William Rufus Benjamin MCDONNELL
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  • William Rufus Benjamin MCDONNELL - Página 2

    Pessoa Física

    Primeiro NomeWilliam
    Segundo NomeRufus Benjamin
    Último NomeMCDONNELL
    Data de Nascimento
    É Executivo CorporativoNão


    Oficiais Nomeados
    Nomeado paraData de NomeaçãoData de RenúnciaSituação da EmpresaOcupaçãoFunçãoEndereçoPaís de ResidênciaNacionalidade
    LIVERPOOL MARINE AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    LONDON GUARANTEE & REINSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    THE SEA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    SUN ALLIANCE INSURANCE UK LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    NATIONAL VULCAN ENGINEERING INSURANCE GROUP LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    ROYAL & SUN ALLIANCE INSURANCE (GLOBAL) LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor, One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial - Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    BRITISH AND FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    UNION MARINE AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED,(THE)16/06/201109/03/2012DissolvidaGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom
    ROYAL INSURANCE (U.K.) LIMITED16/06/201109/03/2012LiquidaçãoGroup Financial ControllerDiretor
    9th Floor One Plantation Place
    30 Fenchurch Street
    EC3M 3BD London
    Gcc Secretarial Rsa Insurance Group Plc
    United Kingdom

    Fonte de Dados

    • Companies House do Reino Unido
      O registro oficial de empresas no Reino Unido, fornecendo acesso público a informações sobre empresas, como nomes, endereços, diretores e registros financeiros.
    • Licença: CC0