• Vue d'ensemble
  • Résumé
  • Objet social
  • Adresse
  • Dénominations sociales précédentes
  • Comptes
  • Dépôts
  • Dirigeants
  • Charges
  • Insolvabilité
  • Source de données
  • Vue d'ensemble

    Nom de la sociétéCHASE MIDLAND P.L.C.
    Statut de la sociétéDissoute
    Forme juridiqueSociété anonyme cotée en bourse
    Numéro de société 02594294
    JuridictionAngleterre/Pays de Galles
    Date de création
    Date de cessation d'activité


    A des PSCs super sécurisésNon
    A des chargesOui
    A un historique d'insolvabilitéOui
    Le siège social est contestéNon

    Quel est l'objet de CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. ?

    • (7011) /

    Où se situe CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. ?

    Adresse du siège social
    6 Snow Hill
    EC1A 6AY London
    Adresse du siège social non livrableNon

    Quels étaient les noms précédents de CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. ?

    Dénominations sociales précédentes
    Nom de la sociétéDeJusqu'au
    ZEBRAZONE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY22 mars 199122 mars 1991

    Quels sont les derniers comptes de CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. ?

    Derniers comptes
    Derniers comptes arrêtés au31 déc. 2006

    Quels sont les derniers dépôts pour CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. ?


    Déclaration de biens vacants

    1 pagesBONA

    Déclaration de biens vacants

    1 pagesBONA

    Déclaration de biens vacants

    1 pagesBONA

    Gazette finale dissoute à la suite d'une liquidation

    1 pagesGAZ2

    Avis de compte final avant dissolution

    15 pagesWU15

    Rapport d'avancement dans une liquidation par le tribunal

    15 pagesWU07

    Dépôt d'insolvabilité

    INSOLVENCY:liquidator's annual progress report - compulsory liquidation - b/d date - 07/08/2016
    11 pagesLIQ MISC

    Dépôt d'insolvabilité

    INSOLVENCY:liquidators annual progress report compulsory liquidation bdd 07/08/2016
    11 pagesLIQ MISC

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 11 sept. 2015

    2 pages3.6

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 01 juil. 2015

    2 pages3.6

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 01 janv. 2015

    3 pages3.6

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 01 juil. 2014

    2 pages3.6

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 01 janv. 2014

    2 pages3.6

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 01 juil. 2013

    2 pages3.6

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 01 janv. 2013

    2 pages3.6

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 01 juil. 2012

    2 pages3.6

    Dépôt d'insolvabilité

    Insolvency:liquidators progress report
    8 pagesLIQ MISC

    Avis de cessation d'activité en tant qu'administrateur judiciaire ou gérant

    4 pagesRM02

    Avis de cessation d'activité en tant qu'administrateur judiciaire ou gérant

    2 pagesRM02

    Changement d'adresse du siège social de * Ernst & Young Llp No 1 Colmore Square Birmingham B4 6HQ* le 18 sept. 2013

    2 pagesAD01

    Nomination d'un liquidateur

    1 pages4.31

    Ordonnance du tribunal pour liquider

    3 pagesCOCOMP

    Avis d'ordonnance du tribunal pour mettre fin à l'administration

    4 pages2.33B

    Rapport d'avancement de l'administrateur jusqu'à 27 juin 2013

    9 pages2.24B

    Résumé des recettes et paiements du récepteur jusqu'au 21 juin 2013

    2 pages3.6

    Qui sont les dirigeants de CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. ?

