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    Dirigente societario

    È un dirigente societario


    Incarichi assegnati
    Nominato aData di nominaData di dimissioniStato della societàRuoloIndirizzo
    DIAMOND CLEANING COMPANY LIMITED21 apr 200624 apr 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD15 feb 200621 apr 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    PACIFIC EMPIRE FOODS UK LTD18 apr 200618 apr 2006AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    CREATE CANVAS LTD27 mar 200627 mar 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    SILAS GOLDBERG PRODUCTIONS LIMITED10 mar 200508 mar 2006LiquidazioneSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    MOBILE PC MEDIC LIMITED03 gen 200602 mar 2006AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    OMDIS LIMITED21 nov 200501 mar 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    DUSTON ELECTRICAL LTD06 ott 200501 mar 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    TSOR SYSTEMS LIMITED17 feb 200617 feb 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    EDMIG - TOWER PD LTD.03 feb 200603 feb 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    EDMIG - CRIME PREVENTION LTD.03 feb 200603 feb 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    JACMART LIMITED27 gen 200627 gen 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    BROLLY COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED31 dic 200427 gen 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    MEDITEL LIMITED18 gen 200618 gen 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    GOLFINGDAYS LIMITED13 gen 200617 gen 2006AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    P AND B ELECTRONICS LIMITED18 gen 200517 gen 2006AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    PETER KNOWLES LIMITED13 giu 200511 gen 2006ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    C T WALTERS (ELECTRICAL) LIMITED14 dic 200514 dic 2005AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    BROOKFIELD COURIERS LTD19 lug 200513 dic 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    THE TAN LOUNGE LIMITED07 dic 200507 dic 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    QTB LIMITED02 dic 200505 dic 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    DL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LTD30 nov 200502 dic 2005AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    GLYN ELLIS CONSTRUCTION LTD02 dic 200502 dic 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    1080 POST LIMITED30 ago 200530 nov 2005AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    RND SUBWAY LIMITED28 nov 200529 nov 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    REGENCY SYSTEMS LIMITED04 ott 200423 nov 2005LiquidazioneSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    LAKS LIMITED09 nov 200519 nov 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    PRINT FOR ALL LIMITED05 nov 200403 nov 2005AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    SURREY ELECTRICAL & BUILDING SERVICES LTD17 ott 200517 ott 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    VIBECRAFT LIMITED13 lug 200514 ott 2005AttivaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    BRAND REVOLUTION LIMITED12 lug 200514 ott 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    DEMOSTAT LIMITED01 lug 200510 ott 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    NORTHCORE LIMITED06 ott 200506 ott 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    EDIAN CONSULTING INC LIMITED23 set 200523 set 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London
    LOOSE CHANGE MARKETING LTD08 set 200523 set 2005ScioltaSegretario
    1-2 Universal House First Floor
    88-94 Wentworth Street
    E1 7SA London

    Fonte dati

    • Companies House del Regno Unito
      Il registro ufficiale delle imprese nel Regno Unito, che fornisce l'accesso pubblico alle informazioni sulle imprese, come nomi, indirizzi, amministratori e depositi finanziari.
    • Licenza: CC0