Visão geral de Ubaidullah Akhund YAR MOHAMMAD AKHUND
ID | AFG0022 |
Regime de sanções | The Afghanistan (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 |
Fonte de designação | UN |
Outras informações | He was one of the deputies of Mullah Mohammed Omar (TAi.004) and a member of the Taliban's Supreme Council, in charge of military operations. Arrested in 2007 and was in custody in Pakistan. Confirmed deceased in March 2010 and buried in Karachi, Pakistan. Linked by marriage to Saleh Mohammad Kakar Akhtar Muhammad (TAi.149). Belonged to Alokozai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UNNotices-Individuals. |
Sanções impostas | Congelamento de ativos, Proibição de viagens |
Última atualização | 18/12/2021 |
ID do grupo OFSI | 6956 |
Quais outros nomes Ubaidullah Akhund YAR MOHAMMAD AKHUND usou?
Nome | Título | Tipo de nome | Nome não latino | Força do apelido |
Ubaidullah Akhund YAR MOHAMMAD AKHUND | Mullah | Primary Name | عبیدالله آخوند یار محمد آخوند Arabic) | |
Obaid Ullah Akhund | Alias | Good quality a.k.a | ||
Obaidullah Akhund | Alias | Good quality a.k.a |
Quais são os detalhes pessoais de Ubaidullah Akhund YAR MOHAMMAD AKHUND?
Gênero | Data de nascimento | Local de nascimento | País de nascimento | Nacionalidade | Passaporte | Cargo |
1968 | Arghandab District, Kandahar Province | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime | ||
1968 | Sangisar village, Panjwai District,Kandahar Province | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime | ||
1968 | Zheray District, Kandahar Province | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime | ||
1969 | Arghandab District, Kandahar Province | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime | ||
1969 | Sangisar village, Panjwai District,Kandahar Province | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime | ||
1969 | Zheray District, Kandahar Province | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime |
Fonte de Dados
- Lista de Sanções do Reino Unido
Uma lista mantida pelo governo do Reino Unido que identifica indivíduos e entidades sujeitos a sanções financeiras. A lista inclui informações sobre os motivos das sanções e as restrições aplicáveis. - Licença: CC0