    NomNommé leDate de démissionRôleAdresseIdentification de la sociétéPays de résidenceNationalitéDate de naissanceProfessionNuméro
    ACKRILL, Gail Janette
    GL54 1JE Cheltenham
    Icomb Grange
    GL54 1JE Cheltenham
    Icomb Grange
    BritishCommercial Manager50553800002
    ACKRILL, Roderick Mark
    GL54 1JE Cheltenham
    Icomb Grange
    GL54 1JE Cheltenham
    Icomb Grange
    BritishCompany Director17633980003
    ALLKINS, Stephen Philip
    Badgers House
    CV36 5HG Shipston On Stour
    Badgers House
    CV36 5HG Shipston On Stour
    EnglandBritishFinance Director56899810002
    ANSELL, Mark John
    14 Ladywood Road
    B74 2SW Sutton Coldfield
    West Midlands
    14 Ladywood Road
    B74 2SW Sutton Coldfield
    West Midlands
    ABROL, Dharam Vir
    331 Pershore Road
    B5 7TY Birmingham
    West Midlands
    331 Pershore Road
    B5 7TY Birmingham
    West Midlands
    ALLKINS, Stephen Philip
    Badgers House
    CV36 5HG Shipston On Stour
    Badgers House
    CV36 5HG Shipston On Stour
    MILLER, Jane
    4 Poplar Rise
    NN12 8RR Towcester
    4 Poplar Rise
    NN12 8RR Towcester
    BritishChartered Accountant89678850001
    ABROL, Dharam Vir
    331 Pershore Road
    B5 7TY Birmingham
    West Midlands
    331 Pershore Road
    B5 7TY Birmingham
    West Midlands
    CROWE, Graham Rex William
    7 Linton Avenue
    B91 3NN Solihull
    West Midlands
    7 Linton Avenue
    B91 3NN Solihull
    West Midlands
    EnglandBritishMarketing Director30514870002
    FLINT, Jonathan Morris
    New Shipton Farmhouse
    15 Country Park View, Walmley
    B761TE Sutton Coldfield
    West Midlands
    New Shipton Farmhouse
    15 Country Park View, Walmley
    B761TE Sutton Coldfield
    West Midlands
    HASLAM, Timothy Guy
    12 Retreat Street
    Astwood Bank
    B96 6AH Redditch
    12 Retreat Street
    Astwood Bank
    B96 6AH Redditch
    United KingdomBritishProperty Development54650230001
    HORNE, Jacqueline Anne
    108 St Leonards View
    B78 1JY Tamworth
    108 St Leonards View
    B78 1JY Tamworth
    JARRETT, Lindsey Helen Ross
    2 Major Court
    B13 9XW Birmingham
    West Midlands
    2 Major Court
    B13 9XW Birmingham
    West Midlands
    BritishCompany Director1452230001
    JERVIS, David John Paul
    Goldicote Hall
    CV37 7NY Stratford Upon Avon
    Goldicote Hall
    CV37 7NY Stratford Upon Avon
    BritishCompany Director74037610001
    MILLER, Jane
    4 Poplar Rise
    NN12 8RR Towcester
    4 Poplar Rise
    NN12 8RR Towcester
    BritishChartered Accountant89678850001
    STYLER, Neil
    195 Ralph Road
    B90 3LB Solihull
    West Midlands
    195 Ralph Road
    B90 3LB Solihull
    West Midlands
    WHITTALL, Frederick Michael Armstrong
    36 Carpenter Road
    B15 2JJ Birmingham
    West Midlands
    36 Carpenter Road
    B15 2JJ Birmingham
    West Midlands
    BritishCompany Director7597340001

    CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. a-t-elle des charges ?

