• Visão geral
  • Resumo
  • Objetivo
  • Endereço
  • Nomes anteriores
  • Contas
  • Submissões
  • Diretores
  • Pessoas com controle significativo
  • Encargos
  • Insolvência
  • Fonte de Dados
  • Visão geral

    Estado da empresaDissolvida
    Forma jurídicaSociedade privada limitada
    Número da empresa 02173068
    JurisdiçãoInglaterra/País de Gales
    Data de criação
    Data de cessação


    Possui PSCs super segurosNão
    Possui encargosSim
    Possui histórico de insolvênciaSim
    O escritório registrado está em disputaNão

    Qual é o objetivo de PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED?

    • Concessão de crédito por parte de instituições financeiras não depositárias e outros concedentes especializados de crédito ao consumo (64921) / Atividades financeiras e de seguros


    Endereço do escritório registrado
    1 Bridgewater Place
    Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    West Yorkshire
    Endereço do escritório registrado não entregávelNão

    Quais eram os nomes anteriores de PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED?

    Nomes anteriores da empresa
    Nome da empresaDeAté
    PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) PLC24/02/200524/02/2005
    PARAGON AUTO AND SECURED FINANCE (NO 1) PLC25/09/200025/09/2000
    FINANCE FOR HOME LOANS (14) LIMITED28/12/198728/12/1987
    NOTIONTILT LIMITED01/10/198701/10/1987

    Quais são as últimas contas de PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED?

    Últimas contas
    Últimas contas elaboradas até30/09/2020

    Quais são as últimas submissões para PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED?


    Boletim final dissolvido após liquidação

    1 páginasGAZ2

    Devolução da reunião final numa liquidação voluntária de sócios

    12 páginasLIQ13

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 15/12/2021 sem atualizações

    3 páginasCS01

    Os registos foram transferidos para a localização de inspeção registada 51 Homer Road Solihull West Midlands B91 3QJ

    2 páginasAD03

    O endereço de inspeção do registo foi alterado de Paragon House 51 Homer Road Solihull West Midlands B91 3QJ United Kingdom para 51 Homer Road Solihull West Midlands B91 3QJ

    2 páginasAD02

    Endereço do domicílio registado alterado de 51 Homer Road Solihull West Midlands B91 3QJ para 1 Bridgewater Place Water Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 5QR em 30/08/2021

    2 páginasAD01

    Nomeação de um liquidador voluntário

    3 páginas600


    1 páginasRESOLUTIONS

    Resolução especial para a liquidação em 11/08/2021


    Declaração de solvência

    5 páginasLIQ01

    Contas anuais preparadas até 30/09/2020

    13 páginasAA

    Término da nomeação de Richard Dominic Shelton como diretor em 03/02/2021

    1 páginasTM01

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 15/12/2020 sem atualizações

    3 páginasCS01

    Término da nomeação de Pandora Sharp como secretário em 01/06/2020

    1 páginasTM02

    Contas anuais preparadas até 30/09/2019

    13 páginasAA

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 15/12/2019 sem atualizações

    3 páginasCS01

    Contas anuais preparadas até 30/09/2018

    15 páginasAA

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 15/12/2018 com atualizações

    4 páginasCS01

    Contas anuais preparadas até 30/09/2017

    15 páginasAA

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 15/12/2017 com atualizações

    4 páginasCS01

    Alteração dos detalhes de The Paragon Group of Companies Plc como pessoa com controlo significativo em 21/09/2017

    2 páginasPSC05

    Contas anuais preparadas até 30/09/2016

    14 páginasAA

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 15/12/2016 com atualizações

    6 páginasCS01

    Detalhes do diretor alterados para Mr Keith Graham Allen em 01/07/2016

    2 páginasCH01

    Contas anuais preparadas até 30/09/2015

    12 páginasAA

    Declaração anual preparada até 15/12/2015 com lista completa de acionistas

    6 páginasAR01
    Submissões associadas

    Estado do capital em 18/12/2015

    • Capital: GBP 600,001

    Quem são os diretores de PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED?

