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    Dirigente societario

    È un dirigente societario


    Incarichi assegnati
    Nominato aData di nominaData di dimissioniStato della societàRuoloIndirizzo
    JD CONSULTANT SERVICES LTD31 gen 200714 dic 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    INTELLIGENT BUSINESS INSIGHT LIMITED12 dic 200612 dic 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    LAPLINK EUROPE LIMITED07 nov 200607 nov 2007AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    MULA INTERNATIONAL LTD03 nov 200603 nov 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    COMPUTER CLINIC WORLDWIDE LIMITED31 ott 200631 ott 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    MOVSISYAN (UK) LIMITED25 ott 200625 ott 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    KEYS2CANNES LIMITED25 ott 200625 ott 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    INFINET TECHNOLOGIES LTD19 ott 200620 ott 2007AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    MAROON CREATIVE CONSULTANTS LIMITED30 ago 200630 ago 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    MONSTAS INK LIMITED10 ago 200624 ago 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    JAMETEL LIMITED28 lug 200628 lug 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    FIRST CLARITY LIMITED10 lug 200610 lug 2007AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    RAPID CARS LIMITED19 giu 200619 giu 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    PAN PROPERTY LIMITED16 giu 200616 giu 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES LTD09 mar 200604 giu 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    UK WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS LIMITED03 gen 200730 mag 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    OAKWOOD SERVICES ESSEX LIMITED17 nov 200530 mag 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    TALKLINE SOLUTIONS LIMITED20 set 200501 mag 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    FORMULA SALES LTD25 apr 200625 apr 2007AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    WEST LIMITED25 apr 200625 apr 2007AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    THE WOODWORKERS LIMITED23 apr 200623 apr 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    METCAT LIMITED11 dic 200612 apr 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    WESTWOOD CONSTRUCTION UK LIMITED16 ott 200611 apr 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    WUNG TO DESIGN LIMITED03 gen 200702 apr 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    KUDOSS GROUP LIMITED03 ago 200505 mar 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    DANU MARKETING LIMITED03 gen 200720 feb 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    ASHBOURNE DEVELOPMENT (UK) LIMITED03 ott 200619 feb 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    THINK BIG MANAGEMENT LIMITED01 nov 200618 feb 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    PEOPLE SOLUTIONS RECRUITMENT LTD12 feb 200713 feb 2007AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    BEST CARPET CLEANING LIMITED06 nov 200608 feb 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    TRANSINVEST (UK) LTD29 gen 200729 gen 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    AUTODRIVE VEHICLE DELIVERY LTD25 gen 200725 gen 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    CEMINA LIMITED14 dic 200501 gen 2007ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    NET 2 LOGISTICS LIMITED21 dic 200621 dic 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    ABX LIMITED07 gen 200521 dic 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London

    Fonte dati

    • Companies House del Regno Unito
      Il registro ufficiale delle imprese nel Regno Unito, che fornisce l'accesso pubblico alle informazioni sulle imprese, come nomi, indirizzi, amministratori e depositi finanziari.
    • Licenza: CC0