G2 LIMITED: Charges

  • Vue d'ensemble

    Nom de la sociétéG2 LIMITED
    Statut de la sociétéDissoute
    Forme juridiqueSociété à responsabilité limitée
    Numéro de société 04390861
    JuridictionAngleterre/Pays de Galles
    Date de création
    Date de cessation d'activité

    G2 LIMITED a-t-elle des charges ?

    Accession deed to an intercreditor deed dated 25 august 2005 and
    Créé le 19 déc. 2005
    Livré le 06 janv. 2006
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from any member of the group to any finance party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    Until after the discharge date if the additional obligor receives or recovers any intra-group recoveries except for any permitted intra-group payments it shall pay all such assets and monies received or recovered by it (the turnover receipts) to the security trustee for application in accordance with clause 10 (application of recoveries) of the deed. Pending such payment to the security trustee the additional obligor shall hold on trust for application by the security trustee in accordance with clause 10 (application of recoveries) of the deed. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The Security Trustee)
    • 06 janv. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 20 déc. 2007Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Syndicated debenture
    Créé le 19 déc. 2005
    Livré le 06 janv. 2006
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from each obligor to any beneficiary on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (The Security Trustee)
    • 06 janv. 2006Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 20 déc. 2007Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Créé le 12 juil. 2005
    Livré le 15 juil. 2005
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Brèves mentions
    All land (other than the short l/h land) rights in atm equipment, all other plant, machinery, vehicles and other equipment used in a business, investments; any contract entered into after the date of the debenture which is designated as a key contract by moneybox PLC and the chargee, any account, all copyright, any monetary claim of any kind and goodwill and uncalled capital, floating charge the company's undertaking and all its present and future assets;. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland
    • 15 juil. 2005Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 21 oct. 2005Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Memorandum of deposit and charge
    Créé le 02 août 2002
    Livré le 21 août 2002
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    The stocks shares bonds debentures or other securities deposited with or transferred to the bank. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 21 août 2002Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 30 juil. 2005Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)
    Guarantee & debenture
    Créé le 02 août 2002
    Livré le 13 août 2002
    Totalement satisfaite
    Montant garanti
    All monies due or to become due from the company and/or airtime interactive marketing LTD to the chargee on account whatsoever
    Brèves mentions
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery.
    Personnes ayant droit
    • Barclays Bank PLC
    • 13 août 2002Enregistrement d'une charge (395)
    • 30 juil. 2005Déclaration de satisfaction d'une charge en totalité ou en partie (403a)

    Source de données

    • Companies House du Royaume-Uni
      Le registre officiel des sociétés au Royaume-Uni, offrant un accès public aux informations sur les sociétés telles que les noms, les adresses, les administrateurs et les documents financiers.
    • Licence: CC0