• Visão geral
  • Resumo
  • Objetivo
  • Endereço
  • Contas
  • Submissões
  • Diretores
  • Pessoas com controle significativo
  • Encargos
  • Fonte de Dados
  • Visão geral

    Nome da empresa19 MERCHANDISING LIMITED
    Estado da empresaDissolvida
    Forma jurídicaSociedade privada limitada
    Número da empresa 03695399
    JurisdiçãoInglaterra/País de Gales
    Data de criação
    Data de cessação


    Possui PSCs super segurosNão
    Possui encargosSim
    Possui histórico de insolvênciaNão
    O escritório registrado está em disputaNão

    Qual é o objetivo de 19 MERCHANDISING LIMITED?

    • Agências de publicidade (73110) / Atividades profissionais, científicas e técnicas


    Endereço do escritório registrado
    100 New Bridge Street
    EC4V 6JA
    Endereço do escritório registrado não entregávelNão

    Quais são as últimas contas de 19 MERCHANDISING LIMITED?

    Últimas contas
    Últimas contas elaboradas até31/12/2018

    Quais são as últimas submissões para 19 MERCHANDISING LIMITED?


    Diário da República final dissolvido por dissolução voluntária

    1 páginasGAZ2(A)

    Primeiro anúncio no Diário da República para dissolução voluntária

    1 páginasGAZ1(A)

    Pedido de exclusão da sociedade do registo comercial

    3 páginasDS01

    Satisfação total da garantia 036953990028

    1 páginasMR04

    Satisfação total da garantia 036953990029

    1 páginasMR04

    Satisfação total da garantia 036953990030

    1 páginasMR04


    3 páginasRESOLUTIONS


    Final dividend 26/10/2020

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 04/01/2020 sem atualizações

    3 páginasCS01

    Contas de subsidiária isenta de auditoria preparadas até 31/12/2018

    13 páginasAA


    25 páginasPARENT_ACC


    3 páginasGUARANTEE2


    1 páginasAGREEMENT2


    1 páginasAGREEMENT2


    3 páginasGUARANTEE2

    Registo da garantia 036953990030, criada em 02/08/2019

    102 páginasMR01

    Registo da garantia 036953990029, criada em 02/08/2019

    112 páginasMR01

    Satisfação total da garantia 036953990027

    4 páginasMR04

    Registo da garantia 036953990028, criada em 02/08/2019

    75 páginasMR01

    Declaração de confirmação apresentada em 04/01/2019 sem atualizações

    3 páginasCS01

    Contas de subsidiária isenta de auditoria preparadas até 31/12/2017

    14 páginasAA


    26 páginasPARENT_ACC


    1 páginasAGREEMENT2


    3 páginasGUARANTEE2


    26 páginasPARENT_ACC


    3 páginasGUARANTEE2

    Quem são os diretores de 19 MERCHANDISING LIMITED?