    NomeNomeado emRenunciou emFunçãoEndereçoIdentificação da empresaPaís de residênciaNacionalidadeData de nascimentoOcupaçãoNúmero
    ALLEN, Keith Graham
    Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    1 Bridgewater Place
    West Yorkshire
    Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    1 Bridgewater Place
    West Yorkshire
    WOODMAN, Richard James
    Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    1 Bridgewater Place
    West Yorkshire
    Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    1 Bridgewater Place
    West Yorkshire
    EnglandBritishCompany Director166716710001
    GEMMELL, John Grigor
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    SHARP, Pandora
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    SHELTON, Richard Dominic
    12 Campion Grove
    B63 1HB Halesowen
    West Midlands
    12 Campion Grove
    B63 1HB Halesowen
    West Midlands
    BINGHAM, Roy Neil
    29 Baalmoral Way
    SM2 6PD Belmont
    29 Baalmoral Way
    SM2 6PD Belmont
    FAIRRIE, James Patrick Johnston
    5 Templars Crescent
    N3 3QR London
    5 Templars Crescent
    N3 3QR London
    BritishCompany Director45091610001
    GEMMELL, John Grigor
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    United KingdomBritishGroup Company Secretary84111440004
    KEEN, Nicholas
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    United KingdomBritishDirector85330520002
    MEHMET, Adem
    St Catherine's Court
    Herbert Road
    B91 3QE Solihull
    West Midlands
    St Catherine's Court
    Herbert Road
    B91 3QE Solihull
    West Midlands
    United KingdomBritishDirector85573720002
    RAIKES, Anthony Francis
    Pond House
    High Street
    TN5 6AA Wadhurst
    East Sussex
    Pond House
    High Street
    TN5 6AA Wadhurst
    East Sussex
    RAIKES, Anthony Francis
    St Catherine's Court
    Herbert Road
    B91 3QE Solihull
    West Midlands
    St Catherine's Court
    Herbert Road
    B91 3QE Solihull
    West Midlands
    READ, Brian John
    The Gatehouse 117 Silverdale Avenue
    KT12 1EQ Walton On Thames
    The Gatehouse 117 Silverdale Avenue
    KT12 1EQ Walton On Thames
    SAFFERY, John Robert
    St Catherines Court
    Herbert Road
    B913QEE Solihull
    West Midlands
    St Catherines Court
    Herbert Road
    B913QEE Solihull
    West Midlands
    BritishChartered Accountant2013700002
    SHELTON, Richard Dominic
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    TERRINGTON, Nigel Stewart
    St Catherine's Court
    Herbert Road
    B91 3QE Solihull
    West Midlands
    St Catherine's Court
    Herbert Road
    B91 3QE Solihull
    West Midlands
    BritishFinance Director33299100002

    Quem são as pessoas com controle significativo de PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED?

    Pessoas com controle significativo
    NomeNotificado emEndereçoCessado
    Paragon Banking Group Plc
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    Homer Road
    B91 3QJ Solihull
    West Midlands
    Forma jurídicaPublic Company Limited By Shares
    País de registroEngland And Wales
    Autoridade legalCompanies Act 2006
    Local de registroCompanies House Uk
    Número de registro2336032
    Natureza do controle
    • A pessoa detém, direta ou indiretamente, mais de 75% das ações da empresa.
    • A pessoa detém, direta ou indiretamente, mais de 75% dos direitos de voto na empresa.
    • A pessoa tem o direito, direta ou indiretamente, de nomear ou destituir a maioria do conselho de administração da empresa.

    PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED possui encargos?

