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  • UK Companies registered by Companies house

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    The following results for the current search settings

    Total results: 12776977
    Company nameCompany NumberStatusLegal formCreatedIndustry typeAddress
    HILTON MEATS (INTERNATIONAL) 2013 LIMITEDNI020740DissolvedPrivate limited companyJul 24, 198746320
    C/O Pricewaterhousecoopers
    Waterfront Plaza
    BT1 3LR 8 Laganbank Road
    DELTA SHOES (IRELAND) LIMITEDNI020756LiquidationPrivate limited companyJul 24, 1987
    21 Ballymacowaghy Road
    BT8 4NH
    RAMS (N.I.) LIMITEDNI022025DissolvedPrivate limited by guarantee without share capitalOct 12, 198886900
    Unit 94/95
    City Business Park
    BT17 9HU Dunmurry
    WIDEOAK DEVELOPMENTS LIMITEDNI021926DissolvedPrivate limited companySep 14, 198841100
    Waterford House
    32 Lodge Road
    BT52 1NB Coleraine
    ABBEY LUMBER (U.K) LIMITEDNI024470DissolvedPrivate limited companyMay 14, 199046730
    Forsyth House
    Cromac Square
    BT2 8LA Belfast
    Co Antrim
    KAREN MORTLOCK TRUST-THENI024511DissolvedPrivate Limited Company by guarantee without share capital, use of 'Limited' exemptionMay 29, 199088990
    20 Rosemary Street
    BT1 1QD Belfast
    Co Antrim
    Northern Ireland
    CARL STUART (N.I.) LIMITEDNI022429DissolvedPrivate limited companyMar 07, 198946180
    Unit 33 , Valley Business Centre
    67 Church Road
    BT36 7LS Newtownabbey
    DERRYVOLGIE MANAGEMENT LIMITEDNI024214DissolvedPrivate limited companyMar 08, 199098000
    Flat 3 16 Derryvolgie Avenue
    BT9 6FL Belfast
    RAYMOND TURKINGTON (FURNISHINGS) LIMITEDNI021800ActivePrivate limited companyJul 26, 198868209
    18 Sweep Road
    BT80 8JW Cookstown
    FOYLE P.A.C. LIMITEDNI018832DissolvedPrivate limited companySep 30, 198546310, 46320, 46380
    355 Seacoast Road
    BT49 0LD Co.Londonderry
    LITTON GROUP LTDNI019140DissolvedPrivate limited companyJan 29, 198643220
    1st Floor Jefferson House
    42 Queen Street
    BT1 6HL Belfast
    Co Antrim
    CASSIDY BROTHERS (DERRY) LIMITEDNI019374DissolvedPrivate limited companyApr 18, 198699999
    17 Gleneagles
    Culmore Road
    BT48 7TE Derry
    MACSKI LIMITEDNI019725DissolvedPrivate limited companyAug 11, 198647710
    7 Lisburn Street
    Lisburn Street
    BT26 6AB Hillsborough
    County Down
    PRENTICE ESTATES LIMITEDNI020350LiquidationPrivate limited companyApr 07, 198768209
    The Metro Building 1st Floor
    6-9 Donegall Square South
    BT1 5JA Belfast
    County Antrim
    MACANDMAC LIMITEDNI019434DissolvedPrivate limited companyApr 30, 198699999
    60 Tattynure Road
    BT79 7TL Co Tyrone
    T.S.I. TINDAYA 306 CLUB LIMITEDNI021859DissolvedPrivate limited by guarantee without share capitalAug 22, 198899999
    6b Upper Water Street
    BT34 1DJ Newry
    Northern Ireland
    NORIBIC LIMITEDNI019615DissolvedPrivate limited by guarantee without share capitalJul 02, 198670229
    33 Clarendon Street
    BT48 7ER Derry
    Northern Ireland
    T.S.I. TINDAYA 402 CLUB LIMITEDNI018482DissolvedPrivate limited by guarantee without share capitalMay 17, 198599999
    6b Upper Water Street
    BT34 1DJ Newry
    Co Down
    Northern Ireland
    ARMATILE LIMITEDNI018558ActivePrivate limited companyJun 20, 198547530
    Armatile Limited
    Station Road
    BT61 7NP Armagh
    Northern Ireland
    FOGA MARKETING LIMITEDNI018953DissolvedPrivate limited companyNov 19, 198599999
    195 Ballynahinch Road
    BT27 5LP Co.Antrim