• Visão geral
  • Resumo
  • Objetivo
  • Endereço
  • Contas
  • Declaração de confirmação
  • Submissões
  • Diretores
  • Pessoas com controle significativo
  • Encargos
  • Fonte de Dados
  • Visão geral

    Estado da empresaAtiva
    Forma jurídicaSociedade privada limitada
    Número da empresa 00271595
    JurisdiçãoInglaterra/País de Gales
    Data de criação


    Possui PSCs super segurosNão
    Possui encargosSim
    Possui histórico de insolvênciaNão
    O escritório registrado está em disputaNão

    Qual é o objetivo de BOUGHTON ESTATES LIMITED(THE)?

    • Compra e venda de imóveis próprios (68100) / Atividades imobiliárias
    • Outro arrendamento e exploração de imóveis próprios ou arrendados (68209) / Atividades imobiliárias


    Endereço do escritório registrado
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Endereço do escritório registrado não entregávelNão

    Quais são as últimas contas de BOUGHTON ESTATES LIMITED(THE)?

    Próximas contas
    Próximo período contábil termina em31/10/2024
    Próximas contas vencem em31/07/2025
    Últimas contas
    Últimas contas elaboradas até31/10/2023

    Qual é o status da última declaração de confirmação para BOUGHTON ESTATES LIMITED(THE)?

    Última declaração de confirmação elaborada até07/06/2025
    Próxima declaração de confirmação vence21/06/2025
    Última declaração de confirmação
    Próxima declaração de confirmação elaborada até07/06/2024

    Quais são as últimas submissões para BOUGHTON ESTATES LIMITED(THE)?


    Alteração dos detalhes de Buccleuch Holdings Ltd como pessoa com controlo significativo em 31/01/2025

    2 páginasPSC05

    Registo da garantia 002715950038, criada em 10/01/2025

    10 páginasMR01

    Registo da garantia 002715950037, criada em 11/10/2024

    11 páginasMR01

    Contas de subsidiária isenta de auditoria preparadas até 31/10/2023

    15 páginasAA


    66 páginasPARENT_ACC


    3 páginasGUARANTEE2


    4 páginasAGREEMENT2

    Satisfação total da garantia 002715950031

    1 páginasMR04

    Satisfação total da garantia 002715950032

    1 páginasMR04

    Registo da garantia 002715950035, criada em 11/06/2024

    8 páginasMR01
    04/07/2024Other The certified copy instrument associated with this transaction contains some elements which are in colour and/or larger than A4. At present, Companies House does not provide colour or larger images through our output services; therefore some elements may be illegible. If you would like to view a copy of the instrument, please call 0303 1234 500

    Registo da garantia 002715950036, criada em 11/06/2024

    8 páginasMR01
    04/07/2024Other The certified copy instrument associated with this transaction contains some elements which are in colour and/or larger than A4. At present, Companies House does not provide colour or larger images through our output services; therefore some elements may be illegible. If you would like to view a copy of the instrument, please call 0303 1234 500

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 07/06/2024 sem atualizações

    3 páginasCS01

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 07/06/2023 sem atualizações

    3 páginasCS01

    Contas de subsidiária isenta de auditoria preparadas até 31/10/2022

    16 páginasAA


    69 páginasPARENT_ACC


    3 páginasGUARANTEE2


    2 páginasAGREEMENT2

    Término da nomeação de Elizabeth Marian Frances Scott como diretor em 30/04/2023

    1 páginasTM01

    Satisfação total da garantia 002715950030

    1 páginasMR04

    Satisfação total da garantia 18

    1 páginasMR04

    Satisfação total da garantia 19

    1 páginasMR04

    Contas de subsidiária isenta de auditoria preparadas até 31/10/2021

    16 páginasAA


    72 páginasPARENT_ACC


    3 páginasGUARANTEE2


    4 páginasAGREEMENT2

    Quem são os diretores de BOUGHTON ESTATES LIMITED(THE)?