    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 12 juin 2008
    Livré le 19 juin 2008
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    5 badgers close narborough leicestershire assigns the goodwill of all businesses, from time to time carried on at the property, with the benefit of all authorisations, permits, registration certificates or licences of any kind, also by way of fixed charge the equipment & goods (if any) & all other fixtures, fittings, plant & machinery & by way of floating charge on other moveable plant, machinery, furniture, equipment, goods & other effects which are from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC
    • 19 juin 2008Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 23 mai 2008
    Livré le 11 juin 2008
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    50 johnson way chilwell nottinghamshire assigns the goodwill of all businesses, from time to time carried on at the property, with the benefit of all authorisations, permits, registration certificates or licences of any kind, also by way of fixed charge the equipment & goods (if any) & all other fixtures, fittings, plant & machinery & by way of floating charge on other moveable plant, machinery, furniture, equipment, goods & other effects which are from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC
    • 11 juin 2008Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 25 avr. 2008
    Livré le 26 avr. 2008
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever all monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    5AHIGHGATE avenue walsall assigns the goodwill of all businesses, from time to time carried on at the property, with the benefit of all authorisations, permits, registration certificates or licences of any kind, also by way of fixed charge the equipment & goods (if any) & all other fixtures, fittings, plant & machinery & by way of floating charge on other moveable plant, machinery, furniture, equipment, goods & other effects which are from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC
    • 26 avr. 2008Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 01 avr. 2008
    Livré le 05 avr. 2008
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    L/H property k/a plot 4003 hinchingbrooke business park huntingdon cambridgeshire t/no CB287730.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 05 avr. 2008Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 04 juil. 2008Nomination d'un administrateur ou d'un gestionnaire (405 (1))
    • 18 déc. 2008Nomination d'un administrateur ou d'un gestionnaire (405 (1))
    • 630 avr. 2011Avis de cessation d'exercer en tant qu'administrateur ou gestionnaire (LQ02)
      • Numéro de dossier 6
      • Numéro de dossier 9
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 20 mars 2008
    Livré le 09 avr. 2008
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    192 stourbridge road, bromsgrove, worcestershire assigns the goodwill of all businesses, from time to time carried on at the property, with the benefit of all authorisations, permits, registration certificates or licences of any kind, also by way of fixed charge the equipment & goods (if any) & all other fixtures, fittings, plant & machinery & by way of floating charge on other moveable plant, machinery, furniture, equipment, goods & other effects which are from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC
    • 09 avr. 2008Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 22 févr. 2008
    Livré le 04 mars 2008
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    12 upalnd grove norton bromsgrove worcs assigns the goodwill of all businesses, from time to time carried on at the property, with the benefit of all authorisations, permits, registration certificates or licences of any kind, also by way of fixed charge the equipment & goods (if any) & all other fixtures, fittings, plant & machinery & by way of floating charge on other moveable plant, machinery, furniture, equipment, goods & other effects which are from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC
    • 04 mars 2008Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 31 déc. 2007
    Livré le 03 janv. 2008
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    55 glendon way dorridge. Assigns the goodwill of all businesses from time to time carried on at the property with the benefit of all authorisations permits registration certificates or licences of any kind also by way of fixed charge the equipment and goods (if any) and all other fixtures fittings plant and machinery and by way of floating charge on other moveable plant machinery furniture equipment goods and other effects which from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC
    • 03 janv. 2008Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 21 nov. 2007
    Livré le 04 déc. 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    137 hurst green road halesowen west midlands,. Assigns the goodwill of all businesses from time to time carried on at the property with the benefit of all authorisations permits registration certificates or licences of any kind also by way of fixed charge the equipment and goods (if any) and all other fixtures fittings plant and machinery and by way of floating charge on other moveable plant machinery furniture equipment goods and other effects which from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC T/a Yorkshire Bank
    • 04 déc. 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 19 sept. 2007
    Livré le 28 sept. 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    F/H land to the rear of 91 and 93 dorridge road stourbridge t/nos WM11502 and WM57978.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 28 sept. 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 04 juil. 2008Nomination d'un administrateur ou d'un gestionnaire (405 (1))
    • 525 juin 2013Avis de cessation d'exercer en tant qu'administrateur ou gestionnaire (RM02)
      • Numéro de dossier 5
    Legal charge over agreements for lease
    Créé le 23 mai 2007
    Livré le 30 mai 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    All the interest under two agreements for lease each dated 18 may 2007 in the buildings k/a commercial units 1 and 2, viva, commercial street and bulcher street birmingham. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 30 mai 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 23 mai 2007
    Livré le 26 mai 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    L/H apartment 124 ground and first floors viva 10 commercial street and blucher street birmingham t/n WM839780.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 26 mai 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 02 août 2008Nomination d'un administrateur ou d'un gestionnaire (405 (1))
    • 830 avr. 2011Avis de cessation d'exercer en tant qu'administrateur ou gestionnaire (LQ02)
      • Numéro de dossier 8
    Legal charge
    Créé le 23 mai 2007
    Livré le 26 mai 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    L/H commercial unit 2 viva commercial street and blucher street birmingham t/n WM839780.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 26 mai 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 04 juil. 2008Nomination d'un administrateur ou d'un gestionnaire (405 (1))
    • 426 nov. 2013Avis de cessation d'exercer en tant qu'administrateur ou gestionnaire (RM02)
      • Numéro de dossier 4
    Legal charge
    Créé le 23 mai 2007
    Livré le 26 mai 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    L/H commercial unit 1 viva commercial street and blucher street birmingham t/n WM839780.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 26 mai 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 02 avr. 2007