    NomeNomeado emRenunciou emFunçãoEndereçoIdentificação da empresaPaís de residênciaNacionalidadeData de nascimentoOcupaçãoNúmero
    New Bridge Street
    EC4V 6JA London
    United Kingdom
    New Bridge Street
    EC4V 6JA London
    United Kingdom
    Tipo de identificaçãoSociedade limitada do Reino Unido
    Número de registro1688036
    FROSCH, Scott Matthew
    8560 West Sunset Boulevard
    8th Floor
    West Hollywood
    California 90069
    United States
    8560 West Sunset Boulevard
    8th Floor
    West Hollywood
    California 90069
    United States
    United StatesAmericanAccountant192749010001
    MILLER, Dennis
    West Sunset Boulevard
    8th Floor
    West Hollywood
    Ca 90069
    United States
    West Sunset Boulevard
    8th Floor
    West Hollywood
    Ca 90069
    United States
    United StatesAmericanExecutive Chairman241424020001
    BEDFORD, Paul Nicholas
    Princes Road
    TW11 0RW Teddington
    Princes Road
    TW11 0RW Teddington
    HARRIS, Peter Jonathan
    381 Wimbledon Park Road
    SW19 6PE London
    381 Wimbledon Park Road
    SW19 6PE London
    HARRIS, Richard John Leslie
    177 Barnett Wood Lane
    KT21 2LP Ashtead
    177 Barnett Wood Lane
    KT21 2LP Ashtead
    STEAD, David Andrew
    Horsley Court
    Montaigne Close
    SW1P 4BF London
    United Kingdom
    Horsley Court
    Montaigne Close
    SW1P 4BF London
    United Kingdom
    Hanover House
    14 Hanover Square
    W1S 1HP London
    Hanover House
    14 Hanover Square
    W1S 1HP London
    BEDFORD, Paul Nicholas
    Princes Road
    TW11 0RW Teddington
    Princes Road
    TW11 0RW Teddington
    United KingdomBritishAccountant85345010001
    BENSON, Thomas Paul
    Madison Avenue
    New York
    New York 10022
    United States
    Madison Avenue
    New York
    New York 10022
    United States
    United StatesAmericanExecutive Vice President105100210001
    DODDS, Robert Cecil Gifford
    35-37 Parkgate Road
    SW11 4NP London
    33 Ransome's Dock
    35-37 Parkgate Road
    SW11 4NP London
    33 Ransome's Dock
    EnglandBritishCompany Director22192850002
    FERREL, Michael
    Madison Avenue
    10022 New York
    New York
    Madison Avenue
    10022 New York
    New York
    FOX, Kraig G
    Madison Avenue
    10022 New York
    New York
    United States
    Madison Avenue
    10022 New York
    New York
    United States
    United StatesUnited StatesEvp & Coo156939950001
    FULLER, Simon Robert
    The Mall
    East Sheen
    SW14 7EN London
    The Mall
    East Sheen
    SW14 7EN London
    United KingdomBritishCompany Director40038930003
    GRABOFF, Marc Jeffery
    West Sunset Boulevard
    9th Floor
    West Hollywood
    California 90069
    West Sunset Boulevard
    9th Floor
    West Hollywood
    California 90069
    United StatesAmericanPresident167467660001
    HARRIS, Peter Jonathan
    381 Wimbledon Park Road
    SW19 6PE London
    381 Wimbledon Park Road
    SW19 6PE London
    HURWITZ, Peter
    West Sunset Boulevard
    8th Floor
    90069 West Hollywood
    West Sunset Boulevard
    8th Floor
    90069 West Hollywood
    SLATER, Mitchell Joseph
    Madison Avenue
    New York
    New York 10022
    United States
    Madison Avenue
    New York
    New York 10022
    United States
    United StatesAmericanSenior Executive Vp105100770001
    STINSON, Andrew Ronald
    9 Devereux Road
    SW11 6JR London
    9 Devereux Road
    SW11 6JR London
    United KingdomBritishSolicitor73300750001
    TYTEL, Howard James
    Madison Avenue
    New York
    New York 10022
    United States
    Madison Avenue
    New York
    New York 10022
    United States
    United StatesAmericanGeneral Counsel105100570001
    WILLIAMS, Kimberly Ann
    8560 West Sunset Boulevard
    9th Floor
    West Hollywood
    California 90069
    8560 West Sunset Boulevard
    9th Floor
    West Hollywood
    California 90069
    UsaAmericanChief Financial Officer172519680001
    Hanover House
    14 Hanover Square
    W1S 1HP London
    Hanover House
    14 Hanover Square
    W1S 1HP London

    Quem são as pessoas com controle significativo de 19 MERCHANDISING LIMITED?

    Pessoas com controle significativo
    NomeNotificado emEndereçoCessado
    19 Entertainment Limited
    New Bridge Street
    EC4V 6JA London
    United Kingdom
    New Bridge Street
    EC4V 6JA London
    United Kingdom
    Forma jurídicaPrivate Limited Company
    País de registroEngland & Wales
    Autoridade legalCompanies Act 2006
    Local de registroComapnies House For England & Wales
    Número de registro1886042
    Natureza do controle
    • A pessoa detém, direta ou indiretamente, mais de 75% das ações da empresa.
    • A pessoa detém, direta ou indiretamente, mais de 75% dos direitos de voto na empresa.
    • A pessoa tem o direito, direta ou indiretamente, de nomear ou destituir a maioria do conselho de administração da empresa.