    NomeNomeado emRenunciou emFunçãoEndereçoIdentificação da empresaPaís de residênciaNacionalidadeData de nascimentoOcupaçãoNúmero
    ALEXANDER, Jonathan Scott
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    HIGGINS, Bernard
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    MONTAGU DOUGLAS SCOTT, Charles David Peter, Lord
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    EnglandBritishCompany Director232295990002
    MONTAGU DOUGLAS SCOTT, Damian Torquil Francis Charles, Lord
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    MONTAGU DOUGLAS SCOTT, Richard Walter John, Duke Of Buccleuch And Queensberry
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    EnglandBritishCompany Director76465960007
    MCGRATH, Michael James
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    MILLAR, Alastair Sturrock
    4 Weatherhouse Cottages
    TD7 5HE Selkirk
    4 Weatherhouse Cottages
    TD7 5HE Selkirk
    TD7 5ET Selkirk
    TD7 5ET Selkirk
    BritishCompany Director533090003
    GALBRAITH, James Muir Galloway
    TD8 6UW Jedburgh
    TD8 6UW Jedburgh
    BritishCompany Director276160001
    GLEN, John Ronald Kerr
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    MONTAGU-DOUGLAS SCOTT, George Francis, Lord
    Old Alms House Weekley
    Old Alms House Weekley
    SCOTT, Elizabeth Marian Frances, Duches Of Buccleuch
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Estate Office
    EnglandBritishCompany Director25377600002
    TD7 5ET Selkirk
    TD7 5ET Selkirk
    BritishCompany Director42184170002
    TD7 5ET Selkirk
    TD7 5ET Selkirk
    United KingdomBritishCompany Director42184170003

    Quem são as pessoas com controle significativo de BOUGHTON ESTATES LIMITED(THE)?

    Pessoas com controle significativo
    NomeNotificado emEndereçoCessado
    Mds Group Investments Ltd
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Buccleuch Property Estate Office
    NN16 9UP Kettering
    Buccleuch Property Estate Office
    Forma jurídicaLimited Company
    Autoridade legalCompanies Act 2006
    Natureza do controle
    • A pessoa detém, direta ou indiretamente, mais de 75% das ações da empresa.

    BOUGHTON ESTATES LIMITED(THE) possui encargos?