    Livré le 11 avr. 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    F/H property being land to the front and to the rear of 3646 (inclusive) station road, fernhill heath, worcestershire forming part of the land comprised in t/no WR87519; part of land comprised in t/nos WR36302, HW98229, HW175691 and HW119600; and the unregistered land comprising part of the land comprised in a conveyance dated 21 june 1967 between percy alfred john harrison and ernest gordon harrison and robbie glencairn eveson (for details of further property charged please refer to form 395) by fixed charge all the fixtures and fittings and all the plant and machinery, vehicles and computer equipment. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Trustees of the Jg Whateley 2002 Accumulation and Maintenance Settlement for the Benefitof the Grandchildren
    • 11 avr. 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 02 avr. 2007
    Livré le 04 avr. 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    F/H property being land to the front and to the rear of 36-46 (inclusive) station road fernhill heath worcestershire part of t/no WR87519, WR36302, HW98229, HW175691 and HW119600.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 04 avr. 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 04 juil. 2008Nomination d'un administrateur ou d'un gestionnaire (405 (1))
    • 325 juin 2013Avis de cessation d'exercer en tant qu'administrateur ou gestionnaire (RM02)
      • Numéro de dossier 3
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 21 mars 2007
    Livré le 30 mars 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    Units 100 & 101 commercial street birmingham t/n's WM894307 and WM894309,. Assigns the goodwill of all businesses from time to time carried on at the property with the benefit of all authorisations permits registration certificates or licences of any kind also by way of fixed charge the equipment and goods (if any) and all other fixtures fittings plant and machinery and by way of floating charge on other moveable plant machinery furniture equipment goods and other effects which from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC T/a Yorkshire Bank
    • 30 mars 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal mortgage
    Créé le 21 mars 2007
    Livré le 24 mars 2007
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee
    Brèves mentions
    Land at deers leap station road henley-in-arden t/no WK417320. Assigns the goodwill of all businesses from time to time carried on at the property with the benefit of all authorisations permits registration certificates or licences of any kind also by way of fixed charge the equipment and goods (if any) and all other fixtures fittings plant and machinery and by way of floating charge on other moveable plant machinery furniture equipment goods and other effects which from time to time on the property.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Clydesdale Bank PLC (Trading as Yorkshire Bank)
    • 24 mars 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 26 mars 2008Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 25 janv. 2007
    Livré le 27 janv. 2007
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    The f/h land at barley mow lane, catshill, bromsgrove, worcestershire comprising 21 barley mow lane, catshill t/no HW36931 and 23 barley mow lane, catshill t/no HW36931, land to the rear of 25 barley mow lane, catshill forming part of the land described in the conveyance of 14 november 1957, for further property charged please refer to the form 395. see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 27 janv. 2007Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 04 juil. 2008Nomination d'un administrateur ou d'un gestionnaire (405 (1))
    • 225 juin 2013Avis de cessation d'exercer en tant qu'administrateur ou gestionnaire (RM02)
      • Numéro de dossier 2
    Charge of profit share
    Créé le 24 oct. 2006
    Livré le 02 nov. 2006
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    First fixed equitable charge all of it's right, title benefit, interest and entitlement to receive the first £250,000 due to it by way of profit share pursuant to the terms of the agreement.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 02 nov. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Third party charge of securities (UK)
    Créé le 24 oct. 2006
    Livré le 02 nov. 2006
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from chase midland estates limited to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    By way of fixed charge any stocks shares bonds warrants or securities (certificated or uncertificated) which are from time to time named in any schedule supplied by or on behalf of the company to the chargee. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 02 nov. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 17 juil. 2006
    Livré le 20 juil. 2006
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    All that f/h property k/a 43 westfield close dorridge west midlands being the whole of the land in t/n WK132008 and land at the rear of 36 westfield close dorridge west midlands being the whole of the land in t/n WK372814.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 20 juil. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 26 mars 2008Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 13 avr. 2006
    Livré le 28 avr. 2006
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    Land and buildings forming part of t/no on 245811 being land at the rear of 290 broughton road, banbury, oxon and land and buildings forming part of t/no ON245811 described as 290 broughton road, banbury, oxon. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Louis Group International (UK) Limited
    • 28 avr. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 26 mars 2008Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 13 avr. 2006
    Livré le 20 avr. 2006
    En cours
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    All that land and buildings forming part of title number ON245811 being land at the rear of 296 broughton road, oxon for further property charged please refer to the form 395. and all buildings structures fixtures (including trade fixtures) and fixed plant machinery and equipment from time to time thereon all right title and interest to and in any proceeds of any present or future insurances of the property any present and future goodwill of the business (if any) and by way of floating charge all moveable plant machinery implements utensils furniture and equipment.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland
    • 20 avr. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 16 févr. 2006
    Livré le 22 févr. 2006
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    The land and buildings at holyhead road birmingham,. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Dunbar Bank PLC
    • 22 févr. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 26 mars 2008Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Legal charge
    Créé le 06 févr. 2006
    Livré le 09 févr. 2006
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    The f/h land being 456 station road dorridge solihull t/n WM858878 by way of fixed charge all the fixtures and fittings. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Trustees of the Castlemore Securities Limited Furbs Scheme
    • 09 févr. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 26 mars 2008Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)