    19 MERCHANDISING LIMITED possui encargos?

    A registered charge
    Criado em 02/08/2019
    Entregue em 07/08/2019
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    A continuing security interest is granted in the copyright collateral (as defined in the instrument) both present and future, including, without limitation, the copyright work entitled "life is not a fairy tale." And each other copyright relating to the company listed in the schedule to the instrument. For further details of intellectual property rights charged please see the instrument.
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Suntrust Bank, as Administrative Agent (For the Benefit of the Secured Parties)
    • 07/08/2019Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 14/12/2020Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 02/08/2019
    Entregue em 07/08/2019
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    A first fixed charge is granted over all of the company's intellectual property (as defined in the debenture), including but not limited to the copyright work entitled "life is not a fairy tale." And those other trademarks and copyright works listed in schedule 4 of the debenture. For further details of intellectual property rights charged please see the debenture.
    A garantia flutuante cobre tudo: Sim
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Contém uma garantia flutuante: Sim
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Suntrust Bank, as Security Trustee for Itself and the Other Secured Parties
    • 07/08/2019Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 14/12/2020Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 02/08/2019
    Entregue em 06/08/2019
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    A continuing security interest is granted in all copyrights and copyright licenses, all patents and patent licenses and all trademarks and trademark licenses (in each case, as defined in the instrument) of the company and all other intellectual property rights further detailed in the instrument. For further details, please refer to the instrument directly.
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Suntrust Bank as Administrative Agent (For the Benefit of the Secured Parties)
    • 06/08/2019Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 14/12/2020Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A registered charge
    Criado em 17/10/2016
    Entregue em 21/10/2016
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Breve descrição
    A first fixed charge is granted on:. (A) all of the intellectual property set out in schedule 2 (and, in the case of any subsidiary which grants security over its assets in favour of the administrative agent by executing an accession deed, all of the intellectual property set out in schedule 1 to the relevant accession deed);. (B) all patents, petty patents, utility models, trademarks, service marks, tradenames, formats, rights to publicity, domain names, software rights, rights (registered or unregistered) in any designs, copyrights, rights in the nature of copyright, database rights, topography rights, plant breeders' rights, rights protecting goodwill and reputation, applications for any of the foregoing, and all rights and forms of protection of a similar nature or having equivalent effect to any of the foregoing anywhere in the world, and all other forms of intellectual or industrial property that are owned by or licensed to any chargor (or any nominee of any chargor) whether now or at any time in the future;. (C) all confidential information and knowledge (including know how, inventions, secret formulae and processes, market information, and lists of suppliers and customers) that is in the possession or control of any chargor (or any nominee of any chargor) whether now or at any time in the future.. A first legal mortgage is granted on all of its property and/or the proceeds of sale thereof and by way of first fixed charge all future property and any other property not effectively charged by way of first legal mortgage in each case together with all proceeds of sale thereof;. Property means all freehold properties and other real property both present and future owned by any chargor or in which any chargor is otherwise interested, including all buildings and other structures from time to time erected thereon and all fixtures and fittings (trade or otherwise) and fixed plant and machinery from time to time thereon or therein, including, without limitation, the property specified in schedule 8(and, in the case of any subsidiary which grants security over its assets in favour of the administrative agent by executing an accession deed, the property specified in schedule 5 to the relevant accession deed).
    A garantia flutuante cobre tudo: Sim
    Contém uma promessa negativa: Sim
    Contém uma garantia flutuante: Sim
    Contém uma garantia fixa: Sim
    Pessoas com direito
    • Wilmington Trust, National Association as Administrative Agent
    • 21/10/2016Registro de uma garantia (MR01)
    • 07/08/2019Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Deed of confirmation
    Criado em 28/09/2012
    Entregue em 04/10/2012
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the chargors and the company under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    The company confirmed that on and from the date of the deed of confirmation the debenture and the collateral granted or created thereunder will continue in full force see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Onewest Bank, Fsb (As Security Agent and Trustee for Itself and Each of the Secured Parties)
    • 04/10/2012Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 28/11/2013Todo o imóvel ou empresa foi liberado da garantia (MR05)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A first lien U.S. trademark security agreement
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Assigns a security interest in the trademark collateral including the trademark registrations and applications as detailed on the form MG01 see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A second lien U.S. trademark security agreement
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Assigns a security interest in the trademark collateral including the trademark registrations and applications as detailed on the form MG01 see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A second lien term loan debenture
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    First legal mortgage all of its property and/or the proceeds of sale thereof and by way of first fixed charge all future property and any other property,its intellectual property,its licences,its goodwill and its uncalled share capital see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A second lien U.S. collateral agreement
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all other monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Assigns a security interest in the pledged stock, the pledged debt securities, the pledged collateral and the article 9 collateral see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A deed of amendment relating to a debenture dated 21 june 2011,
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party and all monies due or to become due from intermediate holdings or any subsidiary on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Any security created or granted under the debenture will remain and continue in full force and effect and extend to all liabilities and obligations of the company arising in respect of the amendment credit agreement with amendments to the debenture to the trade mark applications and registrations and the details of policies as set out on the form MG01 see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 19/11/2013Todo o imóvel ou empresa foi liberado da garantia (MR05)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A second lien U.S.copyright security agreement