    A registered charge
    Criado em 10/01/2025
    Entregue em 27/01/2025
    Breve descrição
    (First) all and whole (one) the property known as huntlaw and muirfield farm, forming part of the drinkstone estate, hawick, being part and portion of the land registered in the land register of scotland under title number ROX13771. (Two) all and any minerals beneath the said property being part and portion of the titles (I) all and whole the subjects described in the disposition by the buccleuch estates limited in favour of the boughton estates limited dated 10 june 2004 and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines for the county of midlothian on 19 august 2004 and (ii) all and whole the subjects described in the disposition by the buccleuch estates limited in favour of the boughton estates limited dated 10 june 2004 and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines for the county of roxburgh on 17 august 2004 the subjects (one) and (two) all as shown shaded pink on the plan 1, plan 2 and plan 3 annexed and executed as relative to the instrument accompanying the MR01 form. (Second) all and whole (one) the subjects known as and forming huntlaw farmhouse & steadings, denholm, hatwick, which subjects are part and portion of the subjects known as and forming the drinkstone estate, hatwick being the subjects registered in the land register of scotland under title number ROX13771. (Two) all and any minerals beneath the said subjects being part and portion of the titles (I) all and whole the subjects described in the disposition by the buccleuch estates limited in favour of the boughton estates limited dated 10 june 2024 and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines for the county of midlothian on 19 august 2024; and (ii) all and whole the subjects described in the disposition by the buccleuch estates limited in favour of the boughton estates limited dated 10 june 2004 and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines for the county of roxburgh on 17 august 2004 the subjects (one) and (two) all as shown shaded pink on the plan 4 annexed and executed as relative to the instrument accompanying the MR01 form.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Center Parcs Scotland Limited
    • 27/01/2025Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 11/10/2024
    Entregue em 15/10/2024
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the landowner’s interest in the area of land shown tinted pink on the plan annexed to the standard security which subjects form part and portion of the stone and material as described in and disponed by the disposition by the buccleuch estates limited in favour of the landowner dated 10 june 2004 and recorded in the general register of sasine in the counties of dumfries, lanark, stewartry of kirkcudbright, ayr and peebles on 2 august 2004, as more particularly described in the standard security.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Cloud Hill Windfarm Limited
    • 15/10/2024Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 11/06/2024
    Entregue em 01/07/2024
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the minerals beneath the surface of that area of ground at chanlockfoot sanquhar in the county of dumfries shown coloured pink on the plan land register of scotland t/no DMF32356.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Sanquhar Ii Community Wind Co LTD
    • 01/07/2024Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 11/06/2024
    Entregue em 01/07/2024
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the minerals beneath the surface of that area of groud at glenmanna sanquhar in the county of dumfries shown coloured pink on the plan land register of scotland under t/no DMF32355.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Sanquhar Ii Community Wind Co LTD
    • 01/07/2024Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 06/05/2022
    Entregue em 10/05/2022
    Breve descrição
    The metals, minerals and substances beneath the subjects undergoing registration in the land register of scotland under title number ROX17300 under exception of the subjects shaded green on the plan annexed to the security instrument.
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Teviot Wf Limited
    • 10/05/2022Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 08/10/2021
    Entregue em 15/10/2021
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the metals, minerals and substances beneath subjects by hawick in the county of roxburgh.
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Teviot Wf Limited
    • 15/10/2021Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 11/05/2022Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 29/03/2021
    Entregue em 02/04/2021
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the minerals beneath the surface of that area of ground at chanlockfoot, sanquhar as more particularly described in the instrument.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Community Windpower Limited
    • 02/04/2021Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 10/07/2024Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 29/03/2021
    Entregue em 02/04/2021
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the minerals beneath the surface of that area of ground at glenmanna, sanquhar in the county of dumfries as more particularly described in the instrument.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Community Windpower Limited
    • 02/04/2021Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 10/07/2024Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 19/03/2019
    Entregue em 19/03/2019
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    The freehold land known as 40 warkton registered at the land registry with title number NN131306 and others, for more details please refer to the instrument.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • The Buccleuch Estates Pension Trustee Company Limited as Trustee
    • 19/03/2019Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 09/05/2023Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 12/02/2019
    Entregue em 18/02/2019
    Breve descrição
    Land at hopsrig in the parish of westerkirk and county of dumfries partly shaded pink and partly shaded green on the plan annexed t/no: DMF30264.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Hopsrig Wind Farm Limited
    • 18/02/2019Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 19/06/2018
    Entregue em 20/06/2018
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the minerals beneath the surface of that area of ground at corse hill, sanquhar in the county of dumfries shown delineated and coloured in red on the plan annexed and executed as relative hereto and forming part and portion of the subjects more particularly described in described in and disponed by disposition by the buccleuch estates limited in favour of the boughton estates limited dated 10 june and recorded inter alia in the division of the general register of sasines for the county of dumfries on 2 august 2004.. (for further information please consult the instrument).
    Pessoas com direito
    • Community Windpower Limited
    • 20/06/2018Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 21/12/2016
    Entregue em 30/12/2016
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the subjects comprising the metals, minerals and substances capable of being worked commercially beneath and/or within (I) the land shown coloured pink on the plan marked "plan 1" annexed and signed as relative to the instrument and (ii) the land shown outlined in red on the plan marked "plan 2" annexed and signed as relative to the instrument. For more details please refer to the instrument.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Nlei LTD
    • 30/12/2016Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 21/07/2015
    Entregue em 01/08/2015
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    Mineral interests at eckford and drinkstone estate in the county of roxburgh and part of eskdale and liddesdale estate in the county of dumfries for further details of the property charged please refer to the instrument.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Hsbc Bank PLC
    • 01/08/2015Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 06/12/2021Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 16/07/2015
    Entregue em 04/08/2015
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    1 weekly kettering t/no. NN288208, 2 weekly kettering t/no. NN288512, 3 weekly kettering t/no. NN288513 and 25 other properties listed in the schedule annexed to the instrument. For more details please refer to the instrument.