    CHASE MIDLAND P.L.C. a-t-elle des procédures d'insolvabilité ?

    Numéro de dossierDatesTypePraticiensAutre
    1Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    Simon James Bonney
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    Adrian Willet
    2 Charlotte Place
    SO14 0TB Southampton
    receiver manager
    2 Charlotte Place
    SO14 0TB Southampton
    Stuart Anthony Jones
    2 Charlotte Place
    SO14 0TE Southampton
    receiver manager
    2 Charlotte Place
    SO14 0TE Southampton
    2Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    Simon James Bonney
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    3Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    Simon James Bonney
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    4Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    Simon James Bonney
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    5Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    Simon James Bonney
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    6Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    Simon James Bonney
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    03 juil. 2008Administration started
    01 juil. 2013Administration ended
    In administration
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Diana Frangou
    1 Colmore Square
    B4 6HQ Birmingham
    1 Colmore Square
    B4 6HQ Birmingham
    Ian Best
    Ernst & Young
    One Colmore Square
    B4 6HQ Birmingham
    Ernst & Young
    One Colmore Square
    B4 6HQ Birmingham
    Tomislav Lukic
    Ernst & Young
    1 Colmore Square
    B4 6HQ Birmingham
    Ernst & Young
    1 Colmore Square
    B4 6HQ Birmingham
    8Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA Gray'S Inn
    Simon James Bonney
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    receiver manager
    Bn Jackson Norton
    1 Gray'S Inn Square
    WC1R 5AA London
    9Receiver/Manager appointed
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    Michael Colin John Sanders
    New Bridge Street House 30-34 New Bridge Street
    EC4V 6BJ London
    receiver manager
    New Bridge Street House 30-34 New Bridge Street
    EC4V 6BJ London
    28 nov. 2017Conclusion of winding up
    25 juin 2013Petition date
    25 juin 2013Commencement of winding up
    07 mars 2018Dissolved on
    Compulsory liquidation
    NomRôleAdresseNommé leCessé le
    The Official Receiver Or Birmingham
    4th Floor Cannon House
    18 The Priory Queensway
    B4 6FD Birmingham
    4th Floor Cannon House
    18 The Priory Queensway
    B4 6FD Birmingham
    Michael David Rollings
    Rollings Butt Llp 6 Snow Hill
    EC1A 2AY London
    Rollings Butt Llp 6 Snow Hill
    EC1A 2AY London
    Vivienne Elizabeth Oliver
    6 Snow Hill
    EC1A 2AY London
    6 Snow Hill
    EC1A 2AY London

    Source de données

    • Companies House du Royaume-Uni
      Le registre officiel des sociétés au Royaume-Uni, offrant un accès public aux informations sur les sociétés telles que les noms, les adresses, les administrateurs et les documents financiers.
    • Licence: CC0