruments and securites taken by the company in connection with the assigned agreements.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 02 avr. 2002Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Floating charge
    Créé le 12 févr. 2002
    Livré le 13 févr. 2002
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    First all sub-hiring agreements which may be entered into at any time by the company with its customers relating to goods now or in the future owned by the chargee but let by the chargee to the company under hire-purchase agreements entered into at any time between the chargee and the company or sold by the chargee under conditional sale agreements entered into at any time between the chargee and the company. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Udt Limited
    • 13 févr. 2002Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 04 juin 2010Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (MG02)
    Créé le 20 juil. 2001
    Livré le 21 juil. 2001
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase and/or conditional sale agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The sub-hiring agreements made by the company in respect of the goods and any further sub-hiring agreements made by the company at any future time in respect of the goods (the sub-hiring agreements) and the full benefit and advantage of the sub-hiring agreements..all monies now or hereafter payable under the said sub-hiring agreements..the benefit of all guarantees indemnities and other securities and the benefit of all insurances.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Udt Limited
    • 21 juil. 2001Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 09 avr. 2001
    Livré le 10 avr. 2001
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase and/or conditional sale agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The sub-hiring agreements made by the company in respect of the goods and the full benefit and advantage of the sub-hiring agreements and all monies payable under the sub-hiring agreements. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Udt Limited
    • 10 avr. 2001Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment
    Créé le 02 févr. 2001
    Livré le 08 févr. 2001
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever pursuant to the terms of agreement
    Brèves mentions
    Assignment by way of security of all monies due and to become due to the company under the sub-hire agreement specified in the schedule to the certificate of assignment (the assigned agreements) the benefit of all guarantees indemnities negotiable instruments and securities taken by the company. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 08 févr. 2001Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment pursuant to a master assignment dated 28.06.1999
    Créé le 02 janv. 2001
    Livré le 06 janv. 2001
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee pursuant to the terms of the agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The benefit of all guarantees indemnities negotiable instruments and securities taken by the company in connection with the assigned agreements.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 06 janv. 2001Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment pursuant to a master assignment dated 28TH june 1999
    Créé le 10 nov. 2000
    Livré le 17 nov. 2000
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee pursuant to the terms of agreements entered into and to be entered into from time to time between the chargee and the company
    Brèves mentions
    All monies due and to become due to the company under the sub-hire agreements specified in the schedule to the certificates of assignment ("the assigned agreements"). See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 17 nov. 2000Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 21 août 2000
    Livré le 22 août 2000
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase anf/or conditional sale agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The sub hire agreements described in the schedule to form 395 (please see form for details) in respect of the goods all monies payable thereunder,the benefit of all guarantees and warranties,the benefit of all insurances.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Udt Limited
    • 22 août 2000Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment pursuant to a master assignment dated 28 june 1999
    Créé le 28 juin 2000
    Livré le 18 juil. 2000
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee pursuant to the terms of agreements entered into and to be entered into from time to time between the chargee and the company
    Brèves mentions
    All monies due and to become due to the company under the sub hire agreements specified in the schedule to the certificate of assignment the benefit of all guarantees indemnities negotiable instruments and securities.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 18 juil. 2000Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 17 avr. 2000
    Livré le 18 avr. 2000
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase and/or conditional sale agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The sub-hiring agreements made by the company in respect of the goods and any further sub-hiring agreements made by the company at any future time in respect of the goods (the sub-hiring agreements) and the full benefit and advantage of the sub-hiring agreements..all monies now or hereafter payable under the said sub-hiring agreements..the benefit of all guarantees indemnities and other securities and the benefit of all insurances.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Udt Limited
    • 18 avr. 2000Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 04 janv. 2000
    Livré le 06 janv. 2000
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase and/or conditional sale agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The sub-hiring agreements made by the company in respect of the goods and any further sub-hiring agreements made by the company at any future time in respect of the goods (the sub-hiring agreements) and the full benefit and advantage of the sub-hiring agreements..all monies now or hereafter payable under the said sub-hiring agreements..the benefit of all guarantees indemnities and other securities and the benefit of all insurances. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Udt Limited
    • 06 janv. 2000Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment pursuant to a master asignment dated 28TH june 1999
    Créé le 11 nov. 1999
    Livré le 01 déc. 1999
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee pursunat to terms of agrements entered or to be entered into from time to time between the company and chargee and all monies incurred by the chargee to enforce any of the provisions of the master agreement