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Hsbc Bank PLC
    • 04/08/2015Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 06/12/2021Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Standard security executed on 03 may 2012
    Criado em 24/05/2012
    Entregue em 01/06/2012
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from each obligor to any secured party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All and whole the mines, minerals and substances beneath easter wooden, wester wooden and mosstower farms which mines minerals and substances form part of the subjects described in and disponed by disposition by the buccleuch estates limited see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC for Itself and as Agent and Security Trustee for the Secured Parties (The Security Trustee)
    • 01/06/2012Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 18/08/2015Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Standard security executed on 2 august 2011
    Criado em 09/08/2011
    Entregue em 25/08/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from each obligor to any secured party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Mines minerals and substances beneath easter wooden, wester wooden and mosstower farms, see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC for Itself and as Agent and Security Trustee for the Secured Parties (Security Trustee)
    • 25/08/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 18/08/2015Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Standard security dated 09/10/10
    Criado em 27/10/2010
    Entregue em 12/11/2010
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from any obligor to any secured party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All and whole (one) all and whole the mines, minerals and substances beneath those parts of drinkstone estate, shown outlined in red on plan 2; (two) all and whole the mines, minerals and substances between those parts of eckford estate shown outlined in red on plan 1 see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 12/11/2010Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 18/08/2015Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Legal charge
    Criado em 26/05/2010
    Entregue em 11/06/2010
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from each obligor to any secured party on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All that land and buildings;1 weekley, kettering t/no NN288208. 2 weekley, kettering t/no NN288512. 3 weekley, kettering t/no NN288513. For details of further property charged please refer to form MG01, see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC as Security Trustee
    • 11/06/2010Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 18/08/2015Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Legal charge
    Criado em 31/10/2008
    Entregue em 04/11/2008
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Breve descrição
    1 weekley kettering northamptonshire t/no NN288208 2 weekley kettering northamptonshire t/no NN288512 3 weekley kettering northamptonshire t/no NN288513 for details of further properties charged please refer to form 395 by way of fixed charge any other interest in the property all rents receivable from any lease and the proceeds of any insurance affecting the property see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
    • 04/11/2008Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 28/09/2021Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Deed of variation
    Criado em 13/02/2008
    Entregue em 19/02/2008
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company and each or any of the other companies named therein to the buccleuch estates limited 1974 retirement fund pension scheme under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The real property, all buildings, fixtures, plant and machinery, the benefit of any covenants. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Buccleuch Estates Pension Trustees Company Limited
    • 19/02/2008Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 09/05/2023Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Security agreement
    Criado em 27/03/2007
    Entregue em 29/03/2007
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company and each or any of the other companies named therein to the buccleuch estates limited 1974 retirement fund pension scheme under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    1 warkton NN16 9XJ, 10 warkton NN16 9X, 12 warkton NN16 9XH for details of further properties charged please refer to form 395. see the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • The Buccleuch Estates Pension Trustee Company Limited as Trustee of the Scheme The
    • 29/03/2007Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 09/05/2023Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Legal mortgage (own account)
    Criado em 23/09/2003
    Entregue em 01/10/2003
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Breve descrição
    L/H land k/a 4B lakeside boulevard, doncaster. Assigns the goodwill of all businesses from time to time carried on at the property with the benefit of all authorisations permits registration certificates or licences of any kind also by way of fixed charge the equipment and goods (if any) and all other fixtures fittings plant and machinery and by way of floating charge on other moveable plant machinery furniture equipment goods and other effects which from time to time on the property.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Yorkshire Bank PLC
    • 01/10/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 03/06/2010Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Legal mortgage
    Criado em 08/09/2003
    Entregue em 12/09/2003
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Breve descrição
    All that f/h land known as part plot s stratton business park biggleswade t/n BD230078. Assigns the goodwill of all businesses from time to time carried on at the property with the benefit of all authorisations permits registration certificates or licences of any kind also by way of fixed charge the equipment and goods (if any) and all other fixtures fittings plant and machinery and by way of floating charge on other moveable plant machinery furniture equipment goods and other effects which from time to time on the property.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Yorkshire Bank PLC
    • 12/09/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 03/06/2010Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Legal mortgage
    Criado em 24/04/2003
    Entregue em 28/04/2003
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Breve descrição
    By way of legal mortgage all that f/h land known as units 4F, 4G, 4J, 4K & 4L barbot hall industrial estate, mangham road, greasborough, rotherham t/n SYK385947. Assigns the goodwill of all businesses from time to time carried on at the property with the benefit of all authorisations permits registration certificates or licences of any kind also by way of fixed charge the equipment and goods (if any) and all other fixtures fittings plant and machinery and by way of floating charge on other moveable plant machinery furniture equipment goods and other effects which from time to time on the property.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Yorkshire Bank PLC
    • 28/04/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 03/06/2010Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Legal mortgage
    Criado em 22/04/2003
    Entregue em 26/04/2003
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee
    Breve descrição
    All that f/h land lying to the east of douglas close stockton on tees cleveland title absolute t/n CE137435. Fixed charge all buildings and other structures fixed to the property fixed charge any goodwill relating to the property fixed charge all plant machinery and other items affixed to the property assignment of the rental sums together with the benefit of all rights and remedies fixed charge the proceeds of any claim made under insurance policy relating to the property floating charge all unattached plant machinery chattels and goods on or in or used in connection with the property or the business or undertaking at the property.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Yorkshire Bank PLC
    • 26/04/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 03/06/2010Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)

    Fonte de Dados

    • Companies House do Reino Unido
      O registro oficial de empresas no Reino Unido, fornecendo acesso público a informações sobre empresas, como nomes, endereços, diretores e registros financeiros.
    • Licença: CC0