Mohammed Omar GHULAM NABI

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  • Vue d'ensemble de Mohammed Omar GHULAM NABI

    Régime de sanctionsThe Afghanistan (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
    Source de désignationUN
    Autres informations

    Father's name is Ghulam Nabi, also known as Mullah Musafir. Left eye missing. Brother-in-law of Ahmad Jan Akhundzada Shukoor Akhundzada (TAi.109). Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Hotak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010. Reportedly deceased as of April 2013. INTERPOLUN Security Council Special Notice web link:

    Sanctions imposéesGel des avoirs, Interdiction de voyager
    Dernière mise à jour07 févr. 2022
    ID de groupe OFSI7387

    Quels autres noms Mohammed Omar GHULAM NABI a-t-il utilisés ?

    NomTitreType de nomNom non latinForce de l'alias
    Mohammed Omar GHULAM NABIMullahPrimary Nameمحمد عمر غلام نبی

    Quels sont les détails personnels de Mohammed Omar GHULAM NABI ?

    GenreDate de naissanceVille de naissancePays de naissanceNationalitéPasseportFonction
    1953Maiwand District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanDirector of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime
    1953Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanDirector of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime
    1953Maiwand District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanLeader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan
    1953Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanLeader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan
    1960Maiwand District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanDirector of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime
    1960Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanDirector of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime
    1960Maiwand District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanLeader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan
    1960Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanLeader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan
    1966Maiwand District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanDirector of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime
    1966Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanDirector of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime
    1966Maiwand District, Kandahar ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanLeader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan
    1966Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan ProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanLeader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan

    Source de données

    • Liste de sanctions du Royaume-Uni
      Une liste tenue à jour par le gouvernement britannique qui identifie les personnes et entités soumises à des sanctions financières. La liste comprend des informations sur les motifs des sanctions et les restrictions applicables.
    • Licence: CC0