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    The following results for the current search settings

    Total results: 12776977
    Company nameCompany NumberStatusLegal formCreatedIndustry typeAddress
    MARLIN INVESTMENTS LIMITEDNI022699DissolvedPrivate limited companyMay 10, 198999999
    20 Rosemary Street
    BT1 1QD Belfast
    Northern Ireland
    SELECT FRAMES & GLASS LTDNI023347DissolvedPrivate limited companyNov 30, 198943290
    Unit A1 Boucher Business Studios
    Glenmachan Place
    BT12 6QH Belfast
    RAVENHILL NURSING HOME LIMITEDNI022061DissolvedPrivate limited companyOct 26, 198886102, 87100
    17 Clarendon Road
    Clarendon Dock
    BT1 3BG Belfast
    PROCON ENTERPRISES LIMITEDNI024430DissolvedPrivate limited companyMay 02, 199099999
    8 Donegall Drive
    BT38 9LT Whitehead
    Co Antrim
    JH INDUSTRIAL CLEANING SERVICES LIMITEDNI024532DissolvedPrivate limited companyJun 01, 199096090
    Waterfront Plaza
    8 Laganbank Road
    BT1 3LR Belfast
    CJJ HOLDINGS LIMITEDNI024553DissolvedPrivate limited companyJun 07, 199099999
    43 Lockview Road
    BT9 5FJ Belfast
    Co Antrim
    KEADY BUSINESS CENTRE LIMITEDNI022630DissolvedPrivate limited by guarantee without share capitalApr 28, 198968209
    2 Loughgall Road
    BT61 7NH Armagh
    County Armagh
    DON SUNG DEVELOPMENTS LIMITEDNI022871DissolvedPrivate limited companyJul 06, 198968209
    18 Bachelors Walk
    BT28 1XJ Co Antrim
    E.T.C. (N.I.) LIMITEDNI023309ActivePrivate limited companyNov 22, 198986230
    Hill Velacott Chartered Accountants
    Chamber Of Commerce House
    BT2 7BA 22 Great Victoria Street
    ULSTER MAPLE LEAF TRAVEL LIMITEDNI024402LiquidationPrivate limited companyApr 26, 1990
    41,High Street,
    BT1 2AB
    I.B.A.R.S. & CO. LTD.NI024435ActivePrivate limited companyMay 02, 199093191
    30a Gortin Road
    BT79 7HX Omagh
    Co Tyrone
    Northern Ireland
    BROOK PLASTICS & ENGINEERING LIMITEDNI022830ActivePrivate limited companyJun 22, 198922290
    Brook House
    Dunmurry Industrial Estate
    BT17 9HU Dunmurry
    DENADA (NI) LIMITEDNI022846DissolvedPrivate limited companyJun 28, 198999999
    Airport Road West
    BT3 9ED Belfast
    Northern Ireland
    ARMAGH HYDRAULICS LIMITEDNI021965LiquidationPrivate limited companySep 30, 1988
    26 The Square
    BT71 5SG Dungannon
    NORTH DOWN FRUIT & VEGETABLE CO. LTD.NI023141DissolvedPrivate limited companyOct 06, 198999999
    Unit 7 Blackstaff Road
    BT11 9DT Belfast
    Northern Ireland
    THERMOMAX PROPERTIES LIMITEDNI021530DissolvedPrivate limited companyMay 06, 198868209
    8 Falcon Heights
    Co Down
    FLETCHER RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS NI LIMITEDNI022501DissolvedPrivate limited companyMar 23, 198941100
    Lindsay House
    10 Callender Street
    BT1 5BN Belfast
    O & P CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDNI021706DissolvedPrivate limited companyJun 23, 198899999
    58 Oldtown Street
    BT80 8EF Co Tyrone
    BELFAST DRAIN CLEARANCE SERVICES LIMITEDNI024431DissolvedPrivate limited companyMay 02, 199082990
    9 Gibson's Lane
    BT23 4LJ Newtownards
    Co Down
    VISION ENTERTAINMENT IRELAND LIMITEDNI024477DissolvedPrivate limited companyMay 14, 1990
    First Floor,Suite 1 Benmore House
    343/353 Lisburn Road
    BT9 7EP Belfast