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  • UK Companies registered by Companies house

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    The following results for the current search settings

    Total results: 12776977
    Company nameCompany NumberStatusLegal formCreatedIndustry typeAddress
    DUNBIA (NORTHERN IRELAND)NI016970DissolvedPrivate unlimited companyOct 05, 198310110
    Granville Industrial Estate
    BT70 1NJ Co Tyrone
    P.M.R. ENGINEERING LIMITEDNI017033LiquidationPrivate limited companyNov 07, 1983
    Mcclure Watters
    Thomas House
    BT2 7GA 14-16 James Street South
    COLLON BAR LIMITED - THENI018937DissolvedPrivate limited companyNov 14, 198556302
    21 Bond'S Hill
    BT47 6DW
    WHITEHEAD PROPERTIES LTDNI016095DissolvedPrivate limited companySep 12, 198241100, 41202
    17 Clarendon Road
    Clarendon Dock
    BT1 3BG Belfast
    CARMEAN CHEMICALS LIMITEDNI016288DissolvedPrivate limited companyNov 26, 198299999
    99 Kingsway
    BT17 9NU Belfast
    MAXOL DIRECT (NI) LIMITEDNI019296DissolvedPrivate limited companyMar 27, 198646711, 46719
    C/O Grant Thornton (Ni) Llp
    12-15 Donegall Square West
    BT1 6JH Belfast
    STARDUST AMUSEMENTSNI017348DissolvedPrivate unlimited companyMar 15, 198477390
    107 Lisnevenagh Road
    BT42 2LN Ballymena
    Co Antrim
    ROCKSBORO INVESTMENTS LIMITEDNI018187DissolvedPrivate limited companyFeb 07, 198599999
    65 Greystone Road
    BT41 2QN Antrim
    Co Antrim
    TP BELFAST LIMITEDNI014502DissolvedPrivate limited companySep 12, 198099999
    Bedford House
    16 Bedford Street
    BT2 7DT Belfast
    MCMULLEN ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS LIMITEDNI016891DissolvedPrivate limited companyAug 26, 198325110, 25120
    C/O Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp Waterfront Plaza
    8 Laganbank Road
    BT1 3LR Belfast
    FARMRITE ANIMAL HEALTH LIMITEDNI018613DissolvedPrivate limited companyJul 01, 198547990
    Units 1-2 Glenavy Road Business Park 20, Glenavy Road
    BT67 0LT Craigavon
    County Armagh
    Northern Ireland
    WOODTOX LIMITEDNI017982DissolvedPrivate limited companyNov 20, 198499999
    Hill Vellacott
    Chamber Of Commerce House
    BT2 7BA 22 Great Victoria Street
    BUILDINGS AND TANKS LIMITEDNI017900DissolvedPrivate limited companyOct 24, 198425290
    43 Kerr Street
    BT56 8DQ Co. Antrim
    MACQUIP LIMITEDNI013077DissolvedPrivate limited companyOct 04, 197846610
    16,Ballycraigy Road
    BT41 1PL
    A.S.K. ELECTRICAL LIMITEDNI016498DissolvedPrivate limited companyMar 14, 19834531
    3 Wellington Park
    Malone Road
    BT9 6DJ Belfast
    VOLUNTARY YOUTH NETWORK FOR NORTHERN IRELANDNI016988DissolvedPrivate Limited Company by guarantee without share capital, use of 'Limited' exemptionOct 13, 198394990
    32 Shandon Drive
    BT20 5HR Bangor
    Co Down
    KWIK FIT (NI) LIMITEDNI017868DissolvedPrivate limited companyOct 17, 198499999
    1 Balloo Park
    South Circular Road
    BT19 7PP Bangor
    County Down
    GRACEY SAFEWAY LIMITEDNI020075DissolvedPrivate limited companyDec 30, 198646310, 46320
    C/O Messrs D.T. Carson & Co
    51/53 Thomas Street
    BT43 6AZ Ballymena
    ABC OUTDOOR LIMITEDNI020709DissolvedPrivate limited companyJul 17, 198773110
    27 College Gardens
    BT9 6BS Belfast
    O. ROONEY COACH HIRE LIMITEDNI020665DissolvedPrivate limited companyJul 06, 19877487
    4 Dana Place
    BT34 5UE Co Down