    Assignation in security
    Criado em 27/08/2004
    Entregue em 09/09/2004
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Right, title and interset in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee)
    • 09/09/2004Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 20/05/2004
    Entregue em 28/05/2004
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any subordinated lender under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The issuers whole right title and interest present and future in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder all as defined in and in terms of the secured loan supplemenal scottish declaration of trust and the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust respectively.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited
    • 28/05/2004Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 25/02/2004
    Entregue em 03/03/2004
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to a subordinated lender under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Right title and interest present and debenture in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited
    • 03/03/2004Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 19/11/2003
    Entregue em 25/11/2003
    Montante garantido
    The monies and liabilities which the issuer covenants and undertakes in the deed of charge to pay or discharge and any subordinated lender secured amounts.
    Breve descrição
    The issuer's whole right, title and interest, present and future, in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the benefit thereof and deriving thereunder. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee)
    • 25/11/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 03/10/2003
    Entregue em 09/10/2003
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Right title and interest present and future in and to th secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited Its Successors for the Time Being as Trustee or Trustees Underthe Deed of Charge.
    • 09/10/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 18/08/2003
    Entregue em 27/08/2003
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to any subordinated lender under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The issuer's whole right title and interest in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee)
    • 27/08/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 11/06/2003
    Entregue em 14/06/2003
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the subordinated lender under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The company's whole right title and interest in and to the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee)
    • 14/06/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 15/05/2003
    Entregue em 23/05/2003
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All right title and interest in and to the scured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited(As Trustee or Trustees Under the Deed of Charge)
    • 23/05/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 16/04/2003
    Entregue em 30/04/2003
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge and any subordinated lender secured amounts
    Breve descrição
    The secured loan scottish trust property. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The "Trustee" Which Expression Includes Its Successors Forthe Time Being as Trustee or Trustees Under Thedeed of Charge)
    • 30/04/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 14/03/2003
    Entregue em 25/03/2003
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All right title and interest in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and thereunder. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee) as Trustee for the Secured Parties
    • 25/03/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security (incorporating intimation thereof)
    Criado em 17/02/2003
    Entregue em 22/02/2003
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to a subordinated lender under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The issuer's whole right,title and interest,present and future,in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder,all as defined in and in terms of the secured loan supplemental scottish declaration of trust and the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust respectively.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited as Trustee or Trustees Under the Deed of Charge
    • 22/02/2003Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 22/11/2002
    Entregue em 29/11/2002
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to a subordinated lender under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The issuer's whole right title and interest present and future in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder all as defined in and in terms of the secured loan supplemental scottish declaration of trust and the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust respectively.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee)
    • 29/11/2002Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 16/08/2002
    Entregue em 22/08/2002
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the issuer to the trustee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The issuer's whole right, title and interest, present and future, in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof;. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited
    • 22/08/2002Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 29/05/2002
    Entregue em 06/06/2002
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The issuers whole right title and interest present and future in and to the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder all as defined in and in terms of the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee Which Expression Includes Its Successors for Thetime Being as Trustee or Trustees Under the Deed of Charge
    • 06/06/2002Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation of security
    Criado em 17/05/2002
    Entregue em 30/05/2002
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The issuer's whole right, title and interest, present and future, in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder, all as defined in and in terms of the secured loan supplemental scottish declaration of trust and the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust respectively.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citibank Trustee Company Limited
    • 30/05/2002Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 25/02/2002
    Entregue em 13/03/2002
    Montante garantido
    All monies and liabilities due from the company to the chargee and any subordinated lender
    Breve descrição
    All right,title and interest in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property,as defined,and the benefits thereof. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited
    • 13/03/2002Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 23/11/2001
    Entregue em 30/11/2001
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever
    Breve descrição
    All right title and interst in and to the secured loan scottish trust propety and car finance scottish trust property and the benefit thereunder.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited
