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    Persona Física

    Fecha de Nacimiento
    ¿Es Ejecutivo Corporativo?No


    Cargos Designados
    Designado enFecha de DesignaciónFecha de RenunciaEstado de la EmpresaOcupaciónRolDirecciónPaís de ResidenciaNacionalidad
    DX MANAGEMENT LIMITED02 jun 2003ActivaCompany DirectorDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    CAPE SIERRA VILLA HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED02 dic 201125 nov 2022ActivaCompany DirectorDirector
    Gresham Street
    EC2V 7BG London
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomGreek
    CAPE SIERRA HOLDING COMPANY (UK) LIMITED30 sept 201025 nov 2022ActivaCompany DirectorDirector
    Gresham Street
    EC2V 7BG London
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomGreek
    INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATES (UK) LTD03 sept 201025 nov 2022ActivaConsultantDirector
    Gresham Street
    EC2V 7BG London
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomGreek
    SKY ROOFTOP RAINDROP LIMITED03 jun 201101 abr 2016ActivaCompany DirectorDirector
    Abingdon Road
    OX13 5QQ Tubney
    Cedar House
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomGreek
    LANCASHIRE RENEWABLES LIMITED19 mar 201431 jul 2014ActivaDirectorDirector
    Lancashire Waste Technology Park
    Sustainability Way
    PR21 6TB Leyland
    Environmental Education Centre
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomGreek
    TORTOISE INVESTMENTS LLP28 ene 201105 jul 2011ActivaMiembro designado de LLP
    Pegler Way
    RH11 7FZ Crawley
    Gainsborough House
    United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
    ENACT ENERGY (HOLDINGS) LIMITED14 abr 201026 oct 2010DisueltaCompany DirectorDirector
    Abingdon Road
    OX13 5QQ Abingdon
    Cedar House
    United Kingdom
    United KingdomGreek
    GT TMGL LIMITED05 feb 200816 mar 2010ActivaChartered EngineerDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    LONDON AND OXFORD CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED01 sept 200631 dic 2007ActivaDirectorDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    HEALTHCARE SUPPORT (ERDINGTON) LIMITED04 ago 200025 jun 2001ActivaCivil ServantDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    HEALTHCARE SUPPORT (ERDINGTON) HOLDINGS LIMITED04 ago 200025 jun 2001ActivaCivil ServantDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    ARGON VENTURES LIMITED19 nov 199816 oct 2000DisueltaCivil EngineerDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    3 ED GLASGOW LIMITED02 dic 199806 oct 2000ActivaChartered Engineer & CdDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    3 ED HOLDINGS LIMITED02 dic 199806 oct 2000ActivaChartered Engineer And CdDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    SERVICES SUPPORT (BTP) HOLDINGS LIMITED09 feb 199906 oct 2000LiquidaciónCivil EngineerDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    SERVICES SUPPORT (BTP) LIMITED09 feb 199906 oct 2000LiquidaciónCivil EngineerDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek
    GT (SCOTLAND) CONSTRUCTION LIMITED25 sept 199531 ene 1998DisueltaBus Development DirectorDirector
    Cedar House
    Abingdon Road Tubney
    OX13 5QQ Oxford
    United KingdomGreek

    Fuente de datos

    • Companies House del Reino Unido
      El registro oficial de empresas en el Reino Unido, que proporciona acceso público a información sobre empresas, como nombres, direcciones, administradores y registros financieros.
    • Licencia: CC0