    Brèves mentions
    All monies due or to becom due to the company under th sib hire agreemnts specified in the deed.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 01 déc. 1999Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration que tout ou partie de la propriété d'une charge flottante a été libérée (403b)
    • 17 août 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Master assignment
    Créé le 27 août 1999
    Livré le 17 sept. 1999
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies, sums and liabilities due or to become due from the company to the chargee under any hire, finance or other credit agreement from time to time between the company and the chargee ("the finance agreements") and all costs, charges and expenses of any kind in enforcing any finance agreement and the charge or any part thereof
    Brèves mentions
    Assignment by way of security of: 1. all monies due and to become due to the company under the sub-hire agreements specified in the schedule to the certificates of assignment entered into pursuant to this master assignment from time to time ("the assigned agreements");. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Sovereign Finance PLC
    • 17 sept. 1999Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 02 mai 2006Déclaration que tout ou partie de la propriété d'une charge flottante a été libérée (403b)
    • 17 août 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment, pursuant to a master assignment dated 27TH august 1999, issued by the company
    Créé le 27 août 1999
    Livré le 17 sept. 1999
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies, sums and liabilities due or to become due from the company to the chargee under any hire, finance or other credit agreement from time to time between the company and the chargee ("the finance agreements") and all costs, charges and expenses of any kind in enforcing any finance agreement and the charge or any part thereof
    Brèves mentions
    Assignment by way of security: 1. all monies due and to become due to the company under the sub-hire agreement specified in the schedule to the certificate of assignment entered into pursuant to the master assignment ("the assigned agreement").. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Sovereign Finance PLC
    • 17 sept. 1999Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 02 mai 2006Déclaration que tout ou partie de la propriété d'une charge flottante a été libérée (403b)
    • 17 août 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 16 juil. 1999
    Livré le 20 juil. 1999
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase and/or conditional sale agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The sub-hiring agreement in respect of the goods being: L120C loader G364 s/no. 13105 ref no. 070-2199, atlas 1704W s/no. 301419 ref no.063-1899, L120C loader G365 s/no 13119 ref no. 069-2199 and L120C loader G357 ML08 s/no 12984 ref no. 060-1899. all monies payable under the said sub-hiring agreements, the benefit of all guarantees and all insurances .
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Udt Limited
    • 20 juil. 1999Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration que tout ou partie de la propriété d'une charge flottante a été libérée (403b)
    • 17 août 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Master assignment and floating charge
    Créé le 28 juin 1999
    Livré le 15 juil. 1999
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    All monies due or to become due to the company under the sub-hire agreements specified in schedules to certificates of assignment entered into pursuant to the master assignment (the "assigned agreements"). See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 15 juil. 1999Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 17 août 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Certificate of assignment pursuant to a master assignment dated 28TH june 1999
    Créé le 28 juin 1999
    Livré le 03 juil. 1999
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee
    Brèves mentions
    Assignment by way of security of all monies due to the company under the sub-hire agreements specified in the schedule to the certificate of assignment and the benefit of all guarantees indemnities negotiable instruments etc. see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Capital Bank PLC
    • 03 juil. 1999Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 29 mars 2006Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 04 juin 1999
    Livré le 05 juin 1999
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase and/or conditional sale agreements
    Brèves mentions
    The sub-hiring agreements in respect of the goods and the full benefit and advantage of the said sub-hiring agreements together with all monies the benefit of all guarantees & insurances. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Bowmaker Limited
    • 05 juin 1999Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 21 juil. 1999Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    • 25 mars 2002Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 09 déc. 1998
    Livré le 10 déc. 1998
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of hire purchase and/or conditional sale agreements in repect of goods and under or in respect of all other hire purchase and conditional sale agreements at any time
    Brèves mentions
    The sub hiring agreements in respect of goods described in the schedule to form 395 (see form for full details) all monies payable thereunder,the benefit of all guarantees inemnities and other securities,the benefit of all insurances.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Lloyds Bowmaker Limited
    • 10 déc. 1998Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 25 mars 2002Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)

    LONG TERM HIRE DORMANT LIMITED a-t-elle des procédures d'insolvabilité ?

    Numéro de dossierDatesTypePraticiensAutre
    08 nov. 2012Administration ended
    17 nov. 2011Administration started
    In administration
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Mark Jeremy Orton
    Kpmg Llp One Snowhill
    Snow Hill Queensway
    B4 6GH Birmingham
    Kpmg Llp One Snowhill
    Snow Hill Queensway
    B4 6GH Birmingham
    Jonathan Scott Pope
    3 Britannia Quay
    CF10 4AX Cardiff
    South Glamorgan
    3 Britannia Quay
    CF10 4AX Cardiff
    South Glamorgan

    Source de données

    • Companies House du Royaume-Uni
      Le registre officiel des sociétés au Royaume-Uni, offrant un accès public aux informations sur les sociétés telles que les noms, les adresses, les administrateurs et les documents financiers.
    • Licence: CC0