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All right title and interest in,to or under any and all of the following assets and properties,all copyright right in any work,all registrations and appliciations,any written agreement see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    First lien U.S. collateral agreement
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all other monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Assigns a security interest in the pledged stock, the pledged debt securities, the pledged collateral and the article 9 collateral see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A first lien U.S. copyright security agreement
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All rights title and interest in to or under any and all of the following assets and properties all copyright rights all registrations and applications see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    A first lien term loan debenture
    Criado em 09/12/2011
    Entregue em 17/12/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties on any account whatsoever and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    First legal mortgage all of its property and/or the proceeds of sale thereof and by way of first fixed charge all future property and any other property,its intellectual property,its licences,its goodwill and its uncalled share capital see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 17/12/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party and intermediate holdings or any subsidiary under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, book debts, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 19/11/2013Todo o imóvel ou empresa foi liberado da garantia (MR05)
    • 21/12/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    U.S. trademark security agreement
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party and intermediate holdings or any subsidiary under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    A security interest in all right title and interesting to or under any and all of the following assets and properties: all trademarks, service marks, corporate names, company names, business names, fictitious business names, trade styles, trade dress, logos, other source or business identifiers, designs and general intangibles of like nature, all registrations and recordings thereof. See image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 16/12/2011Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    U.S. copyright security agreement
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party and intermediate holdings or any subsidiary under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    A security interest in all right title and interest in to or under any and all of the following assets and properties: all copyright rights in any work, all registrations and applications for registration of any such copyright, any written agreement granting any right under any copyright . see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 16/12/2011Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the bridge borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, book debts, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 16/12/2011Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Second lien U.S. trademark security agreement
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the bridge borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    A security interest in all right title and interesting to or under any and all of the following assets and properties: all trademarks, service marks, corporate names, company names, business names, fictitious business names, trade styles, trade dress, logos, other source or business identifiers, designs and general intangibles of like nature, all registrations and recordings thereof. See image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    U s collateral agreement
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party and intermediate holdings or any subsidiary under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All right title and interest in to and under the equity interests owned by it, the debt securities, all payments of principal or interest dividends cash instruments and other property and other proceeds in respect of pledged stock and pledged debt securities and all rights and privileges with respect of the pledged stock pledged debt securities and all proceeds of any of the foregoing (collectively the pledged collateral). See image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    Second lien U.S. copyright security agreement
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the bridge borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    A security interest in all right title and interest in to or under any and all of the following assets and properties: all copyright rights in any work, all registrations and applications for registration of any such copyright, any written agreement granting any right under any copyright . see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 15/11/2016Satisfação de uma garantia (MR04)
    U s collateral agreement
    Criado em 21/06/2011
    Entregue em 30/06/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the bridge borrower to any of the secured parties and all monies due or to become due from each other loan party under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All right title and interest in to and under the equity interests owned by it, the debt securities, all payments of principal or interest dividends cash instruments and other property and other proceeds in respect of pledged stock and pledged debt securities and all rights and privileges with respect of the pledged stock pledged debt securities and all proceeds of any of the foregoing (collectively the pledged collateral). See image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Goldman Sachs Bank Usa
    • 30/06/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 16/12/2011Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Supplemental agreement
    Criado em 15/04/2011
    Entregue em 04/05/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    All copyright and copyright licenses and all proceeds see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Jpmorgan Chase Bank N.a (The Collateral Agent)
    • 04/05/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 27/06/2011Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Supplemental debenture
    Criado em 15/04/2011
    Entregue em 26/04/2011
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All monies due or to become due from the company to the agents or to the lenders on any account whatsoever under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future, including goodwill, book debts, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant & machinery see image for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Jpmorgan Chase Bank N.A.
    • 26/04/2011Registro de uma garantia (MG01)
    • 27/06/2011Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)
    Criado em 24/05/2006
    Entregue em 08/06/2006
    Totalmente satisfeita
    Montante garantido
    All sums due or to become due under the terms of the aforementioned instrument creating or evidencing the charge
    Breve descrição
    Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill bookdebts uncalled capital buildings fixtures fixed plant and machinery. See the mortgage charge document for full details.
    Pessoas com direito
    • Bear Sterns Corporate Lending Inc (Administrative Agent)
    • 08/06/2006Registro de uma garantia (395)
    • 27/06/2011Declaração de satisfação de um encargo na totalidade ou em parte (MG02)

    Fonte de Dados

    • Companies House do Reino Unido
      O registro oficial de empresas no Reino Unido, fornecendo acesso público a informações sobre empresas, como nomes, endereços, diretores e registros financeiros.
    • Licença: CC0