    • 30/11/2001Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 16/08/2001
    Entregue em 22/08/2001
    Montante garantido
    The monies and liabilities due or to become due from the company to the chargee which covenants and undertakes in the deed of charge to pay or discharge and any subordinated lender secured amounts and any of them. (All terms as defined)
    Breve descrição
    The whole right, title and interest, present and future, in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and to the whole benefit thereof deriving thereunder, all as defined in and in terms of the secured loan supplemental scottish declaration of trust and the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust respectively. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The Trustee)
    • 22/08/2001Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation of security
    Criado em 24/05/2001
    Entregue em 11/06/2001
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the deed of charge and any monies and liabilities due or to become due from the company to a subordinated lender under the subordinated loan agreement
    Breve descrição
    The company's whole right title and interest, present, and future in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and to the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder all as defined in and in terms of the secured loan supplemental scottish declaration of trust and the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust respectively.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (The "Trustee") Including Its Successorsand Assignees
    • 11/06/2001Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Assignation in security
    Criado em 22/02/2001
    Entregue em 07/03/2001
    Montante garantido
    The monies and liabilities which the issuer covenants and undertakes in the deed of charge to pay or discharge and any subordinated lender secured amounts and any of them to the chargee
    Breve descrição
    The issuer's whole right, title and interest, present and future in and to the secured loan scottish trust property and the car finance scottish trust property and to the whole benefit thereof and deriving thereunder, all as defined in and in terms of the secured loan supplemental scottish declaration of trust and the car finance supplemental scottish declaration of trust respectively.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited
    • 07/03/2001Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Deed of charge and assignment made between the company, citicorp trustee company limited and other parties (as defined)
    Criado em 23/11/2000
    Entregue em 08/12/2000
    Montante garantido
    All monies and liabilities due or to become due from the company to the order of 1.the trustee and/or any receiver under the deed of charge, the trust deed and the conditions, under the notes and to the trustee on any account whatsoever. All monies and liabilities due to 2.the administrator under the administration agreement or any other similar agreement or the deed of charge. 3.To pfplc under the fee, letter, any agreement or under the deed of charge. 4.To ppf or any other seller under any asset sale contract, the secured loan sale agreement, the administration agreement or the deed of charge. 5.To pcf or any other seller under any asset sale contract, the administration agreement or the deed of charge. 6.To CMS7 under the fee letter, the subordinated loan agreement or the deed of charge. 7.To the rate swap provider under the rate swap the basis swap provider under the basis swap agreement
    Breve descrição
    The english loans and their related security, all right, title, interest and benefit of the company under the english loans and their related security. Scottish secured loan trust security. The portfolio assets (other than portfolio loans and portfolio motor vehicles). Scottish car finance trust security. Contractual rights. Rights against each swap provider,any cap provider,any cap guarantor and the deposit bank. Transaction account. Investments. Floating charge.. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited and All Other Persons or Companies for Thetime Being Acting as Trustee or Trustees Under the Trust Deed ("the Trustee")
    • 08/12/2000Registro de uma garantia (395)
    Second supplemetal deed of charge
    Criado em 26/01/1995
    Entregue em 13/02/1995
    Montante garantido
    All moneys and lioabilities due or to become due from the company to the chargee (and all other persons or companies for the time being acting under the trust deed (as defined) or the deed of charge and assignment referred to below in the capacity of trustee or trustees and their successors and persons deriving title under or through them) as trustee for (amongst others) the administrator and nhl (both as defined in the deed of charge and assignment referred to below) on any account whatsoever under any agreement between the company and,as the case may be,the administrator or nhl for the payment to such person of such fees as the company and such person may at any time and from time to time agree in respect of facilities and services provided to the company by such person and in consequence varying the terms of the deed of sub-charge and assignment dated 22ND march 1991 (but not the charges created thereby)
    Breve descrição
    See companies form 395 dated 22ND march 1990 previously delivered on behalf of the mortgagee in relation to the charge.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Their Successors, Transferees and Assigns & Personsderiving Title Under or Through Them as Trusteefor the Mortgagee, Any Receiver, the Noteholders, the Reserve Facility Provider, the Liquidity Facility Provider, Nhl and the Administrator
    • 13/02/1995Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 01/03/2001Declaração de que parte ou a totalidade da propriedade de um encargo flutuante foi liberada (403b)
    Deed of rule-charge & assignment
    Criado em 22/03/1991
    Entregue em 04/04/1991
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee on any account whatsoever under the trust deed dated 22.3.91 and this charge
    Breve descrição
    (See 395 and cont'd sheets for full details). Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York(The Trustee as Defined in the Truste Deed)
    • 04/04/1991Registro de uma garantia
    • 02/10/1996Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (403a)

    PARAGON LOAN FINANCE (NO. 1) LIMITED possui casos de insolvência?

    Número do processoDatasTipoProfissionaisOutro
    11/08/2021Início da liquidação
    19/11/2022Data de dissolução
    Liquidação voluntária de sócios
    NomeFunçãoEndereçoNomeado emCessado em
    Derek Hyslop
    1 Bridgewater Place Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    West Yorkshire
    1 Bridgewater Place Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    West Yorkshire
    Trevor Oates
    1 Bridgewater Place Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    West Yorkshire
    1 Bridgewater Place Water Lane
    LS11 5QR Leeds
    West Yorkshire

    Fonte de Dados

    • Companies House do Reino Unido
      O registro oficial de empresas no Reino Unido, fornecendo acesso público a informações sobre empresas, como nomes, endereços, diretores e registros financeiros.
    • Licença: CC0